To: Am_Users From: Amulet Support Subject: CodeWarrior Pro 2 Update #2 11/14/97 Hello Everyone, I've begun modifying the code to work with CodeWarrior Pro 2 release. I have found that in the conversion of the projects, that the compiler may stop inside NumberFormatting.h. The compiler error dialog box will point to a line that says EXTERN_API( void ) and will claim declaration syntax error. If this occurs, go into the project Settings. Go to C/C++ Language Settings. Turn off ANSI Strict, ANSI Keywords Only and Expand Trigraphs. Then recompile. Here is another change: ----------------- In replace Am_Wait( int milliseconds ) { const float kTicksPerMilliSec = (float) 60 / 1000; // change to unsigned long for CWPro2 long gotTicks, reqTicks = (float) kTicksPerMilliSec * milliseconds + 0.5; Delay( reqTicks, &gotTicks ); } with Am_Wait( int milliseconds ) { const float kTicksPerMilliSec = (float) 60 / 1000; // change to unsigned long for CWPro2 unsigned long gotTicks, reqTicks = (float) kTicksPerMilliSec * milliseconds + 0.5; Delay( reqTicks, &gotTicks ); } NOTE: Delay uses unsigned longs ----------------- In replace #ifndef powerc # include #endif with #if __MWERKS__ >= 0x2000 # include #else # ifndef powerc # include # endif #endif /* CWPro2 */ NOTE: should be included for PPC AND 68K ----------------- In add in the #include list at the top of the file // CWPro2 for SysBeep() #if __MWERKS__ >= 0x2000 #include #endif NOTE: SysBeep() declaration was moved to Sound.h ----------------- In gemM.h replace #define Am_FIXED_FONT_FAMILY monaco #define Am_SERIF_FONT_FAMILY times #define Am_SANS_SERIF_FONT_FAMILY helvetica with // Font defaults for Mac #if __MWERKS__ >= 0x2000 #define Am_FIXED_FONT_FAMILY kFontIDMonaco #define Am_SERIF_FONT_FAMILY kFontIDTimes #define Am_SANS_SERIF_FONT_FAMILY kFontIDHelvetica #else #define Am_FIXED_FONT_FAMILY monaco #define Am_SERIF_FONT_FAMILY times #define Am_SANS_SERIF_FONT_FAMILY helvetica #endif monoco, times and helvetica are not longer an enum in Font.h this changes them to the current ones ----------------- In wide.h replace #ifndef __TYPES__ #include #endif with #ifndef __TYPES__ #include #endif #if __MWERKS__ >= 0x2000 #include #endif NOTE: WideAdd, WideDivide and the others are now declared in math routines.h ------------------