nervuration      (entomol.) the pattern of veins in an insect's wing.
Anopheles [Gk. /anopheles/ useless, harmful.]
Aedes [Gk. a- + /-e_de_s/ akin to /hedos/ pleasure]
ciberian (obs.) pertaining to an insect's mouthparts.
suctorial adapted for, making use of, or pertaining to suction.
haustellum an organ for sucking blood or juices.
punkie a biting midge; a gnat of the family Ceratopogonidae.
dor a European dung beetle, /Geotrupes stercorarius/; any of several insects, such as the June bug, that fly with a buzzing noise.
fecula feces, esp. of insects; foul matter.
setireme an aquatic insect's oarlike leg.
aedeagus a male insect's penile equivalent.