It has become an Internet cliche to post letters from big companies sent to individuals threatening them with the DCMA.
Here's the text of the letter sent to me (typed in, so typos are probably mine).
There are a few factual errors (about copy protection). IMHO they are within their legal rights, and if they don't want me providing free software development that increases the sale of their hardware and software, that is their choice.

Sony Electronics Inc.
Entertainment Robot America
6701 Center Drive West, Suite 640, Los Angeles, California 90045


October 24, 2001

{my name and address}


Dear {my name}:

We refer to the letter sent by our predecessor, Takeshi Yazawa, to you dated April 19, 2001
regarding your website "" and also to your email response dated April 20,

Entertainment Robot America, a division of Sony Electronics Inc., ("Sony") continues to be
concerned about the contents of your site. The concerns enumerated in Mr. Yazawa's letter
were as follows: (i) the contents of your site contain Sony copyrighted software which you are
copying and distributing in violation of Sony's rights; (ii) your site provides the means to
circumvent the copy protection protocol of Sony's AIBO(tm) Memory Stick(tm) to allow access
to Sony AIBO-ware software; and (iii) you site promotes the distribution of your original
software such as "Disco AIBO", "AIBO Scope", "Bender AIBO", etc. which appear to have
been created by copying and decrypting Sony's software.

While your timely email response to Mr. Yazawa's letter was appreciated, it did not alleviate
Sony's concerns nor did it adequately justify the contents of your site. You mentioned that
you merely provide backup copies of AIBO-ware for the convenience of users. Your
reasoning for providing this code does not matter. By copying and distributing this code you
are violating Sony's copyrights and are in breach of the End User License Agreement
governing the use of the software. The exclusive rights enjoyed by a copyright holder are
absolute rights, and the fact that the wrongfully acquired AIBO-ware can only be utilized by
devices utilizing rightfully acquired AIBO-ware is of no consequence. In other words, the fact
that an AIBO Life Memory Stick (rightfully acquired through Sony) is needed to run AiboLife
Plus (wrongfully acquired through your website) does not create a defense to your
infringement of Sony's copyrights.

Similarly, your response regarding the copy protection protocol does not justify your actions.
Your discontinuation of "Format AIBO" is certainly a step in the right direction. However,
your site still contains information providing the means to circumvent AIBO-ware's copy
protection protocol constituting a violation of the anti-circumvention provisions of the Digital
Mellennium Copyright Act.

As previously mentioned by Mr. Yazawa, Sony appreciates your enthusiasm for AIBO.
Furthur, Sony is exciting about the proliferation of value added software for AIBO owners, but
only when such software does not infringe Sony's rights. Sony would like to see your site
continue its interest in AIBO; however in order to enforce Sony's intellectual property rights,
we are requesting the removal of the following files from your site. (and all MIDI files linked to from that page)

Very truly yours,


Victor Matsuda
Vice President
Entertainment Robot America
Sony Electronics Inc.