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Table 2 shows some of the relative features of the different problems we used to evaluate our approach. The table shows the number of initial states, goal literals, fluents, actions, and optimal plan lengths. This can be used as a guide to gauge the difficulty of the problems, as well as our performance.

Table 2: Features of test domains and problems - Number of initial states, Number of goal literals, Number of fluents, Number of causative actions, Number of Observational Actions, Optimal number of parallel plan steps, Optimal number of serial plan steps. Data for conditional versions of domains is in braces; plan lengths for conditional plans are maximum conditional branch length.
\begin{tabular}{\vert c\vert\vert c\vert c\vert c\vert c\vert c\...
...$) & $n$3$^n$ & $n$ & 4$n$ & 4 & 0 & 3$n$-1 & 3$n$-1\\

