@inproceedings ( COZMAN95ICRASKYLINE, author = "Cozman, F. and Krotkov, E." , title = "{Mobile Robot Localization using a Computer Vision Sextant}" , booktitle= "Proc. IEEE Intl. Conf. Robotics and Automation" , address = "Nagoya, Japan" , month = "May" , year = "1995" , pages = "106-111" ) @techreport ( COZMAN94TRUNC, author = "Cozman, F. and Krotkov, E." , title = "{Truncated Gaussians as Tolerance Sets}" , number = "CMU-RI-TR-94-35" , institution= "Robotics Institute, Carnegie Mellon University" , month = "September" , year = "1994" , ) @article ( KROTKOV95IJRR, author = "Krotkov, E. and Simmons, R." , title = "{Perception, Planning, and Control for Autonomous Walking with the Ambler Planetary Rover}" , journal = "Intl. J. Robotics Research" , year = "To appear, 1995" , ) @inproceedings ( KROTKOV95ICRAMAPPING, author = "Krotkov, E. and Hebert, M." , title = "{Mapping and Positioning for a Prototype Lunar Rover}" , booktitle= "Proc. IEEE Intl. Conf. Robotics and Automation" , address = "Nagoya, Japan" , month = "May" , year = "1995" , pages = "2913-2919" ) @inproceedings ( KROTKOV95IROSPOSN, author = "Krotkov, E. and Chrisman, L. and Cozman, F. and Heredia, G." , title = "{Dead Reckoning and Visual Landmarks for a Prototype Lunar Rover}" , booktitle= "Proceedings of the IROS" , address = "Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania" , month = "Submitted" , year = "1995" , ) @inproceedings ( KROTKOV94ISAIRAS, author = "Krotkov, E. and Bares, J. and Katragadda, L. and Simmons, R. and Whittaker, R." , title = "{Lunar Rover Technology Demonstrations with Dante and Ratler}" , booktitle= "Proc. Intl. Symp. Artificial Intelligence, Robotics, and Automation for Space" , address = "Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, California" , month = "October" , year = "1994" , ) @inproceedings ( KROTKOV94Iarp, author = "Krotkov, E. and Hebert, M. and Buffa, M. and Cozman, F. and Robert, L." , title = "{Stereo Driving and Position Estimation for Autonomous Planetary Rovers}" , booktitle= "Proc. IARP Workshop on Robotics In Space" , address = "Montreal, Canada" , month = "July" , year = "1994" , ) @inproceedings ( ROBERT94IUW, author = "Robert, L. and Buffa, M. and Hebert, M.", title = "{Weakly-Calibrated Stereo Perception for Rover Navigation}" , booktitle= "Proc. Image Understanding Workshop" , year = "1994" , ) @inproceedings ( SIMMONS94ISE, author = "Simmons, R. and Krotkov, E. and Hebert, M. and Katragadda, L." , title = "{Experience with Rover Navigation for Lunar-Like Terrains}" , booktitle= "Proc. Intl. Lunar Exploration Conf." , address = "San Diego, California" , month = "November" , year = "1994" , ) @article ( SIMMONS94IEEERA, author = "Simmons, R." , title = "{Structured Control for Autonomous Robots}", journal = "IEEE Transactions on Robotics and Automation" , volume = "10", number = "1", month = "February", year = "1994" , ) @inproceedings ( SIMMONS95IROS, author = "Simmons, R. and Krotkov, E. and Chrisman, L. and Cozman, F. and Goodwin, R. and Hebert, M. and Katragadda, L. and Koenig, S. and Krisnaswamy, G. and Shinoda, Y. and Whittaker, W. and Klarer, P.", title = "Experience with Rover Navigation for Lunar-Like Terrains", booktitle= "Proceedings of the IROS" , address = "Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania" , month = "August" , year = "1995" , pages = "441--446", ) @inproceedings ( SIMMONS95SSIPSMC author = "Simmons, R. and Krotkov, E. and Chrisman, L. and Cozman, F. and Goodwin, R. and Hebert, M. and Heredia, G. and Koenig, S. and Muir P. and Shinoda, Y. and Whittaker, W." , title = "Mixed-Mode Control of Navigation for a Lunar Rover" , booktitle= "Proceedings of the SSI/Princeton Space Manufacturing Conference" , address = "Princeton, New Jersey" , month = "May" , year = "1995" , )