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Comparison Functions

All comparison functions work on integers, floats and characters.

a == b {(a, a) tex2html_wrap_inline9906 bool :: (a in ordinal)}
  Returns t if the two arguments are equal.

a /= b {(a, a) tex2html_wrap_inline9908 bool :: (a in ordinal)}
  Returns t if the two arguments are not equal.

a < b {(a, a) tex2html_wrap_inline9910 bool :: (a in ordinal)}
  Returns t if the first argument is strictly less than the second argument.

a > b {(a, a) tex2html_wrap_inline9912 bool :: (a in ordinal)}
  Returns t if the first argument is strictly greater than the second argument.

a <= b {(a, a) tex2html_wrap_inline9914 bool :: (a in ordinal)}
  Returns t if the first argument is less than or equal to the second argument.

a >= b {(a, a) tex2html_wrap_inline9916 bool :: (a in ordinal)}
  Returns t if the first argument is greater or equal to the second argument.

Jonathan Hardwick
Tue Nov 28 13:57:00 EST 1995