Collective acceptability of [9]

In the framework of collective acceptability, we have to consider the acceptability of a set of arguments. This acceptability is defined with respect to some properties and the sets which satisfy these properties are called acceptable sets or extensions. An argument will be said acceptable if and only if it belongs to an extension.

Definition 17 (Basic properties of extensions following [9])  
Let ${{<}{\mathcal{A}},{\mathcal{R}}{>}}$ be an argumentation system, we have:

Conflict-free set
A set $E \subseteq {\mathcal{A}}$ is conflict-free if and only if % latex2html id marker 4729
$\not \exists A, B \in E$ such that $A {\mathcal{R}}B$.

Collective defence
Consider $E \subseteq {\mathcal{A}}$, $A \in {\mathcal{A}}$. $E$ collectively defends $A$ if and only if $\forall B \in
{\mathcal{A}}$, if % latex2html id marker 4743
$B {\mathcal{R}}A, \exists C \in E$ such that $C {\mathcal{R}}B$. $E$ defends all its elements if and only if $\forall A \in
E$, $E$ collectively defends $A$.

[9] defines several semantics for collective acceptability: mainly, the admissible semantics, the preferred semantics and the stable semantics (with corresponding extensions: the admissible sets, the preferred extensions and the stable extensions).

Definition 18 (Some semantics and extensions following [9])   Let ${{<}{\mathcal{A}},{\mathcal{R}}{>}}$ be an argumentation system.

Admissible semantics (admissible set)
A set $E \subseteq {\mathcal{A}}$ is admissible if and only if $E$ is conflict-free and $E$ defends all its elements.

Preferred semantics (preferred extension)
A set $E \subseteq {\mathcal{A}}$ is a preferred extension if and only if $E$ is maximal for set inclusion among the admissible sets.

Stable semantics (stable extension)
A set $E \subseteq {\mathcal{A}}$ is a stable extension if and only if $E$ is conflict-free and $E$ attacks each argument which does not belong to $E$ ( $\forall A \in
{\mathcal{A}}\setminus E$, % latex2html id marker 4777
$\exists B \in E$ such that $B {\mathcal{R}}A$).

Note that in all the above definitions, each attacker of a given argument is considered separately (the ``direct attack'' as a whole is not considered). [9] proves that:

Property 12   The set of leaves (i.e. $\{A \vert {\mathcal{R}}{^-}(A) = \varnothing\}$) is included in every preferred extension and in every stable extension.

Marie-Christine Lagasquie 2005-02-04