The two folders contain a split file (2882spl & 2930spl) and a detrend (image) file for two subjects. The split files have two columns: condition number and number of images per token. The conditions are as follows: 1 -- fixation 2 -- PP preferred 3 -- PP unpreferred 4 -- RRC preferred 5 -- RRC unpreferred 6 -- blocked RR pref (ignore) 7 -- blocked RR pref (ignore) NA -- extra images at end of experiment There are 4 fixation tokens and 10 tokens for conditions 2 - 5. The 4 fixation tokens will each be 20 images. The number of images for each token in conditions 2 - 5 will vary between 16 and 18. There are 840 separate images. I have included a third file (2882tsp1 & 2930tsp1) in each subject directory that contains a separate line for each of the 840 images. The first column is the image number, the second column is a zero and is meaningless, the third corresponds to the condition of the and the fourth is the image number within a token. This file cannot be used as a split file in FIASCO. However, a split file can be created by using the third column for the condition number and adding a column of 1's as the image per token number.