CMU CS 15-675 Architectures for Software Systems Spring 1997

Integration Architectures & Emerging Standards

Garlan & Shaw Questions on Readings for Lecture 25

Due: Wednesday, April 16, 1997

The papers:

[Man95]: Frank Manola. Interoperability Issues in Large-Scale Distributed Object Systems

[Hei95]: Sandra Heiler. Semantic Interoperability


These are relatively short, high-level papers. As you read them try to connect the ideas to your own recent experience with integration and standardization issues.


  1. Name three typical levels of interoperability.

  2. What is the basic approach to build extensible architecture framework?

  3. Explicit documentation of semantics information will help solve the semantics interoperability problem. But why is it so hard to do so?

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Modified: 04/10/97