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Detailed Format of a TU

Figure 1: Structural layout of a Temporal Unit.
{\hspace*{0.125in}}[{\bf when}...}, {\underline {MODIFIER}}]] \\

Figure 1 illustrates the structural layout of a single TU. The following tables and figures presents the possible values each temporal field can take (Table 1, Figure 2 and Table 2). The NAME field indicates the name referred to in the fields in the above structured TU. The VALUE column illustrates the set of values that each entry might take. A null value indicates that no information is available. The third column provides a description of the name field. An in-depth description about each field is given at the end of the table. The last field in the table, ``R'' indicates whether the information can be repeated. A ``Y'' indicates that it can be, and an ``N'' indicates that it cannot be. If a field is repeated, it is preceded by the keyword ``*multiple*'', otherwise it is not preceded by the keyword. For example,

dur_specifier = {*multiple*, the_end_of, second} and
dur_specifier = {the_end_of}

Since dur_specifier can be repeated, it is indicated by the keyword *multiple*, as shown in the first example. However, since there is only one filler in the second example, the keyword *multiple* is omitted. Fields that can take on a large number of values or need special attention are underlined in the second column of the table, and expanded at the end of this section.

A Temporal Unit comprises three parts: information about the time in general (e.g., duration, name, etc.), the start time, and the end time. Table 1 shows information on the general fields, and Figure 2 indicates the values these fields can take. Table 2 shows fields applicable to the starting time of a TU. The ending time fields are similar to the fields in Table 2, so no table is shown for the ending times.

Table 1: General fields of a Temporal Unit

CONNECTIVE and $\mid$ because $\mid$ but $\mid$ for_example $\mid$ if $\mid$ or $\mid$ so $\mid$ then $\mid$ therefore $\mid$ unless $\mid$ that_is_to_say $\mid$ null how multiple TUs are connected  
GEN_SPEC generic $\mid$ specific $\mid$ null the genericity of a time  
DURATION 0..MAXINT (only whole numbers) $\mid$ epsilon $\mid$ undetermined $\mid$ null the difference (in hours) between the start and end time  
DUR_SPECIFIER determined $\mid$ part_determined
$\mid$ not-complete
the frame from which the duration information was retrieved unless calculated or null; repeatable  
NAME Indexical $\mid$ Special Name $\mid$ Unit $\mid$ null special information about the current TU not necessarily determinable by other fields.  
SPECIFIER Specifier $\mid$ 0..MAXINT (only whole numbers) $\mid$ null Info  



Figure 2: Possible values for the general fields
{\underline {Specifier}} ::=
... $\mid$\space sometime $\mid$ }
{\bf anytime} \\

Table 2: Temporals fields of a Temporal Unit



determined $\mid$ part_determined $\mid$ undetermined $\mid$ same $\mid$ null amount of information available to determine the start date N
SDAY_ORIGIN when $\mid$ clarified $\mid$ topic $\mid$ null the frame from which the start day information was retrieved Y
SDAY_WEEK monday,..., sunday $\mid$ null the start week-day N
SDAY 1,..., 31 $\mid$ null the start date N
STIME_DAY afternoon $\mid$ evening $\mid$ mid_afternoon $\mid$ mid_morning $\mid$ midnight $\mid$ morning $\mid$ night $\mid$ noon $\mid$ null the general start time of a 24-hour period N
SAM_PM am $\mid$ pm $\mid$ null the start time (morning $\mid$ afternoon) N
SMONTH_VALUE 1,..., 12 $\mid$ null the starting month in a numerical format. E.g. $\mid$ January = 1,..., December = 12 N
SMONTH_ORIGIN when $\mid$ clarified $\mid$ topic $\mid$ null the frame from which the start month was retrieved Y
SHOUR_VALUE determined $\mid$ part_determined $\mid$ undetermined $\mid$ same $\mid$ null amount of information available to determine the start time N
SHOUR_ORIGIN when $\mid$ clarified $\mid$ topic $\mid$ null the frame from which the start hour information was retrieved Y
STIME_ADV after $\mid$ at $\mid$ before $\mid$ from $\mid$ 'til $\mid$ to $\mid$ until $\mid$ null the adverb associated with the start time N
SHOUR 1,..., 12 $\mid$ null This field represents the start hour of a time. N
SMIN 0,..., 59 the start minutes associated with the start hour N


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