School of Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University
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This Issue: March 16, 1998

NOTE: No SCS-Today the week of March 23 as we celebrate Spring Recess!

INVENTING THE FUTURE..."Inventing the Future: AI and CS in the 21st Century" is the focus of an exciting June 4-5 Symposium, coinciding with and in honor of Raj Reddy's 60th Birthday. As noted by the symposium chairs, Pradeep Khosla, Jim Morris and Takeo Kanade, "AI and CS have had a profound impact on society during the last four decades. Raj has been an influential figure in the computer science community at Carnegie Mellon and nationally...the topics for this symposium will review the past successes and future challenges in AI and CS...[and are] limited to the areas in which hehas had substantial influence: AI Grand Challenges, Speech Technologies, Language Technologies, Computer Vision, Digital Libraries, Computer Systems, and Robotics. The on-campus event is open to colleagues and friends of Raj and members of the campus community. Visit or send mail to

SENGERS RECEIVES FULBRIGHT AWARD...Phoebe Sengers will join the Center for Art and Media Technology in Karlsruhe, Germany, a research institute and museum for art at the cutting edge of technology, as part of her new Fulbright Award. As Phoebe notes, "my mission is to integrate a humanistic perspective with the development of technology. Specifically, I'll be doing metaphorical analysis and construction of avatar interfaces, i.e., developing a better understanding of and range of possibilities for the interface between users and their representations in virtual environments."

NEW HONORS...Dave Johnson is serving as an Executive Committee Member and Treasurer of the ACM SIGMOBILE, the ACM Special Interest Group on Mobile Computing and Communications. SIGMOBILE sponsors MobilCom, the Annual ACM/IEEE International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking. Dave served as the Program Chair for last year's conference in Budapest. SIGMOBILE, one year old in November, is one of the fastest growing new SIG groups!

IN DEFENSE.... MARIA EBLING exposes "Translucent Cache Management for Mobile Computing" at her CS thesis oral on Monday, March 23 at 10:00 am, Wean 5409. Her committee includes: M. Satyanarayanan (Chair), Bonnie John, James Morris, and Douglas Terry (Xerox PARC).

CS FACULTY CANDIDATE...Karl Crary, Cornell University, discusses "Type Methodology for Modern Languages and Compilers" on Thursday, March 19 at 10:00 am in Wean 4623. His faculty host is Peter Lee.

CSD OPEN HOUSE FOR ADMITTED scheduled for March 20-21! This is a great opportunity to meet the students and learn about their interests. Contact martha.clarke@cs for particulars.

RICK: HE'S BACK...Rick Rashid, Vice President of Research at Microsoft, reviews "Microsoft Research: Origins, Present and Future" at the Computer Systems Seminar on Thursday, March 19 at 3:30 pm, Wean Hall 7500. As a CS faculty member for 12 years prior to his departure for Microsoft...well, it's great to have him back! Reception preceeding the talk outside the conference room.

DONALD NORMAN SPEAKS AT HCI SEMINAR...Donald A. Norman, Senior Technical Advisor and Head of the Appliance Design Center, Consumer Products Group, Hewlett-Packard, looks into "The Invisible Computer" at the HCI Seminar on Wednesday, March 18 from 5:00-6:30 pm, Wean Hall 7500. Food interfacing begins at 4:30 outside the room :-) Prior to his move to HP, Norman was VP of the Apple Research Laboratories. His host is Dan Olsen. Contact for appointments.

SCS INVITED LECTURES...Jeannette Wing presented a Distinguished Lecture at the University of Wasington on February 19, discussing "Formal Methods: Past, Present, and Future."

**Thanks to Mary Shaw! She has donated to SCS the complete footage -- a 6-videotape set -- from "ACM97: The Next 50 Years of Computing." Included are the presentations by Gordon Bell, Joel Birnbaum, Vinton Cerf, Bran Ferren, Fernando Flores, Murray Gell-Mann, Reed Hundt, Brenda Laurel, Pattie Maes, Carver Mead, Nathan Myhrvold, William Perry, Raj Reddy, Elliot Soloway, Bruce Sterling and Maurice Wilkes. Along with comments by the Emcee for the program, James Burke, it's a refreshing look at the "insights of some of the most exciting luminaries of the current information age on the challenges and perils ahead." Great with popcorn :-)

**And another unique collection -- The Grace Hopper Celebration of Women in Computing 1997, is now available for use by members of SCS. Inspired by the legacy of Admiral Grace Murray Hopper, "a pioneer in the field of computing and an inspiration to women and scientists everywhere", the conference is designed to encourage women in the many arenas/facets of computing. The 15-videotape set includes presentations by: Sandra Johnson Baylor, Anita Borg, Joan Feigenbaum, Jeanne Ferrante, Anita Jones, Deborah Joseph, Anna Karlin, Judith Klavans, Amy Pearl, Birgit Pfitzmann, Faina Shtern, Telle Whitney and two complete panel discussions on "Women in the History of Computer Science", and "The Future of Computing-Seizing the Future We Want." Contact copetas@cs to borrow the tapes or for more information on their content.

VISION PLUS 4: THE REPUBLIC OF INFORMATION...An International Symposium on Design for Global Communication, will be held March 26-29 in the University Center at Carnegie Mellon. Co-sponsored by CMU's School of Design and the International Institute for Information Design (Vienna, Austria), this interdisciplinary symposium is "inter-national in scope and pluralistic in approach...[and is designed] to explore the new world city, seeking better understanding of the nature of information, the practices of information design, and the principles that may influence the continued development of global communication." A distinguished array of speakers have been assembled, including keynote speaker, Larry Keeley, Principal, Doblin Group. A special registration rate ($200) is being offered to fulltime faculty/staff. Contact Ben Bjua for particulars or visit

COMING ATTRACTIONS...The Second International Symposium on Wearable Computers will be held at the Sheration at Station Square in Pittsburgh on October 19-20. Randy Pausch is serving as Program Chair. Visit wearcon/ for details on submissions (due April 13) and general scheduling.

AN ERRAND BEFORE LEAVING FOR SPRING BREAK...So, have you finally made hotel reservations for your family/friends for commencement weekend? May isn't that far away and it could be ackward seeing your parents camping on the cut :-) Don't delay any longer!

**ROBOTICS SEMINAR: Carlo Tomasi (CS '91), Department of Computer Science and Stanford Robotics Laboratory, Stanford University, "Color and Texture

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