For CSPs, these items are all possible variable-value pairs.

The lattice of sets can also represent problems where each variable can have a different number of assigned values.

The ket notation is conceptually similar to the use of boldface to denote vectors and distinguish them from scalars.

66#66 is the transpose of U with all elements changed to their complex conjugates. That is 67#67.

I thank J. Gilbert for pointing out this technique, as a variant of the orthogonal Procrustes problem [24].

High precision values were obtained from the FindRoot function of Mathematica.

The values are given in Online Appendix 1.

Using the Mathematica function Rationalize and the package NumberTheory`Recognize`.

I thank J. Lamping for suggesting this.

I thank S. Vavasis for suggesting this improvement in the classical simulation of the algorithm.

That is, problems generated by random selection of nogoods without regard for whether they have a solution.

This differs slightly from the results for problems with more specified structure on the nogoods, such as explicitly removing the necessary nogoods from consideration [50, 53].

This is a particularly large error for this theory: it does better for problems with larger constraints or more allowed values per variable.

This differs slightly from other studies of random 3SAT in not allowing duplicate clauses in the propositional formula.

For the values of 245#245 and small problems examined here, there are enough soluble instances randomly generated that there is no need to rely on a prespecified solution to efficiently find soluble test problems.


Tad Hogg
Wed Mar 20 16:29:17 PST 1996