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Comparing LCFR and ZLIFO


We next turn to a direct comparison of LCFR and ZLIFO. Gerevini and Schubert compared these strategies on only a few problems. To get a more complete picture of the performance of both LCFR and ZLIFO, we ran them both on all the problems from our three problem sets.

The data for the basic problem set is shown in Figure gif. We have sorted the problems by the difference between the node counts produced by LCFR and ZLIFO. Thus, problems near the left-hand side of the graph are those for which LCFR generated a smaller search space, while problems near the right-hand side are the ones on which ZLIFO had a space advantage. We omit problems which neither strategy could solve.

As can be seen, on some problems (notably R-Test2, Move-Boxes, and Monkey-Test2), LCFR generates a much smaller search space than ZLIFO, while on other problems (notably Get-Paid4, Hanoi, Uget-Paid4, and Uget-Paid3), ZLIFO generates a much smaller search space. These are problems on which LCFR also did worse than the strategies mentioned above in Section gif.

As we noted earlier, one of the major changes between UCPOP v.2 and v.4 is that v.4 puts the elements of a new set of open conditions onto the flaw list in the reverse order from that of v.2. This ordering may make a difference, particularly for LIFO-based strategies. Indeed, other researchers have suggested that one reason a LIFO-based strategy may perform well is because it can exploit the decisions made by the system designers in writing the domain operators, since it is in some sense natural to list the most constraining preconditions of an operator first [Williamson & Hanks, 1996]. We therefore also collected data for a modified version of UCPOP, in which the preconditions for each step are entered onto the open condition in the reverse of the order in which they would normally be entered. We discuss the results of this modification in more detail in the next two sections, but for now, we simply present the node counts for LCFR and ZLIFO with the reversed precondition insertion, in Figure gif. As can be seen, there are a few problems on which reversing the precondition ordering has a significant effect (notably FIXB and MonkeyTest2), but by and large LCFR and ZLIFO showed the same relative performance.


Figure: Basic Problems: Node Counts for LCFR and ZLIFO


Figure: Basic Problems: Node Counts for LCFR and ZLIFO with Reversed Precondition Insertion

For the problems in the basic set, it is difficult to discern an obvious pattern of performance. In contrast to what Gerevini and Schubert suggest, there does not seem to be a clear correlation between the difficulty of the problem, measured in terms of nodes generated, and the relative performance of LCFR and ZLIFO. (In fact, it is a little difficult to determine which strategy's node-count should serve as the measure of difficulty.) On the other hand, it is true that in the aggregate, ZLIFO generates smaller search spaces than LCFR on the basic problems. With the default precondition ordering, ZLIFO obtains an average %-overrun of 212.62, while LCFR obtains 647.57. With reverse ordering, ZLIFO's average %-overrun is 244.24, while LCFR's is 914.87. The fact that LCFR's relative performance is worse when the preconditions are entered in the reverse direction results primarily from its failure on MonkeyTest2 in the reverse direction.

The Trains data is scant. Neither LCFR nor ZLIFO can solve the hardest problem, Trains3, regardless of whether the preconditions are entered in the default or the reverse order. (In fact, none of the strategies we studied were able to solve Trains3.) But, at least when the preconditions are entered in the default order, ZLIFO can solve Trains2, and LCFR cannot. With reverse precondition insertion, neither strategy can solve Trains2. The data are shown in Figure gif. Note that LCFR's performance is essentially the same for both node-selection strategies shown.

Finally, the Tileworld data, for the default order of precondition insertion, is shown in Figure gif. Here is the only place in which LCFR clearly generates smaller search spaces than ZLIFO. We have not also plotted the data for reverse precondition insertion, because most of the strategies are not affected by this change. There is however, one very notable exception: with reversed insertion, ZLIFO (with S+OC+.1UC+F) does much better--indeed, it does as well as LCFR. We return to the influence of precondition ordering on the Tileworld problems in Section gif.

For now, however, it is enough to observe that our experiments show that ZLIFO does tend to generate smaller search spaces than LCFR. It does so on the basic problem set, regardless of the order of precondition insertion, it does so on Trains for one ordering (and does no worse than LCFR on the other ordering), and it does as well as LCFR for the Tileworld problems when the preconditions are inserted in the reverse order. The only exception is the Tileworld problem set when the preconditions are inserted in default order: there LCFR does better.


Figure: Trains Problems: Node Counts for LCFR and ZLIFO


Figure: Tileworld Problems: Node Counts for LCFR and ZLIFO

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Wed Jun 25 17:40:58 EDT 1997