------------------------------------------------------------------------------ To use the program pff2ppm: Convert data from a PFF format file to a series of PGM images. For help, just type: pff2ppm The following command generates 7 ppm files with the base name "test" of t = 0, z=0-6: pff2ppm /afs/cs/project/theo-35/fmri/02882_34/detrend.dat test 0 0 0 6 The following command generates 10 ppm files with the base name "test" of t = 0-9, z=3: pff2ppm /afs/cs/project/theo-35/fmri/02882_34/detrend.dat test 0 9 3 3 The following command generates 100 ppm files with the base name "test" of t = 0-99, z=3: pff2ppm -t 3450 /afs/cs/project/theo-35/fmri/02882_34/detrend.dat test 0 99 3 3 The following command generates 10 ppm files with the base name "test", all of the z slices for a particular time are merged into a single image: pff2ppm -zm 1 -t 3450 /afs/cs/project/theo-35/fmri/02882_34/detrend.dat test 0 9 0 6 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ To use the program pff2txt: Convert and crop data from a PFF format file to a series ascii text data files. For help, just type: pff2txt The following command generates data files for the lb area: pff2txt -cf /afs/cs/project/theo-35/fmri/02882_34/02882_voxinfo/02882.LB.fs.list -tf /afs/cs/project/theo-35/fmri/02882_34/2882tsp1 /afs/cs/project/theo-35/fmri/02882_34/detrend.dat /afs/cs/project/theo-35/fmri/02882_34/lb_data/02882_lb The following command generates data files for the lblt area: pff2txt -cf /afs/cs/project/theo-35/fmri/02930_41/02930_voxinfo/02930.LBLT.fs.list -tf /afs/cs/project/theo-35/fmri/02930_41/2930tsp1 /afs/cs/project/theo-35/fmri/02930_41/detrend.dat /afs/cs/project/theo-35/fmri/02930_41/lblt_data/02930_lblt ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ To use the program pffvar: Calculate the mean and variance of the data in a pff file. For help, just type: pffvar: The following command generates "pff" files containing the mean, variance, and standard deviation of the entire sequence of data in the "02882_34" directory: pffvar -mf 02882_mean.pff -vf 02882_var.pff -sf 02882_stdev.pff /afs/cs/project/theo-35/fmri/02882_34/detrend.dat ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ To use the program pffhist: Calculate a histogram of the data in a pff file. For help, just type: pffhist The following command generates a histogram for the file "02882_var.pff" cotaining variance data: pffhist -ts 0 -te 0 02882_var.pff > 02882_var.hist ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Pretty voxel plotting of LB MSE data - full brain version: pff2ppm -sc 2 -pa -1 -ds 10000 -cm 5 -pf lb-predictability.vox -zm 1 /afs/cs/project/theo-35/fmri/02882_34/stats/02882_mean.pff lb-pred 0 0 0 6 rm -f lb-pred_t000.gif ppmquant 256 lb-pred_t000.ppm | ppmtogif > lb-pred_t000.gif ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Pretty voxel plotting of LB MSE data - cropped version: pff2ppm -sc 4 -xs 35 -xe 55 -ys 10 -ye 30 -pa -1 -ds 10000 -cm 5 -pf lb-predictability.vox -zm 1 /afs/cs/project/theo-35/fmri/02882_34/stats/02882_mean.pff lb-pred-crop 0 0 0 6 rm -f lb-pred-crop_t000.gif ppmquant 256 lb-pred-crop_t000.ppm | ppmtogif > lb-pred-crop_t000.gif ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Pretty voxel plotting of LB MSE data - full brain version - straight to gif: rm -f lb-pred_t000.gif pff2ppm -sc 2 -pa -1 -ds 10000 -cm 5 -pf lb-predictability.vox -zm 1 /afs/cs/project/theo-35/fmri/02882_34/stats/02882_mean.pff stdout 0 0 0 6 | ppmquant 256 | ppmtogif > lb-pred_t000.gif ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Pretty voxel plotting of LB MSE data - cropped version - staright to gif: rm -f lb-pred-crop_t000.gif pff2ppm -sc 4 -xs 35 -xe 55 -ys 10 -ye 30 -pa -1 -ds 10000 -cm 5 -pf lb-predictability.vox -zm 1 /afs/cs/project/theo-35/fmri/02882_34/stats/02882_mean.pff stdout 0 0 0 6 | ppmquant 256 | ppmtogif > lb-pred-crop_t000.gif ------------------------------------------------------------------------------