Date: Thu, 23 Oct 1997 06:47:38 -0700
Subject: Edison International Adds DP
Another Fortune 500 company adds domestic partner benefits...
Rosemead, California-based Edison International, parent company of Southern California Edison, the nation's second-largest investor-owned utility, has notified employees that they will be able to obtain benefits for their domestic partners effective January 1, 1998.
Domestic partners, regardless of gender, will be eligible for medical, dental, vision, mental health/substance abuse benefits, and the company's employee assistance program.
Edison International included domestic partnership in its bereavement leave policy in 1996 and has included sexual orientation in its non-discrimination policy since the early 1990s.
Participating employees will be required to complete a Declaration of Domestic Partnership form. This will require the participants to attest that a) they live together, have done so for at least 12 months before the enrollment period, and intend to live together permanently; b) are unmarried and unrelated to each other; c) are responsibile to each other for the direction and management of the household; and d) are at least 18 years old.
Over the past two years, this listserv [the DP mailing list at Carnegie Mellon] and its subscribers have been important sources of information for employees trying to educate Edison International on this issue. To the extent that you have been part of the ongoing discussion, I express my personal thanks.