School of Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University
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This Issue: February 9, 1998

NEW HONORS...Reid Simmons has been awarded a Fulbright Fellowship. He will spend six months at Hebrew University in Jerusalem, beginning in January 1999, where he will work with Leo Joskowicz in the area of spatial and model-based reasoning applied to mobile robots. His wife and children will travel with him, however, Xavier and Amelia have decided to remain in Pittsburgh ;-)

EDS BOOK SCHOLARSHIP WINNERS...The School of Computer Science is delighted to announce the winners of this semester's $300 Textbook Scholarships sponsored by Electronic Data Systems Corporation. Juniors Matt Kraai, Kent Ma and Reynald Ong; and Sophomores Rachel Goldstein, Mark O'Keeffe and Bhakti Vithalani were each awarded $300 by EDS based on their outstanding academic performance during the Fall 1997 semester. They were honored at a EDS hosted luncheon on February 4. Congratulations!

IN DEFENSE...QINGMING MA offers "Quality-of-Service Routing in Integrated Services Networks" at his CS thesis oral on Thursday, February 12 at 3:00 pm in Wean 4615A. His committee includes: Peter Steenkiste (Chair), Garth Gibson, Allan Fisher, Hui Zhang, and Lixia Zhang (UCLA).

PROPOSALS...KEITH LAY zeros in on "Just-in-Time Object Recognition and Localization Using Range Sensors on a Mobile Platform" at his robotics thesis proposal on Monday, February 16. His committee includes: Anthony Stentz (Chair), John Bares, Martial Hebert, and Patrick Flynn (Washington State University).

NEW DEADLINE FOR STAFF RECOGNITION AWARDS...The deadline for submitting nominations for the SCS Staff Recognition Awards has been extended to Friday, February 27. Nominations can now be submitted via email to: scs-staffawards@cs Any member of the SCS community--staff/faculty/graduate student/undergraduate student--may submit a nomination packet. For eligibility and nomination guidelines, please see /

SPECIAL INFORMATION SESSION/SEMINAR...Ben Wegbreit, CEO of Epiphany Marketing Software, will examine "The Anatomy of a StartUp" on Tuesday, February 10 at 5:00 pm in Wean 5409. The seminar is open to anyone interested in the science behind startups and in learning more about Epiphany. Three PalmPilots will be distributed to the individuals asking a "great question." Refreshments will be served.

CS DOCTORAL DISSERATION AWARD LECTURE...Jonathan Shewchuk, Post-Doc in CS, looks at "Mesh Generation by Delaunay Refinement (With Applications to Scientific Computing, Graphics, and More)" at the CS Distinguished Lecture/ Computer Science Doctoral Dissertation Award Lecture on Thursday, February 12. Jonathan and co-winner, Xudong Zhao, now a researcher at Intel, will participte in a special award ceremony proceeding the talk. All are welcome! The program beings at 4:00 pm, with refreshments at 3:45 pm.

EMIGRATION CONTINUES...Xudong Zhao, researcher at Intel and co-winner of the 1997 Computer Science Doctoral Dissertation Award, will lead informal discussions on "Working in Industry" at the next Emigration Seminar on Friday, February 13, 1:00-3:00 pm in Wean 5409.

TECHNOLOGY SEMINAR...Dr. Everett Ehrlich, former Under Secretary of Commerce for Economic Affairs, will discuss "Technology and Economic Change" on Wednesday, February 11 at 1:30 pm, Posner Hall 151. His visit, hosted by President Jared Cohon, is open to all members of the community.

FACILITIES UPDATE...SCS Facilities is pleased to announce the addition of 10 new HP4000 printers and 2 new HP5SiMX printers. Over the past few weeks, you may have noticed some changes. Facilities has replaced all of the highest volume public printers with brand-new machines, replaced public and semi-public printers with newer models, and made printers available in areas formerly without readily accessible printers. Convenience, increased speed and improved functionality/quality have been their goal. The last of the printer "moves" is scheduled for the week of February 9. As an interesting (fun) note, over "A TON" of printers have been moved a total distance of approximately "TWO" MILES over the past few weeks :-)

**SPECIAL INVITED LECTURE: Kurt Stirewalt, "Validating Compositional Properties of Reusable Controllers", 1:00 pm, Wean 4601.
**HCII SEMINAR: Kenneth R. Koedinger, "Technology Making a Difference: Integrating Intelligent Tutoring Systems into Real Classrooms", 3:30 pm, Wean 5409.

FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 13 (Good luck!)
**ROBOTICS SEMINAR: Henry Stone, Technical Manager at the Jet Propulsion Laboratories, "The Mars Pathfinder Microrover - A New Era in Planetary Exploration", 3:30 pm, Adamson Wing, Baker Hall. Refreshments at 3:15 pm.
**POP SEMINAR: John Tang Boyland, "Analyzing Direct Non-Local Dependencies in Attribute Grammars", 3:30 pm, Wean 8220.

**TAKE HEART SEMINAR: "It's Valentine's Day", all day :-)

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