*Lisp Simulator, 952 *Lisp Tutorial, 953 2-3 Trees, 1053 2d Graphics, 1252 3d Geometry, 969 3d Life, 14 3d Modeling, 305 3plan, 603 4-Queens, 1143 6.001, 1318, 1319, 1320, 1321, 1322, 1323, 1324, 1325, 1326, 1327, 1328, 1329, 1330, 1331, 1332, 1333, 1334, 1335, 1336, 1337, 1338, 1339, 1340 8-Puzzle, 115, 611, 1090, 1196 8-Queens, 115, 1033, 1150, 1151, 1152, 1178 9660_u, 1419 A* Search, 55, 56, 400, 840 A-law, 720 ABTWEAK, 604 ABox, 341 AC3, 1065, 1090 ACCEL, 362 ACME, 480 ADA, 161 ADA PD Prolog, 1067, 1147, 1166 ADA: Lisp, 932 ADB, 670 ADPCM, 710 AFsp, 705 AGATE, 919 AGENT0, 4 AI Expert Magazine, 107, 448 AI Genealogy, 108 AI Newsgroup Archives, 12, 93, 114, 122, 191, 317, 421, 496, 497, 498, 570, 686, 703, 744, 957, 958, 959, 960, 961, 962, 963, 964, 965, 1010, 1016, 1183, 1184, 1185, 1394, 1417 AI Programming Languages, 746 AI Software Packages, 1, 2, 6, 49, 51, 57, 69, 84, 86, 92, 94, 101, 102, 106, 113, 117, 170, 219, 229, 230, 298, 318, 329, 355, 396, 402, 406, 499, 601, 620, 681, 691, 693, 733, 742 AI Techniques in Prolog, 1028 AI: Bibliographies, 110 AI: Documentation, 106, 107, 108, 109, 111, 112 AI: FAQ, 169 AITP, 1028 AKCL, 941, 946 AKL, 1139 ALC, 344 ALE, 1072 ALERTS, 765 ALF, 1125 ALN, 430 ALP, 1098 ALPUK, 1098 ALSP, 932 AM, 391 AND/OR Tree Search, 692 ANFIS, 193 ANIMALS, 3 ANL, 1144 ANLT, 539 ANNCAM, 424 ANSI Lisp, 877, 878, 879, 880, 968 ANSI Scheme, 1310 ANSIL, 425 ANT, 249 AOP, 4 AQ, 391, 395 AQ-Prolog, 372, 373 ARCH, 374 ARCS, 480 ARD Corporation, 446 ARS MAGNA, 734 ART-1, 426, 427, 476 ART-2, 426, 428, 429, 476 ARTMAP, 194, 476 ASA, 50 ASN, 1078 ASpecT, 1126 ATMS, 400, 640, 670, 677, 1028 ATN Compiler, 750 ATN Interpreter, 1044 ATN Parser, 107, 115, 336, 353, 502, 1147, 1166, 1196 ATOF, 818 ATREE, 430 ATTDSC, 376 AUM, 328 AV Parser, 583 AVL Trees, 1225, 1260, 1343 AVL Tries, 1225 AWK, 933, 1292, 1293 AZILE, 71 Abduction, 344, 362, 574 Acoustic Modeling, 723 Action Selection, 3 Adaptive Logic Networks, 430 Adaptive Resonance Theory, 426, 427, 428, 429 Adobe Illustrator, 1252 Adventure Games, 1250 Advice, 1065, 1090 Advising Corpus, 506 Agent Architectures, 2, 3, 4, 5, 614, 616, 617, 733, 734, 735, 736, 737, 738, 739, 740, 741 Agent Interactions, 22 Agent Modeling, 5 Agent-Oriented Programming, 4 Agents, 138 Air Conditioning Diagnosis System, 1058 Albus, 439 Algebra, 626, 674 Algebraic Expression Simplifier, 1065 Algol Syntax for Lisp, 842, 844 Algol Syntax for Scheme, 1289 Allegro CL, 931, 986 Allen's Intervals, 352 Alpha Beta Minimax, 55, 56, 751, 839, 1028, 1029 Alvey Natural Language Tools, 539 Amzi, 1059 Analog Circuits, 448 Analogical Reasoning, 621, 622 Analogy, 480 Analysis, 626 Anaphora Resolution, 528 Andorra Kernel Language, 1139 Animal Behavior, 3 Animal Simulations, 3 Annealing, 358 Answer Literals, 643 Ant Farm, 48 Ant Trail Problem, 308 Aoyama Gakuin University, 929 Apple Computer, 949, 992 Apple Speech Manager, 701 Apply/Eu2C, 1012 Approximate Reasoning, 656 Aptronix, 172, 183, 186, 199 Aquarius Prolog, 1148 Arc Consistency, 96 Archiving Software, 1418, 1420, 1421, 1423, 1425, 1427, 1428, 1429, 1431, 1432, 1433, 1436, 1437 Argument, 658 Aria Ltd., 173 Arithmetic, 1065 Arrays, 1222, 1223, 1224 Artificial Life, 6, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48 Artificial Life: Bibliographies, 413 Artificial Life: Documents, 7, 8, 9, 10 Artificial Life: Mail Archives, 11 Artificial Plants, 41, 43 Assertional Knowledge, 332 Association Lists, 1065, 1090 Associative Learning Networks, 475 Assumption-Based TMS, 677 Athena Widgets, 1351 Attention, 363 Attribute Logic Engine, 1072 Attribute Value, 583 Audio, 718, 725, 730 Audio File Formats, 701 Audio File I/O, 705 Audio Format Conversion, 728 Audio Processing Tools, 728 Australian National University, 953 Authors: Abdullah, 1280 Authors: Abelson, 1199, 1318, 1319, 1320, 1321, 1322, 1323, 1324, 1325, 1326, 1327, 1328, 1329, 1330, 1331, 1332, 1333, 1334, 1335, 1336, 1337, 1338, 1339, 1340, 1357, 1360, 1361, 1362, 1363 Authors: Abramson, 1080 Authors: Acero, 28 Authors: Acuff, 755 Authors: Adams, 812, 1234 Authors: Adorf, 819 Authors: Aguilar, 444 Authors: Aha, 358 Authors: Al-Badr, 740 Authors: Alander, 233 Authors: Aleva, 719 Authors: Alexiev, 1099 Authors: Alippi, 243 Authors: Allemang, 115 Authors: Allen, 363, 501, 502, 503 Authors: Almassy, 441 Authors: Almond, 665 Authors: Almy, 869 Authors: Amsterdam, 802 Authors: Andersen, 580 Authors: Anderson, 416, 443, 891, 896, 905 Authors: Andrews, 1056, 1108 Authors: Angeline, 425 Authors: Anguita, 452 Authors: Anjewierden, 1112, 1113 Authors: Antoniotti, 780, 985 Authors: Antworth, 515, 546, 551, 561, 563, 564, 696 Authors: Appel, 1025 Authors: Armstrong, 430 Authors: Ashwood-Smith, 1021 Authors: Aspinall, 635, 889, 898 Authors: Attardi, 938 Authors: Baeck, 268 Authors: Baecker, 914 Authors: Baffes, 395, 454 Authors: Baker, 797 Authors: Ballim, 5, 587 Authors: Ballinger, 283 Authors: Bareiss, 651 Authors: Barklund, 1176 Authors: Barnard, 719 Authors: Barney, 698 Authors: Barret, 619 Authors: Barrett, 603, 606 Authors: Barth, 343 Authors: Bartholdi, 1367 Authors: Bartlett, 1006, 1007, 1008, 1346, 1347, 1373 Authors: Bartley, 1310 Authors: Bates, 863 Authors: Bawden, 1223 Authors: Bazik, 731 Authors: Bazyar, 1349 Authors: Beasley, 242, 246 Authors: Becker, 373, 492 Authors: Beckert, 638 Authors: Beckman, 1398 Authors: Beer, 456 Authors: Bekkers, 1169 Authors: Belew, 26, 108 Authors: Belso, 61 Authors: Bender, 71, 73 Authors: Benedict, 34 Authors: Bennett, 40 Authors: Benson, 1004, 1356 Authors: Bergdoll, 17 Authors: Bergmann, 1140 Authors: Berkling, 700 Authors: Berlage, 914 Authors: Berrington, 1013 Authors: Bertling, 342 Authors: Bertoldi, 1252 Authors: Besson, 1213 Authors: Betz, 955, 1392 Authors: Bevan, 1225, 1236, 1237, 1239, 1241, 1255, 1260, 1292, 1293 Authors: Bevemyr, 1139, 1181 Authors: Bhalla, 25 Authors: Bilitch, 25 Authors: Birch, 951 Authors: Birkholz, 1006, 1007, 1008 Authors: Bixby, 297 Authors: Black, 558 Authors: Bledsoe, 626 Authors: Blue, 433 Authors: Blume, 1391 Authors: Bobrow, 879, 880, 968, 971 Authors: Boehm, 1350 Authors: Boizumault, 1154 Authors: Boley, 332 Authors: Bond, 1382 Authors: Bondorf, 1386 Authors: Bonner, 23 Authors: Bonzon, 1214 Authors: Bormann, 711, 1351 Authors: Born, 252 Authors: Borning, 97 Authors: Bouthoorn, 692 Authors: Bowen, 1103 Authors: Bower, 25 Authors: Boyan, 416 Authors: Boyer, 626, 641, 1372 Authors: Boyns, 725 Authors: Bradford, 1013, 1014 Authors: Brady, 1165 Authors: Brandon, 557 Authors: Bratko, 375, 376 Authors: Brayshaw, 165 Authors: Brazdil, 378, 383 Authors: Bredlau, 1058 Authors: Breen, 509 Authors: Brennan, 249 Authors: Bretthauer, 975 Authors: Breuel, 766 Authors: Brill, 598 Authors: Brisset, 1167 Authors: Broadbery, 1013 Authors: Brubaker, 186 Authors: Brunk, 364 Authors: Buchanan, 654 Authors: Budd, 943, 944, 1416 Authors: Buhlig, 127, 128, 129 Authors: Bukys, 472 Authors: Bundy, 1090 Authors: Buntine, 382 Authors: Burse, 1161 Authors: Busdiecker, 985 Authors: Byrne, 1415 Authors: Calder, 592 Authors: Callaghan, 714 Authors: Callahan, 40 Authors: Cameron-Jones, 365, 366, 367, 368, 369 Authors: Campbell, 706, 1385, 1390 Authors: Cantu, 251 Authors: Carbonell, 611, 612 Authors: Carlson, 1139 Authors: Carlsson, 1162, 1176 Authors: Carlton, 1244 Authors: Carmi, 302, 316 Authors: Carpenter, 194, 1072 Authors: Carrette, 1283, 1387 Authors: Carroll, 626 Authors: Cassidy, 522 Authors: Cengeloglu, 138 Authors: Chambers, 270 Authors: Chattoe, 735 Authors: Chen, 678 Authors: Chirimar, 649 Authors: Chou, 65 Authors: Christ, 892 Authors: Christian, 634 Authors: Chu, 1159 Authors: Clamen, 1243 Authors: Cleary, 1069, 1173 Authors: Clinger, 1203, 1215, 1219, 1299, 1300, 1306, 1312, 1313, 1314, 1315 Authors: Close, 890 Authors: Coen, 635 Authors: Colby, 83 Authors: Cole, 719 Authors: Colletti, 465 Authors: Comas, 869 Authors: Conway, 738 Authors: Cook, 729 Authors: Coppen, 544 Authors: Corcoran, 274 Authors: Corkill, 52 Authors: Corman, 950 Authors: Costello, 658, 668 Authors: Courtney, 784 Authors: Covington, 504, 525, 1030, 1035, 1075 Authors: Cramer, 892 Authors: Crossland, 512 Authors: Crowcroft, 255 Authors: Crowder, 438, 471 Authors: Cugini, 1045, 1088 Authors: Culberson, 273 Authors: Cutting, 599, 784, 796 Authors: Dahl, 1080 Authors: Dale, 573 Authors: Dalton, 875, 1019 Authors: Danon, 491 Authors: Danvy, 1210, 1212, 1386 Authors: Dao, 1208 Authors: Dart, 1046 Authors: Davis, 313 Authors: Davison, 1092, 1141 Authors: De Bosschere, 1076 Authors: DeMichiel, 879 Authors: Degener, 711 Authors: Deodato, 207 Authors: Deterding, 408, 697 Authors: Dewar, 1173 Authors: Dhesi, 1424 Authors: Diaz, 1117, 1178 Authors: Dickens, 607 Authors: Dickey, 1227, 1240, 1254, 1296, 1404 Authors: Dillon, 738 Authors: Dionne, 29 Authors: Doerpmund, 656 Authors: Doherty, 471 Authors: Dolenko, 492 Authors: Donovan, 722 Authors: Doughty, 896 Authors: Dowling, 685 Authors: Draxler, 1062 Authors: Drew, 592 Authors: Duba, 1264 Authors: Duball, 709 Authors: Dubois, 180 Authors: Dudey, 303, 920 Authors: Dumesnil, 1301 Authors: Dunning, 1275 Authors: Duran, 651 Authors: Dvorak, 651 Authors: Dybvig, 1269, 1290, 1303, 1304 Authors: Dyer, 581 Authors: Earickson, 288, 289 Authors: Eddington, 513 Authors: Edwards, 509 Authors: Egdorf, 970 Authors: Eigenschink, 1271 Authors: Eilerts, 651, 890, 894 Authors: Eisenstadt, 165 Authors: Elhadad, 506, 576 Authors: Elkan, 180 Authors: Elliott, 1156 Authors: Elsberry, 266, 432 Authors: Engelson, 734 Authors: Ermentrout, 493 Authors: Ernst, 763 Authors: Espinosa, 1278 Authors: Etzioni, 610 Authors: Fahlman, 438, 461, 470, 471, 605, 822, 937, 1003 Authors: Falkenhainer, 622 Authors: Fanty, 719 Authors: Farris, 1078 Authors: Fateman, 756, 826 Authors: Feeley, 1006, 1007, 1008, 1211, 1216, 1231, 1248, 1257, 1281, 1353, 1399 Authors: Feigenbaum, 654 Authors: Felshin, 836 Authors: Feng, 370 Authors: Fields, 82 Authors: Filho, 243, 258 Authors: Finger, 796, 1384 Authors: Fisher, 377 Authors: Fitzgerald, 110 Authors: Flach, 371 Authors: Fong, 591 Authors: Forbus, 622, 670, 677, 679 Authors: Forero, 1051 Authors: Forgy, 166 Authors: Foster, 1144 Authors: Frank, 740 Authors: Franzen, 633 Authors: Fraser, 307 Authors: Freedman, 1068 Authors: Freeman, 1369 Authors: Freeman-Benson, 95, 97, 100 Authors: Freil, 813 Authors: Fricker, 732 Authors: Friedman, 1197, 1198 Authors: Friedrich, 882 Authors: Frisch, 632 Authors: Fritzius, 540 Authors: Fromherz, 1187 Authors: Fruwirth, 1103 Authors: Fulton, 718 Authors: Gabriel, 757, 879, 977 Authors: Gallesio, 1388 Authors: Ganzinger, 342 Authors: Gat, 849 Authors: Gattis, 74 Authors: Gaudiano, 428 Authors: Geddis, 630 Authors: Gennari, 363, 377 Authors: Gerevini, 674 Authors: Getzinger, 1148 Authors: Ghislanzoni, 815 Authors: Ghosh, 608 Authors: Gibson, 291 Authors: Gilmore, 53, 1018 Authors: Ginsberg, 640 Authors: Girgensohn, 851 Authors: Giuse, 338 Authors: Givan, 346 Authors: Glowacki, 306 Authors: Goerigk, 935 Authors: Goldberg, 8, 239, 288, 289, 291 Authors: Goldstein, 336 Authors: Goodman, 461 Authors: Gordon, 400, 875 Authors: Gorman, 408 Authors: Graham, 750 Authors: Green, 1060 Authors: Grefenstette, 267 Authors: Grossberg, 194 Authors: Grove, 478 Authors: Gruengard, 9 Authors: Grune, 116 Authors: Guervos, 256 Authors: Gunter, 649 Authors: Gupta, 1127 Authors: Gurr, 1134 Authors: Gutowitz, 58 Authors: Guvenir, 389 Authors: Guy, 568 Authors: Haahr, 994 Authors: Hagiya, 941, 946 Authors: Haible, 831, 882, 936 Authors: Halgamuge, 203 Authors: Hall, 774, 874, 969, 1000 Authors: Hanks, 606, 618, 740, 741 Authors: Hanschke, 332 Authors: Hanson, 1204, 1305, 1310, 1402 Authors: Hanus, 1125 Authors: Haridi, 633 Authors: Hart, 820 Authors: Harvey, 1200 Authors: Hasida, 1118, 1120, 1122, 1123 Authors: Hatch, 31 Authors: Hathaway, 399 Authors: Haygood, 1148 Authors: Haynes, 1197, 1310 Authors: Haywood, 1092 Authors: Healy, 835 Authors: Heeger, 745 Authors: Heicking, 882 Authors: Heilperin, 688 Authors: Heitkoetter, 66, 246, 250, 285, 291 Authors: Hendler, 608 Authors: Hennessey, 954 Authors: Hensel, 32 Authors: Hepple, 566 Authors: Herczeg, 768, 927 Authors: Herder, 886 Authors: Hermansky, 723 Authors: Hermes, 290 Authors: Hertzberg, 400 Authors: Herve, 1129 Authors: Hesse, 886 Authors: Hewett, 697 Authors: Hieb, 1303 Authors: Hiebeler, 63 Authors: Higgins, 553 Authors: Higinbotham, 559 Authors: Hill, 1134 Authors: Hinkelmann, 332 Authors: Hinton, 492 Authors: Ho, 383, 662 Authors: Hodas, 1132 Authors: Hoffman, 935, 1366, 1407 Authors: Hoffmeister, 234 Authors: Hohl, 927 Authors: Holcomb, 1073 Authors: Holten, 1126 Authors: Hopkins, 462, 595, 600 Authors: Hoppe, 341, 378, 379, 380, 381, 383, 662, 1057 Authors: Horn, 752 Authors: Horsell, 1175 Authors: Horstkotte, 189 Authors: Horz, 400 Authors: Hovila, 554 Authors: Huang, 208, 401 Authors: Hughes, 261 Authors: Humeniuk, 1400 Authors: Humphreys, 592 Authors: Hunt, 702, 1372 Authors: Hurdon, 205 Authors: Huss, 1347 Authors: Hustadt, 344 Authors: Hyde, 888, 890 Authors: Ida, 921, 929 Authors: Ihren, 1347 Authors: Iles, 713 Authors: Ing-Simmons, 713, 726 Authors: Ingber, 50 Authors: Jabri, 453 Authors: Jaffar, 1107 Authors: Jaffer, 1254, 1262, 1270, 1315, 1316, 1377, 1381, 1384 Authors: Jager, 215, 216 Authors: Jampel, 89, 92 Authors: Jang, 193, 204 Authors: Janikow, 269 Authors: Janson, 1139 Authors: Janssen, 784 Authors: Jayaraman, 1127, 1137 Authors: John, 4 Authors: Johnson, 583, 833, 1053, 1282 Authors: Jones, 22, 159 Authors: Jorgensen, 1386 Authors: Josephson, 680 Authors: Joslyn, 189 Authors: Jung, 385 Authors: Jungen, 739 Authors: Junius, 196 Authors: Junker, 400 Authors: Kabal, 705 Authors: Kaempf, 209 Authors: Kahn, 1162 Authors: Kainz, 441 Authors: Kale, 1145 Authors: Kambhampati, 608 Authors: Kamin, 943, 945 Authors: Kaneko, 510 Authors: Kangas, 477 Authors: Kantrowitz, 121, 169, 189, 334, 335, 519, 575, 772, 773, 775, 791, 792, 795, 797, 811, 816, 818, 839, 840, 846, 860, 862, 867, 870, 871, 883, 1108, 1344 Authors: Karp, 814, 852, 891 Authors: Kaufman, 1307 Authors: Kaufmann, 641 Authors: Kaushik, 1173 Authors: Kaye, 924 Authors: Keene, 879 Authors: Keiras, 518 Authors: Keith, 1014 Authors: Kelley, 62 Authors: Kellomaki, 1206, 1207, 1284 Authors: Kelsey, 1302, 1374 Authors: Kemp, 1193 Authors: Kempis, 15 Authors: Kessler, 337, 1158 Authors: Kettler, 608 Authors: Keunen, 770, 772, 892 Authors: Kiczales, 879, 880, 968, 971, 1403 Authors: Kielmann, 1091 Authors: Kietz, 377 Authors: Kilian, 1170 Authors: Kim, 1114 Authors: Kimbrough, 915 Authors: Kindermann, 341 Authors: Kirk, 793 Authors: Klein, 520 Authors: Knight, 55 Authors: Knutzen, 935 Authors: Koch, 17 Authors: Kodric, 592 Authors: Koehle, 441 Authors: Koenig, 886, 1057 Authors: Koh, 470 Authors: Kohonen, 477, 482 Authors: Koitzsch, 772, 777 Authors: Konolige, 736 Authors: Konstan, 797 Authors: Kooijman, 473 Authors: Koomen, 352 Authors: Kopp, 975 Authors: Kornai, 529 Authors: Kosaka, 929 Authors: Kosbar, 721 Authors: Koza, 9, 299, 314, 315 Authors: Kramer, 345, 772, 898 Authors: Kranidiotis, 702 Authors: Kreutzer, 1196 Authors: Kriegel, 882, 1012 Authors: Kroger, 651 Authors: Krulwich, 928 Authors: Kuchin, 578 Authors: Kuipers, 671 Authors: Kumar, 353 Authors: Kunzelman, 1380 Authors: Kurihara, 823 Authors: Kushmerick, 606 Authors: LaLiberte, 969, 983 Authors: LaPalme, 1211 Authors: Laaksonen, 477 Authors: Lagache, 1087 Authors: Laker, 892 Authors: Lang, 1364 Authors: Langley, 377 Authors: Langton, 63 Authors: Larsen, 1258 Authors: Lasser, 843 Authors: Latta, 594, 1413 Authors: Lau-Kee, 1063 Authors: Laubsch, 837, 859 Authors: Laumann, 1351 Authors: Lavinus, 1296 Authors: Lavrac, 356 Authors: Lawler, 518, 543 Authors: Leal, 1110 Authors: Leasure, 457 Authors: Leavens, 1307 Authors: Leavenworth, 1277 Authors: Lecot, 1100 Authors: Lederberg, 654 Authors: Lee, 709, 749, 1141, 1352 Authors: Leech, 41 Authors: Legrand, 424 Authors: Lehar, 428 Authors: Lemke, 718 Authors: Leppanen, 1383 Authors: Leyland, 520 Authors: Lin, 1086 Authors: Lindsay, 654 Authors: Liu, 1261 Authors: Ljoen, 720 Authors: Lloyd, 1134 Authors: Lord, 1371 Authors: Lotfi, 200 Authors: Lott, 804 Authors: Loui, 658, 668 Authors: Lovinger, 40 Authors: Lusk, 626 Authors: Lutzebaeck, 1254 Authors: MacQueen, 1025 Authors: Maggi, 67 Authors: Malmkjaer, 1210 Authors: Maloney, 97, 100 Authors: Mamier, 476 Authors: Marais, 459 Authors: Margolin, 772, 861, 883, 1344 Authors: Markov, 1143 Authors: Markuzon, 194 Authors: Marsden, 626 Authors: Martin, 309 Authors: Marvit, 420 Authors: Massar, 952 Authors: Mathisen, 33 Authors: Mato Mira, 772, 781 Authors: Mayer, 254, 284, 926, 1107 Authors: McAllester, 346, 778 Authors: McCabe, 1160 Authors: McCharen, 626 Authors: McConnell, 829, 985 Authors: McCune, 626, 643 Authors: McDermott, 734 Authors: McDonley, 161 Authors: McIntyre, 112 Authors: McKay, 889, 891, 892, 901 Authors: McKenzie, 1196 Authors: McKerall, 1058 Authors: McLaughlin, 84 Authors: McNally, 581 Authors: Meehan, 387 Authors: Meglicki, 953 Authors: Meier, 1111 Authors: Meltsner, 765 Authors: Melz, 475 Authors: Menczer, 26 Authors: Menzies, 574 Authors: Merrill, 658 Authors: Merritt, 1103 Authors: Meyer, 332, 441, 1096, 1097, 1101, 1129 Authors: Michalewicz, 277, 278, 279, 280 Authors: Michaylov, 89, 631 Authors: Mierowsky, 1142 Authors: Miikkulainen, 483, 484, 485, 486, 487, 488 Authors: Miles, 562 Authors: Miller.Brad, 347, 348, 349, 350, 351, 352, 771, 772, 776 Authors: Miller.Dale, 1132, 1156, 1163 Authors: Miller.Geoffrey, 8 Authors: Miller.Jim, 1006, 1007, 1008, 1228, 1289, 1309, 1310 Authors: Mills, 690 Authors: Milman, 239 Authors: Miranker, 119 Authors: Mitchell, 466, 626, 632 Authors: Mitkov, 528 Authors: Miyata, 469 Authors: Moeller, 847 Authors: Mohr, 882, 1012 Authors: Molt, 209 Authors: Montler, 537 Authors: Moon, 759, 879 Authors: Mooney, 362, 390, 391, 392, 393, 394, 395 Authors: Moore, 259, 293, 641 Authors: Moraes, 35 Authors: Morein, 1147, 1166 Authors: Morgan, 626 Authors: Morrill, 892, 896, 898, 901, 905 Authors: Moser, 647 Authors: Moss, 1084, 1105 Authors: Muehle, 337 Authors: Mueller, 385 Authors: Mueller-Tomfelde, 429 Authors: Muggleton, 356, 370, 382 Authors: Muir, 308 Authors: Muller, 922 Authors: Murphy, 16, 358 Authors: Muthusamy, 719 Authors: Myers, 712, 919 Authors: Nadathur, 1163 Authors: Nagle, 210, 605 Authors: Naish, 1049, 1141 Authors: Nakashima, 354, 1168 Authors: Nauck, 179, 211 Authors: Neal, 463 Authors: Nelson, 25 Authors: Nesmith, 636 Authors: Newmarch, 1182 Authors: Ng, 362 Authors: Nguyen, 305 Authors: Nguyenn, 1208 Authors: Nicodemus, 423 Authors: Nicoud, 775, 918 Authors: Nielsen, 824 Authors: Nipkow, 635 Authors: Niranjan, 408 Authors: Nolan, 442 Authors: Norbert, 1272 Authors: Norris, 436 Authors: Norskog, 728, 1224 Authors: Norvig, 751, 779 Authors: Novak, 660 Authors: Numata, 210 Authors: Nute, 1030 Authors: O'Brien, 588 Authors: O'Donnell, 531 Authors: O'Keefe, 1041, 1047, 1226, 1232, 1238 Authors: O'Sullivan, 1267, 1378, 1396 Authors: Oflazer, 565 Authors: Ohta, 929 Authors: Olivier, 719 Authors: Olsson, 36 Authors: Opalla, 1125 Authors: Orchard, 139, 140, 141, 142 Authors: Orr, 212 Authors: Ostermann, 1140 Authors: Ousterhout, 1153 Authors: Overbeek, 626 Authors: Packard, 1022 Authors: Padget, 1013 Authors: Paine, 735, 1031, 1044, 1050, 1064, 1074, 1079, 1081, 1083, 1093 Authors: Panagos, 808 Authors: Pannozzi, 1415 Authors: Pao, 457 Authors: Paris, 656 Authors: Patel, 81 Authors: Paulson, 635, 637 Authors: Paulus, 341 Authors: Paxson, 584 Authors: Paxton, 1171 Authors: Pazzani, 364 Authors: Pearlmutter, 1364 Authors: Pedersen, 599 Authors: Pehoushek, 828 Authors: Pell, 227 Authors: Pelletier, 626 Authors: Penberthy, 619, 675 Authors: Penn, 1072 Authors: Pentheroudakis, 559 Authors: Percival, 830 Authors: Pereira, 593, 1100 Authors: Perkimki, 554 Authors: Perkins, 735 Authors: Perkovic, 437 Authors: Perry, 581 Authors: Peters, 195 Authors: Peterson, 698, 794 Authors: Pfenning, 631, 1156 Authors: Phelps, 842 Authors: Pinc, 1253 Authors: Plaisted, 644 Authors: Plate, 492 Authors: Plotkin, 382 Authors: Plummer, 461 Authors: Pochmara, 719 Authors: Poeck, 853 Authors: Poliquin, 311 Authors: Pollack, 740 Authors: Poole, 255 Authors: Popowich, 592 Authors: Porter, 651 Authors: Posegga, 638 Authors: Poskanzer, 48 Authors: Prade, 180 Authors: Pratt, 423, 656, 842 Authors: Prechelt, 417 Authors: Press, 120 Authors: Prosser, 761 Authors: Prusinkiewicz, 43 Authors: Pulman, 558, 566 Authors: Qian, 408 Authors: Quaife, 626 Authors: Quantz, 341 Authors: Queinnec, 1245, 1265, 1397, 1408 Authors: Quin, 548 Authors: Quinlan, 365, 366, 367, 368, 369 Authors: Quiroz, 940 Authors: Radev, 536 Authors: Raik, 312 Authors: Ramakrishnan, 1131 Authors: Ramkumar, 1145 Authors: Ramsdell, 1234, 1310, 1409, 1411 Authors: Rauber, 481 Authors: Ray, 46 Authors: Raymond, 40 Authors: Reape, 592 Authors: Reay, 439 Authors: Redish, 419 Authors: Reece, 468 Authors: Rees, 1217, 1219, 1299, 1300, 1302, 1312, 1313, 1314, 1315, 1370, 1374 Authors: Regier, 470 Authors: Reilly, 37 Authors: Reinelt, 297 Authors: Rempel, 1173 Authors: Renda, 718 Authors: Ressel, 767, 851, 927 Authors: Ressler, 918 Authors: Reynolds, 194 Authors: Rice, 300, 314 Authors: Rich, 55 Authors: Ridoux, 1167 Authors: Riemann, 789 Authors: Riesbeck, 580, 652 Authors: Ringuette, 740 Authors: Riolo, 250 Authors: Ritchie, 558 Authors: Ritter, 808 Authors: Roberts, 336 Authors: Robinson, 408, 645, 695, 707, 722, 724, 727 Authors: Rogers, 458 Authors: Rogoff, 1208 Authors: Rohrbach, 933 Authors: Rohwedder, 631 Authors: Rokicki, 38 Authors: Romanenko, 1218 Authors: Romik, 30 Authors: Roomy, 610 Authors: Rosen, 194, 461 Authors: Rosenberg, 408 Authors: Rosenmueller, 882 Authors: Rosner, 115 Authors: Ross, 283 Authors: Rossum, 1416 Authors: Roth, 53, 1105 Authors: Roy, 228 Authors: Roylance, 821 Authors: Rozas, 1006, 1007, 1008 Authors: Rubenking, 81 Authors: Ruhland, 240, 272, 434 Authors: Rupley, 39 Authors: Ruspini, 180 Authors: Russell, 558 Authors: Sagonas, 1179 Authors: Sahlin, 633 Authors: Salvini, 168 Authors: Salzberg, 388 Authors: Samarabandu, 427 Authors: Sami, 1383 Authors: Sammut, 416, 1177 Authors: Sannella, 97, 98 Authors: Saraswat, 1107 Authors: Saravanan, 235, 236 Authors: Satydas, 110, 179 Authors: Saunders, 425 Authors: Saxen, 464 Authors: Schaefers, 342 Authors: Schalkwyk, 719 Authors: Schank, 580, 652 Authors: Schedlbauer, 77 Authors: Scheibe, 1351 Authors: Scheidhauer, 1098 Authors: Scheifler, 916 Authors: Schein, 1018 Authors: Schelter, 806, 825, 941, 946 Authors: Schiex, 1354 Authors: Schmiedel, 341 Authors: Schnorrenberg, 455 Authors: Schoenbauer, 441 Authors: Schottstaedt, 403, 405, 827 Authors: Schraudolph, 262 Authors: Schreter, 479 Authors: Schubert, 674 Authors: Schultz, 238, 247 Authors: Schulze, 535 Authors: Schutze, 1136 Authors: Scott, 626 Authors: Scowen, 1106 Authors: Sejnowski, 408 Authors: Sekercioglu, 201 Authors: Serebrennikov, 1208 Authors: Serrano, 1350 Authors: Severson, 784 Authors: Shapiro, 353, 1029, 1036, 1142 Authors: Shavlik, 391 Authors: Sheldon, 947 Authors: Shell, 162, 339 Authors: Shelley, 585 Authors: Sherin, 1401 Authors: Shieber, 593 Authors: Shivers, 1255, 1256, 1407 Authors: Shoham, 1028 Authors: Short, 607 Authors: Shu-pui, 435 Authors: Sieburg, 62 Authors: Siekmann, 636, 639 Authors: Silvers, 40 Authors: Simoncelli, 745, 982 Authors: Singleton, 310, 1078 Authors: Sirai, 1118, 1120, 1121, 1122, 1123 Authors: Siskind, 778 Authors: Sitaram, 1172, 1355, 1410 Authors: Slaney, 719 Authors: Slany, 179 Authors: Sleator, 589 Authors: Smagt, 440, 739 Authors: Smart, 157 Authors: Smit, 520 Authors: Smith, 18, 276, 288, 289, 460, 689, 1052 Authors: Smullyan, 626 Authors: Snyder, 973 Authors: Soderland, 603, 613, 619 Authors: Spears, 253, 257 Authors: Spenke, 914 Authors: Spiger, 610 Authors: Spinellis, 1171 Authors: Spofford, 260 Authors: Sprave, 275, 286 Authors: Spreitzer, 784 Authors: Springer, 1198 Authors: Srivastava, 1401 Authors: St. Clair, 782 Authors: Stahl, 385 Authors: Staveley-Taylor, 1188 Authors: Stead, 772 Authors: Steeg, 492 Authors: Steele, 1204 Authors: Stefik, 784 Authors: Steib, 144 Authors: Stephenson, 64 Authors: Sterling, 1029, 1105 Authors: Stevens, 467 Authors: Stickel, 626 Authors: Stolfi, 514 Authors: Stolin, 1208 Authors: Stoll, 936 Authors: Strack, 68 Authors: Stubblefield, 892 Authors: Sulzberger, 201 Authors: Summers, 158 Authors: Sussman, 1199 Authors: Sutcliffe, 627 Authors: Suttner, 627 Authors: Sutton, 416 Authors: Swerdlin, 651 Authors: Swick, 1006, 1007, 1008 Authors: Swift, 1179 Authors: Tackett, 302, 316 Authors: Tammet, 1379 Authors: Tanaka, 929 Authors: Tang, 292 Authors: Tarau, 1150, 1151, 1152 Authors: Tarver, 864 Authors: Tassel, 1020 Authors: Tate, 608 Authors: Taube, 404, 798 Authors: Tausend, 385 Authors: Tavolga, 537 Authors: Taylor, 834 Authors: Temperley, 589 Authors: Tenenberg, 604 Authors: Tesauro, 410 Authors: Tesfatsion, 9 Authors: Thagard, 480 Authors: Thompson, 363, 398, 448, 457, 986 Authors: Thomson, 440, 542 Authors: Thorn, 1212 Authors: Tidd, 239 Authors: Tierney, 956 Authors: Tisdale, 445, 451 Authors: Tizard, 495 Authors: Todd, 8 Authors: Toenne, 1175 Authors: Torgo, 380 Authors: Torkkola, 477 Authors: Torrance, 4 Authors: Totzke, 282 Authors: Touretzky, 416, 419, 749 Authors: Traetteberg, 896 Authors: Trapeznikov, 578 Authors: Travers, 969 Authors: Treleaven, 243 Authors: Treptow, 252 Authors: Tschichold-Gurman, 201 Authors: Tso, 651 Authors: Tsuda, 1118, 1119, 1120, 1122, 1123 Authors: Tuecke, 1144 Authors: Tuerk, 722 Authors: Turbak, 1319 Authors: Tutelaers, 221 Authors: Tuthill, 545 Authors: Tveter, 431 Authors: Tweed, 1193 Authors: Tyrrell, 3 Authors: Tyson, 891 Authors: Uhley, 25 Authors: Umrigar, 1042 Authors: Urbanec, 1177 Authors: Uribe, 632 Authors: Vaghi, 1067 Authors: Valencia, 1128 Authors: Valentine, 550 Authors: Van Buer, 801 Authors: Van Roy, 1089, 1129, 1148 Authors: VanInwegen, 649 Authors: Vargyas, 61 Authors: Vaucher, 1054 Authors: Vazquez, 985 Authors: Vellino, 1030 Authors: Vencovska, 656 Authors: Vestli, 201 Authors: Viola, 4 Authors: Vogel, 592 Authors: Voigt, 252 Authors: Volz, 385 Authors: Vuilleumier, 1367 Authors: Wall, 1430 Authors: Wand, 1197, 1285, 1287, 1342 Authors: Wang, 626 Authors: Ward, 716, 1407 Authors: Warren, 678, 1171, 1179 Authors: Wasser, 708 Authors: Waterhouse, 722 Authors: Waters, 549, 799, 809, 855, 856 Authors: Watrous, 447 Authors: Watt, 868 Authors: Weber, 1135 Authors: Weis, 1350 Authors: Weisberg, 942 Authors: Weiss, 1006, 1007, 1008 Authors: Weld, 603, 606, 613, 618, 619, 675 Authors: Wells, 1286 Authors: Wesemann, 42 Authors: Wesley, 14 Authors: White, 308, 408, 409, 438 Authors: Whitley, 271 Authors: Whitson, 712 Authors: Wick, 626 Authors: Wieland, 408 Authors: Wielemaker, 1112, 1113, 1175 Authors: Wilkins, 891 Authors: Williams, 263, 264, 265, 456 Authors: Williamson, 673 Authors: Wilson, 25, 978, 1004 Authors: Wimbish, 555 Authors: Winograd, 85 Authors: Winston, 56, 752 Authors: Witmer, 569 Authors: Witty, 346 Authors: Woods, 604 Authors: Wooters, 521 Authors: Wos, 626 Authors: Wright, 1200, 1249, 1264 Authors: Wrobel, 374 Authors: Wymore, 784 Authors: Yaeger, 44 Authors: Yang, 604 Authors: Yazdani, 588 Authors: Yelon, 769, 848 Authors: York, 889 Authors: Yost, 24 Authors: Young, 363 Authors: Yuasa, 941, 946 Authors: Zagha, 839 Authors: Zalondek, 346 Authors: Zatsman, 715 Authors: Zawinski, 786 Authors: Zell, 476 Authors: Zelle, 395 Authors: Zhang, 646 Authors: Zhou, 1149 Authors: Zito-Wolf, 1384 Authors: Zwick, 9 Authors: de Groot, 45 Authors: de Kleer, 677, 679 Authors: de Raedt, 356, 384 Authors: de Smedt, 892, 974 Authors: des Rivieres, 880, 968, 971 Authors: diSessa, 789 Authors: van Beek, 96 Authors: van Camp, 474, 492 Authors: van Lent, 281 Authors: van Melle, 796 Authors: van Noord, 586 Authors: von Walter, 1140 Autocorrelations, 827 Autocovariance, 830 Autogen, 15 Autoload, 766 Automated Deduction, 1098 Automated Reasoning, 623, 624, 628, 629, 630, 631, 632, 633, 635, 636, 637, 638, 639, 640, 641, 642, 643, 644, 645, 646, 647, 648, 649, 864 Automated Reasoning: Problem Libraries, 625, 626, 627 Automated Theorem Proving, 115, 627 Automatically Defined Functions, 315 Autoregressive Spectral Estimates, 830 Autotest, 1031, 1083 BABBLER, 540 BABEL, 25 BABYLON, 124 BACK, 341 BAM, 432, 1139 BANG File System, 1155 BAP, 1140 BAWK, 1292 BBEdit, 1422 BBN, 905 BBN Butterfly, 934 BCPL: Code, 654 BELIEF, 656 BEMMEL, 739 BIOMURFFS, 16 BIOSIM, 17 BOB, 1289 BOOPS, 974 BOS, 1396 BP, 433, 434, 1141 BPNN, 435 BPS, 436, 677 BUGS, 18, 19 BUGWORLD, 20 BUILD, 605 BURIDAN, 606 Back Demodulation, 643 Back Subsumption, 643 Backgammon, 410 Backjumping, 96, 761 Backmarking, 96, 761 Backpercolation, 476 Backpropagation, 55, 115, 391, 395, 416, 423, 425, 431, 433, 434, 435, 436, 437, 446, 449, 451, 452, 453, 454, 458, 459, 461, 462, 463, 467, 470, 472, 473, 475, 476, 479, 491, 492, 1150, 1151, 1152 Backtracking, 96, 107, 751, 761, 778, 1090 Backward Chaining, 56, 115, 124, 158, 332, 364, 391, 603, 660, 1136, 1158 Backward Inference, 353 Balanced Binary Tree, 1292, 1293 Band-Pass Filters, 830 Basic Predicates, 1045 Basic: Code, 72, 468, 540, 553, 689 Baum-Welch Training Algorithm, 712 Bayes Classification, 395 Bayesian Belief Networks, 664 Bayesian Networks, 665, 666, 667 Bayesian Probability, 665 BeBOP, 1141 Beam Search, 56, 840 Behavioral Choice, 3 Belief, 665 Belief Ascription, 5 Belief Networks, 163 Belief Propagation, 664 Bell's Number, 819 Benchmark Data Sets, 295, 296, 297, 357, 358 Benchmarks, 107, 185, 350, 407, 408, 409, 410, 1162 Benchmarks: Gabriel, 757, 1203 Benchmarks: Lisp, 754, 755, 756, 757, 882 Benchmarks: Neural Systems, 25 Benchmarks: Prolog, 1033, 1065, 1086, 1189, 1190 Benchmarks: Scheme, 1202, 1203, 1316 Berkeley, 470, 925, 1352 Berkeley Prolog, 1148 Bessel, 821 Bessel Functions, 827 Best-First Search, 692, 840, 1028, 1029 Beta Function, 821, 827 Beta Prolog, 1149 Bi-Directional Inference, 353 BibTeX, 1096, 1097, 1101 Bibliographies, 8, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 873, 1095, 1096, 1097, 1098, 1099, 1100, 1101, 1295 Bidirectional Associative Memory, 432 Bidirectional Search, 692 Bigloo, 1350 BinHex hqx, 1428 BinProlog, 1150, 1151, 1152 Binary Paramodulation, 643 Binary Resolution, 643 Binary Search Trees, 780 Binary Trees, 1065, 1090, 1343 Binomial Coefficients, 827 BioMetal, 690 Biological Simulation, 17, 25 Biophysical Models, 460, 493 Blackboard Architectures, 51, 52, 53, 138, 157 Blind Watchmaker, 16 Blocksworld, 85, 605, 607, 611 Blond, 1210 Boeing, 775, 918 Boltzmann Machine, 492 Books: AI, 54, 55, 56, 431, 1196 Books: Lisp, 748, 749, 750, 751, 752 Books: NLP, 500, 501, 502, 503, 504 Books: Prolog, 1027, 1028, 1029, 1030, 1031, 1080 Books: Scheme, 1195, 1196, 1197, 1198, 1199, 1200 Boolean Algebra, 626 Bottom-Up Chart Parser, 503 Bottom-Up Parsing, 504, 596 Boundary Value Problems, 493 Bounded Length, 1052 Boxer, 789 Boyer-Moore Theorem Prover, 327, 641, 648 Brain, 437 Brain Aid Prolog, 1140 Branch and Bound Search, 56, 481, 840 Brandeis University, 1052 Breadth-First Search, 55, 692, 840, 1028 BritPron, 695 Brown University, 833, 1053 Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, 1143 Burg's Algorithm, 830 C Grammar, 1280 C Parser, 849 C Scheme, 1357, 1358, 1360, 1361, 1362, 1363 C*: Code, 281 C++: Code, 41, 44, 196, 207, 212, 215, 252, 256, 258, 269, 292, 307, 310, 313, 430, 451, 456, 458, 460, 478, 479, 689, 692, 712, 784, 943, 944, 947, 1131, 1351 C++: Lisp-Style Code, 947 C32, 919 C: Code, 3, 17, 35, 116, 215, 218, 249, 252, 253, 255, 260, 267, 269, 271, 272, 273, 274, 275, 276, 282, 283, 284, 285, 286, 288, 289, 306, 316, 343, 365, 366, 367, 368, 369, 388, 403, 423, 424, 427, 428, 429, 430, 431, 435, 438, 441, 454, 455, 456, 457, 461, 463, 467, 470, 471, 473, 474, 475, 476, 481, 485, 492, 541, 545, 561, 562, 563, 564, 584, 595, 600, 614, 617, 643, 658, 668, 689, 705, 706, 707, 710, 711, 713, 714, 715, 716, 717, 719, 720, 722, 724, 725, 726, 727, 728, 731, 738, 784, 935, 942, 1005, 1153, 1351, 1373, 1380 CAD/CAM, 919 CADE, 626, 1098 CAL, 320 CAM, 424 CASCOR, 438 CASLOG, 1086 CBREAK Mode, 791 CCITT, 710 CCP, 86, 92, 94, 1107, 1139 CD-ROM, 1419 CDM, 62 CEC, 342 CELP, 701, 706 CEREBRUM, 303 CFG, 592 CFS-C, 250 CG, 433 CGOL, 842 CGRAM, 1280 CHEF, 652 CHIP, 1155 CHR, 1155 CIL, 326 CKY Parser, 115 CL Shell, 982 CL-LIB, 348 CL-PROTOS, 651 CL-Testsuite, 882 CL.EL, 940 CL2Scheme, 1261 CLASP, 820 CLASSIT, 363 CLASSWEB, 363 CLAUDE, 84 CLCP, 1366 CLIB, 886 CLICHE, 115 CLIM Library, 885, 886, 887, 888, 889, 890, 891, 892, 893, 894, 895, 896, 897, 898, 899, 900, 901, 902, 903, 904, 905, 906, 907, 908, 909, 910, 911, 912, 913 CLIM Specification, 913 CLIM: Allegro Code, 907 CLIM: Browsers, 888, 898 CLIM: Code, 606, 667 CLIM: Cursors, 890 CLIM: Examples, 820, 889, 899 CLIM: Extensions, 892, 902 CLIM: Graphers, 898 CLIM: Graphing, 905 CLIM: Icons, 890 CLIM: Impl. Dep. Code, 906 CLIM: Inspectors, 888 CLIM: LUV-93 Tutorials, 900 CLIM: Lispworks Code, 908 CLIM: Lucid Code, 909 CLIM: MCL Code, 910 CLIM: Mailing List, 912 CLIM: Menus, 891, 901 CLIM: Mice, 890 CLIM: Patches, 893, 903 CLIM: Printing, 894 CLIM: Symbolics Code, 911 CLIM: Testing, 895 CLIM: Toys, 896 CLIO, 915 CLIP, 820 CLIPS, 125, 126, 127, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142, 145, 146, 147, 148, 149, 150, 151, 152, 153, 154, 155, 156, 157 CLIPS: Abstracts, 133 CLIPS: Bibliography, 134 CLIPS: Documentation, 135 CLIPS: Manuals, 136, 137 CLIPS: Patches, 143 CLIPS: Sybase Interface, 144 CLISP, 936 CLM, 403, 914 CLMath, 821 CLOS, 56, 967, 968 CLOS Code Library, 969 CLOS Specification, 879 CLOS: CLISP, 936 CLOS: Class Precedence, 876 CLOS: Code, 115, 263, 264, 265, 636, 751, 768 CLOS: Examples, 820, 925 CLOS: FAQ, 883 CLOS: Introductions, 875 CLOS: KEE, 970 CLOS: PCL, 971 CLOS: Scheme, 1403 CLOS: Standards, 879, 880 CLOS: Tutorials, 875 CLOSETTE, 880, 968 CLP, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 94, 320, 1107, 1116, 1117, 1118, 1119, 1120, 1121, 1122, 1123, 1155, 1189, 1190 CLR, 511 CLUE, 915 CLX, 4, 916 CLX: Code, 642, 734 CLiCC, 935 CLtL1, 882, 989 CLtL2, 989 CM, 404 CMAC, 439 CML, 1025 CMN, 405 CMU, 40, 55, 338, 408, 409, 438, 470, 471, 772, 773, 775, 795, 816, 829, 835, 840, 846, 860, 862, 863, 867, 870, 871, 1003, 1005, 1156, 1243 CMU CL, 937 CMU LOOP Macro, 803, 804 CMUScheme, 1407 CNCL, 196 CNF: FOIL, 395 CNS BBS, 266, 411 COBWEB, 363, 372, 377, 391, 395 COG, 440 COGNATE, 568 COLAB, 332 COMPARE, 866 COMPIL, 1211 CONDELA, 441 CONGEN, 654 CONNEL, 739 CONSORT, 319 CONTAX, 332 COOL, 125, 145, 146, 147, 148, 149, 150, 151, 152, 153, 154, 155, 156, 973 CORAL, 919, 1131 CORBA, 969 CORBIT, 974 COSMIC, 454 COVER, 855 CPS, 677 CPST, 1212 CR Macros, 1298 CSLI, 529 CSLU, 719 CSP, 115, 761, 1013 CSPLIB, 96 CSRL, 680 CTRS, 1098 CUP, 320, 1118, 1119, 1120, 1121, 1122, 1123 CalTech, 25 Calendar Calculations, 1250 Caml, 1350 Caml Light, 1024 Camloo, 1350 Candidate Elimination Algorithm, 55 CarGo, 920 Carpenter, 426, 427, 428, 429 Cart-Pole Problem, 416 Cascade Correlation, 254, 438, 471, 476, 492 Case-Based Planning, 618 Case-Based Reasoning, 319, 650, 651, 652 Category Theory, 626 Category Utility Determination, 363 Cellsim, 63 Cellular Automata, 14, 57, 58, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68 Cellular Automata: Mail Archives, 59 Central Neural Systems BBS, 266, 411 Cepstrum, 830 Chalmers Univ. of Technology, 1379 Character Sets, 1236 Chart Parser, 503 Chart Parsing, 115, 504, 1033, 1072 Checkers, 227 Chemical Reasoning, 115, 653, 654 Chess, 220, 222, 224, 227 Chess Endgame Database, 358 Chess Move Standards, 223 Chess Notation, 223 Chess TeX Font, 221 Chess: Test Suite, 225 ChezSybase, 1253 Chinese Chess, 227 Cholesky Matrix Decomposition, 830 Chukyo University, 469 Chunking, 614, 616, 617 Church Numerals, 1307 Church Rosser Theorem, 631 Cinc, 64 Circuit Design, 319 Circuit Design and Validation, 626 Circumscription, 640 Class Precedence, 876 Classical AI Programs, 69 Classical AI Programs: Eliza, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82 Classical AI Programs: Parry, 83 Classical AI Programs: RACTER, 84 Classical AI Programs: SHRDLU, 85 Classification, 408, 426, 427, 428, 429, 477, 478, 481 Classit/2, 363 Clausal Form, 632, 1090 Clause Editor, 1038 Clustering, 391, 426, 428, 429 Clustering Vectors, 427 Co-routining, 1198 Cockroach, 456 Code Excited Linear Prediction, 706 Code Profiler, 862 Code Walking, 758, 759, 760 Cogent Prolog, 1059 Common Lisp Music, 403 Common Music, 404 Common Music Notation, 405 Common Windows, 917 CommonORBIT, 974 CommonObjects, 973 Compact Pro Archives, 1428 Compartmental Simulators, 460 Compiler-Compiler, 1038 Compilers: Lambda Prolog, 1167 Compilers: Lisp, 936, 937, 941, 946, 948, 949, 950, 954 Compilers: Parallel Prolog, 1145 Compilers: Prolog, 1148, 1149, 1150, 1151, 1152, 1155, 1157, 1171, 1174, 1175, 1176, 1179, 1181, 1182 Compilers: Scheme, 1211, 1215, 1217, 1350, 1353, 1357, 1361, 1363, 1367, 1368, 1370, 1371, 1373, 1379, 1381, 1391 Completion, 767 Complex Adaptive Systems, 6, 22 Complex Constraints, 50 Complexity Analysis, 1086 Compositional Programming, 1144 Compression Software, 1418, 1420, 1421, 1423, 1425, 1426, 1427, 1433, 1436, 1437 Computer Algebra, 1067 Computer Simulation, 3 Computer Vision, 742, 743, 745 Conc, 542 Conceptual Clustering, 373 Conceptual Dependency, 580, 581 Conceptual Graphs, 541 Concordances, 542, 545 Concurrency, 1159 Concurrent ML, 1025 Concurrent Prolog, 1162 Concurrent Scheme, 1245 Condition Handlers, 876 Conditional Effects, 619 Conditional Planning, 606 Conditioning, 479 Conflict Resolution, 125, 145, 146, 147, 148, 149, 150, 151, 152, 153, 154, 155, 156 Conform, 1228 Conjugate Gradient, 433 Conjugate Gradient Descent Optimization, 719 Connectionist Systems, 406, 411, 415, 416, 422, 458, 464, 472, 473, 479, 480, 483, 484, 485, 486, 487, 488, 489, 490, 493 Connectionist Systems: Bibliographies, 413 Connectionist Systems: Documentation, 412 Connectionist Systems: Notes, 414 Connectionists, 419 Cons Cells, 749 Consistency Checking, 341 Constraint FAQ, 92 Constraint Languages, 677 Constraint Nets, 332 Constraint Processing, 86, 92, 94, 1155 Constraint Propagation, 56, 115, 751 Constraint Satisfaction, 86, 92, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 115, 761, 778, 1149 Constraint Satisfaction Problems, 115 Constraint Solver, 319 Constraint Systems, 332 Constraint Unification, 1118, 1119, 1120, 1121, 1122, 1123 Constraint-Based Scheduling, 91 Constraints, 124, 632, 1204 Content Addressable Memory, 424 Context Free Grammar, 592 Continuation Passing, 1212 Continuations, 750, 1198 Control, 1045 Control Predicates, 1169 Controllers, 736 Convolution, 721 Convolutions, 827 Conway's Game of Life, 14, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 783, 1056 Conx, 783 Cookbook, 707 CoolDraw, 95 Copying Objects, 768 Coq, 629 Coral, 949 CoreWars, 1250 Corner Parsing, 587 Coroutining, 1155 Corpora, 499, 505, 506, 511, 513, 515, 517, 518, 520, 521, 522, 523 Corpora: Names, 519 Correlation, 160 Correlations, 827 Counterpropagation, 476 Courant Institute, 780 Credit Screening Database, 358 Crobots, 689 Cross-Referencing, 871, 1031, 1065, 1088, 1090 Crossword Puzzles, 115 Cryptarithms, 1033, 1090, 1117, 1154 Cumulative small change, 16 Cursor-Addressing, 1064 Cyc, 110 Cyrillic Typefaces, 537 DAG, 969 DAG Grapher, 863, 1281 DATAREP, 443 DCG, 107, 587, 593, 596, 1072, 1074, 1080, 1092, 1165 DCG Interpreter, 1029 DCG Notation, 1089 DCSG, 1090 DCTG, 1080 DDJ, 111 DEC, 514, 708 DEC: CRL, 1006, 1007, 1008, 1289, 1309 DEC: PRL, 1129 DEC: WRL, 1346, 1373 DEDUCE, 391, 395 DEFPACKAGE, 775 DEFSTRUCT, 1243 DEFSYSTEM, 858, 859, 860 DENDRAL, 654 DESQ, 319 DFA, 348, 595 DFKI, 534 DGENESIS, 251 DIFF for Lisp, 867, 868 DIRM, 998 DISCERN, 484 DISLEX, 488 DJCup, 1122 DLISTS, 1046 DNA Sequencing, 319 DNF: FOIL, 395 DP, 320, 343 DPROLOG, 657 DRAW, 1073 DRT, 525 DTP, 630 DTR, 65 DTW, 707 DULCINEA, 326 DYNACLIPS, 138 DartNet, 442 Darwin, 16, 21 Data, 668 Data Definition, 1264 Data Driven Rules, 1048 Data-Mining, 102 Data-Mining: Documents, 103, 104, 105 Database, 551 Database Interface for CLISP, 936 Database Interface for Chez Scheme, 1253 Database Interface for Lisp, 876 Database Interface for Prolog, 1062 Database Interface for Scheme, 1387 Database Interfaces, 578 Database Package for Emacs-Lisp, 763 Database Package for Lisp, 762 Database Package for Prolog, 1038 Database Package for SCM, 1384 Database Package for Scheme, 1200 Database Querying, 1033 Databases, 56, 107, 547 Datalog, 1179 Date Formatting, 792 Davis Putnam, 343 Dawkins, 16 Dbase: Code, 75 Debuggers, 765, 869, 983, 1034, 1035, 1036, 1065, 1134, 1205, 1206, 1207, 1208 Decibels, 830 Decision Trees, 380, 391, 453 Declarative Programming, 1137 Declarative Semantics, 1134 Deduction Systems, 636 Deductive Database, 1131, 1179 Deductive Query Processing, 678 Deductive Retrieval, 391 Default Reasoning, 344, 640 Defeasible Reasoning, 655, 656, 657, 658, 668, 1030 Define-Class, 969 Definite Clause Grammar, 107, 596, 1074, 1080, 1165 Definite Clause Slash Grammar, 1090 Definite Clause Translation Grammar, 1080 Deftable, 779 Delay Equations, 493 Delay Mechanisms, 1169 DeltaBlue, 97 Demo Version, 163, 197, 198, 199, 204, 206, 446, 1037, 1038 DemoShell, 197 Dempster-Shafer, 665 Dendrites, 17 Denotational Semantics, 635, 637, 1287 Dependency Grammar, 326 Dependent Types, 631 Depth-First Planner, 1029 Depth-First Search, 55, 692, 840, 1028, 1343 Derivation Trees, 372, 378 Destructuring, 1264 Devguide, 922 Diagnosis, 319, 383 Dialectic, 658 Dialog Items, 853 Dictionaries, 505, 507, 508, 516, 551 Dictionaries: American English, 512 Dictionaries: Australian, 520 Dictionaries: Chinese, 520 Dictionaries: Danish, 520 Dictionaries: Dutch, 511, 514, 520 Dictionaries: English, 511, 514, 515 Dictionaries: English (Tagged), 518 Dictionaries: Finnish, 520 Dictionaries: French, 520 Dictionaries: German, 511, 514, 520 Dictionaries: Italian, 511, 514, 520 Dictionaries: Japanese, 511, 520 Dictionaries: Japanese Morphological, 517 Dictionaries: Japanese/English, 509, 510 Dictionaries: Norwegian, 511, 514, 520 Dictionaries: Spanish, 513, 520 Dictionaries: Swedish, 511, 514, 520 Dictionaries: WordNet, 523 Dictionaries: Yiddish, 520 Difference Equations, 493 Differential Equations, 493 Differentiation, 401 Dijkstra's Algorithm, 1343 Direct Manipulation, 927 Directed Acyclic Graphs, 969 Discourse, 326, 499, 524, 525 Discourse Representation Theory, 525 Discovery, 102 Discovery: Documents, 103, 104, 105 Discrete Fourier Transform, 830 Discrete Fourier Transforms, 827 Discrete-Event Simulator, 737 Discriminants, 372, 378 Dismal, 617 Displaying Parse Trees, 1073 Distributed AI, 101 Distributed Applications, 1159 Distributed Processing, 1143 Distributed Word Representations, 485 Doctor, 76 Doodle Garden, 304 Doubly-Linked Lists, 1046 Dr. Dobb's Journal, 111 Dr. Life, 30 Drawing Programs, 95, 919 Duck, 734 Dutch Dictionary, 511, 514 Dylan, 992, 993, 994, 995, 996, 997, 998, 999, 1001, 1002, 1003, 1004, 1005, 1006, 1007, 1008, 1009, 1289 Dylan/Scheme Compatibility, 1309 Dylan: BNF, 994 Dylan: Code, 993, 994, 995 Dylan: Design Notes, 997 Dylan: Documents, 996, 998, 999, 1000 Dylan: FAQ, 1001 Dylan: IBM PC, 1004, 1006 Dylan: Macintosh, 1004, 1006, 1007 Dylan: Poetry, 999 Dylan: Semantics, 1000 Dylan: UNIX, 1003, 1004, 1006 Dylan: YACC, 994 Dynamic Knowledge Exchange, 138 Dynamic LVQ, 476 Dynamic Link Library, 127, 128, 129 Dynamic Programming, 320, 1137 Dynamic Time Warping, 707 E-Completion, 634 E-Unification, 350 EAIA, 1098 EBG, 115, 372, 379, 391 EBL, 364, 387, 611, 612 ECHO, 22, 480 ECL, 938 ECLiPSe, 1155 ECRC, 1155 ECoLisp, 938 EDB, 763 EDCG, 1089 EDICT, 509 EGGS, 391 ELI, 580, 984 ELISP, 939 EM, 252 ENUMs for Lisp, 769 EOPL, 1197 EPIA, 1098 ES, 158 ESFM, 159 ESIE, 160 ESL, 1038, 1157 ESP, 322 ET, 444 EW, 918 EXPLORER, 391 EXTEND-SYNTAX, 1290 EZD, 1346 Earley Parser, 504, 1281 Ecological Simulation, 44 Edebug, 983 Eden, 735 Edinburgh, 1019, 1060, 1090, 1175, 1176 Edinburgh Prolog Tools, 1039, 1090 Edinburgh Syntax, 1165 Editor Packages, 1407 Editors: Text, 1422 Educational Tools, 113, 115, 116 Edwin, 1357, 1358, 1360, 1361, 1362, 1363 Effectors, 688 Elf, 631 Eliza, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 502, 751, 1029, 1087, 1127, 1137, 1154, 1158 Elk, 1351 Elkan, 180 Elliptic Integrals, 821 Emacs Lisp: Common Lisp Compatibility, 940 Emacs Lisp: Debuggers, 983 Emacs Lisp: Manual, 939 Emacs-Lisp Interfaces, 981 Emacs-Scheme Interfaces, 1407 Emycin, 751 Engineering Notation, 847 Englex, 561 English Dictionary, 511, 514 English Grammar, 589, 1072 English Lexicon, 515, 518 Environments, 3, 1047 Epsilon Lisp Mode, 1366, 1407 EqL, 1127 Equation Solver, 1029 Equivalential Calculus, 626 Ergo, 645 Ergo Lambda Prolog, 1156 Erratic, 736 Error Function, 827 Error Handling, 751 Error-Catching Mechanism, 770 Error-Driven Learning, 598 Errors, 765 Eu2C, 1012 EuLisp, 1011, 1012, 1013, 1014 EuLisp Object System, 1014 Eval, 1209, 1210, 1211, 1212, 1213, 1214, 1215, 1216, 1217, 1219 Evaluable Functions, 643 Evaluable Predicates, 643 Evaluator, 1214 Evans' Geometric Analogy Program, 1090 Event Driven Simulation, 196 Evolution, 16, 19, 24, 42, 249 Evolution Strategies, 252, 275, 286 Evolution of Digital Organisms, 46 Evolutionary Algorithms, 252 Evolutionary Computation: Bibliographies, 233, 234, 235, 236 Evolutionary Programming, 229 EvolvePlanes, 305 Expert System Explanation, 158, 364 Expert System Shells, 53, 107, 109, 115, 117, 121, 123, 124, 125, 126, 127, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143, 144, 145, 146, 147, 148, 149, 150, 151, 152, 153, 154, 155, 156, 157, 158, 159, 160, 161, 162, 163, 164, 165, 166, 167, 168, 319, 364, 751, 752, 1028, 1030, 1038, 1090, 1147, 1159, 1166 Expert System Shells: Benchmarks, 107, 118, 119, 120 Expert System Shells: Medical, 660 Expert Systems Ltd., 1038, 1157 Explanation, 574 Explanatory Hypotheses, 480 Explicit Renaming, 1306 Exponentially Distributed Noise, 827 Express Windows, 918 Expression Evaluation, 1343 Expression Simplification, 401 Extended Logic, 1045 Extension Languages, 1351, 1356, 1387 Extentron, 395 Extinction, 479 FAQ: AI, 169 FAQ: Artificial Life, 10 FAQ: CA, 58 FAQ: CLOS, 883 FAQ: Constraints, 92 FAQ: Dylan, 1001 FAQ: Expert System Shells, 121 FAQ: Fuzzy Logic, 189 FAQ: Genetic Algorithms, 246 FAQ: Genetic Programming, 300 FAQ: Lisp, 883 FAQ: Literate Programming, 398 FAQ: Miscellaneous, 397 FAQ: NLP, 536 FAQ: Neural Networks, 417 FAQ: OOP, 399 FAQ: Prolog, 1108 FAQ: Robotics, 685 FAQ: SLIB, 1262 FAQ: Scheme, 1344 FAQ: Smalltalk, 1413 FAQ: Speech, 702 FCM, 198 FCP, 1142 FFT, 707, 719, 723 FGC, 1098 FGCS, 318 FGREP, 485 FIDE Demo, 199 FISMAT, 200 FJ, 210, 1168 FLEX, 584 FLIE, 201 FLIPC Demo, 202 FM_2D, 486 FM_ND, 487 FOCL, 364 FOGA, 237 FOIL, 365, 366, 367, 368, 369, 372, 395 FOL, 638, 864 FONOL, 557 FOPC, 632, 1065, 1090 FOR Macro, 580, 800, 801 FORMAT for Scheme, 1254 FORTH, 61 FORWARD, 332 FP, 1128 FRAMISH, 336 FRAPPS, 632 FRIL, 175 FRL, 336 FROBS, 337, 1158 FROLIC, 337, 1158 FRulekit, 162 FT, 633 FUF, 576 FUTURE, 1245 FW_Rules, 1048 Factorial, 827 Factorials, 1154 Factoring, 401, 643 Fan Controller, 205 Fast Fourier Transform, 719, 757, 827, 830 Feature Maps, 486, 487, 488 Feature Selection, 481 Feature Structures, 525, 586 Feedforward Neural Networks, 433, 453, 455, 464, 491 Feel, 1013, 1014 Female Names, 519 Fibonacci, 1269 Fifth Generation Computer Systems, 318 File Names, 1255 Filtering, 730 Finite Domains, 332, 1117 Finite State Machines, 1044, 1343 First Order Logic, 635, 636, 638, 640 Fisher's g Statistic, 830 Flakey, 736 Flat Concurrent Prolog, 1142 Flavors, 969 Fletcher-Powell Unconstrained Minimization, 821 Flexinol, 690 Flight Simulators, 445 Floating Point Numbers, 818, 849 Floyd's Shortest Path Algorithm, 1343 Focus Tracking, 528 Foggy, 543 Font Stripper, 843 Fonts, 537 Fonts: Chess, 221 Fools' Lisp, 1352 Foreign Function Interface, 1350, 1351 Formal Languages, 837 Formant Synthesis, 713 Formatted Output, 1090 Fortran: Code, 29, 290, 433, 706, 717 Forward Chaining, 56, 107, 115, 124, 125, 145, 146, 147, 148, 149, 150, 151, 152, 153, 154, 155, 156, 158, 327, 332, 337, 352, 752, 1028, 1030, 1136 Forward Chaining Rules, 1048 Forward Checking, 96, 761 Forward Demodulation, 643 Forward Inference, 353 Forward Subsumption, 643 Fourier Transforms, 821 Fractals, 1030 Frame Systems, 107, 333, 335, 336, 337, 338, 339, 345 Frame Systems: References, 334 FrameWork, 335 Frames, 350, 1015, 1017, 1018, 1020, 1196 Franz, 931, 984, 986 Franz Lisp, 851, 1015, 1017, 1018, 1019, 1020, 1021 Free Energy Manipulation, 492 Frequently Asked Questions, 121, 169, 189, 397, 398, 399, 417, 536, 685, 702, 883, 1001, 1108, 1344, 1413 FuNeGen, 203 Fukushima, 455 Function Optimization, 267 Functional Equations, 493 Functional Programming, 354, 1124 Functional Programming Languages, 346 Functional Unification Grammar, 576 Futures, 1013 FuzzDemo, 204 Fuzzy ARTMAP, 194 Fuzzy Clustering, 327 Fuzzy Control Manager, 198 Fuzzy Inference Library, 210 Fuzzy Inference Systems, 204 Fuzzy Logic, 139, 140, 141, 142, 170, 171, 172, 173, 175, 176, 177, 192, 193, 194, 197, 199, 201, 202, 203, 204, 206, 208, 210, 212, 213, 214, 216, 217, 218 Fuzzy Logic: Arithmetic Library, 207 Fuzzy Logic: Associations, 184 Fuzzy Logic: Benchmarks, 185 Fuzzy Logic: Bibliographies, 178, 179 Fuzzy Logic: Books, 174 Fuzzy Logic: C++ Classes, 196, 212 Fuzzy Logic: Controllers, 183, 195, 196, 198, 200, 205, 209, 211 Fuzzy Logic: Documentation, 178 Fuzzy Logic: Education Kit, 187 Fuzzy Logic: Expert System Shells, 196 Fuzzy Logic: FAQ, 189 Fuzzy Logic: Inference Engines, 196, 215 Fuzzy Logic: Introductions, 181, 183 Fuzzy Logic: Mail, 190 Fuzzy Logic: Notes, 182, 183, 184, 186, 188 Fuzzy Logic: Paradoxical Success, 180 Fuzzy Logic: Tutorials, 181 Fuzzy Set Relations, 158 Fuzzy Sets, 196 Fuzzy Variables, 196 Fview, 709 GA Application Generator, 256 GA-List, 247 GAC, 253 GACC, 254 GAF, 208 GAGA, 255 GAGS, 256 GAL, 257 GAMA, 332 GAME, 258 GAMusic, 259 GANN, 272 GANNET, 260 GAW, 261 GAbench, 295 GAucsd, 262 GB, 585 GBB, 52 GCL, 941 GDE, 677 GECO, 263, 264, 265 GEM, 919 GENALG, 266 GENESIS, 25, 262, 267, 268 GENESIS: Parallel, 281 GENEsYs, 268 GENOCOP, 277, 280 GENlib, 272 GEST, 53 GIGA, 273 GILT Interface Builder, 919 GINA, 914 GLISP, 844 GMD, 386, 400, 914 GNODE, 836 GNU, 1415 GNU Common Lisp, 941 GNU Emacs, 617, 631 GNU GPL, 76, 196, 211, 215, 222, 260, 263, 264, 265, 283, 285, 290, 343, 351, 353, 372, 374, 377, 378, 379, 380, 382, 384, 400, 472, 503, 709, 713, 714, 720, 725, 763, 771, 772, 776, 808, 849, 882, 936, 938, 940, 941, 947, 1170, 1200, 1262, 1270, 1271, 1284, 1316, 1356, 1364, 1377, 1378, 1381, 1382, 1383, 1386, 1390, 1415, 1424, 1425, 1426 GNU Tar, 1425 GNU-Emacs Lisp, 76, 940 GNU-Emacs Lisp Manual, 939 GO, 920 GOLEM, 370 GOTO, 1044 GP-Graphs, 309 GPC plus plus, 307 GPC++, 307 GPEIST, 308 GPQUICK, 310 GPS, 751 GPSTEPS, 311 GPX/Abstractica, 302 GRADSIM, 447 GRAMTSY, 544 GREXPAND, 1074 GRIDS, 1224 GSM, 711 GScheme, 1349 GUI: CLIPS, 142, 157 GUI: Lisp, 4, 98, 884, 885, 886, 887, 888, 889, 890, 891, 892, 893, 894, 895, 896, 897, 898, 899, 900, 901, 902, 903, 904, 905, 906, 907, 908, 909, 910, 911, 912, 913, 914, 915, 916, 917, 918, 919, 920, 921, 922, 923, 924, 925, 926, 927, 928, 929, 1112, 1113 GUI: Prolog, 1030, 1063, 1109, 1110, 1111, 1112, 1113, 1114, 1161 GUI: Requires CLIO, 915 GUI: Requires CLOS, 914, 915, 917, 918, 922, 923, 925, 927, 929 GUI: Requires CLUE, 923, 927 GUI: Requires CLX, 914, 915, 917, 918, 919, 923, 927 GUI: Requires KR, 919 GUI: Scheme, 1345, 1346, 1347, 1351, 1358, 1385, 1388 GULP, 1075 GWAM, 332 Gabriel Benchmarks, 757, 1203 Gambit, 1353 Game Playing, 55, 219, 227 Game Playing: Backgammon, 410 Game Playing: Bibliographies, 226 Game Playing: Chess, 220, 221, 222, 223, 224, 225 Game Playing: Crossword Puzzles, 228 Game Playing: Documentation, 226 Game Playing: Go, 319 Game Playing: Robotics, 689 Game of Nim, 1029 Gamma Function, 821, 830 Gamma Functions, 827 Garbage Collection, 978, 1169, 1351 Garnet, 98, 919, 920, 936 Gaussian Elimination, 611 Gaussian Equations, 1129 Gaussian Noise, 827 GenET, 269 Genealogy, 108 General Diagnostic Engine, 677 Generalized Cut, 1169 Generic Search, 56 Genesis, 251, 253, 257 Genetic Algorithms, 18, 20, 21, 107, 115, 208, 229, 230, 246, 247, 248, 249, 250, 251, 252, 253, 254, 255, 256, 257, 258, 259, 260, 261, 262, 263, 264, 265, 266, 267, 268, 269, 270, 271, 272, 273, 274, 275, 276, 277, 278, 279, 280, 282, 284, 285, 286, 287, 288, 289, 290, 291, 293, 302 Genetic Algorithms: Benchmarks, 294, 295, 296, 297 Genetic Algorithms: Bibliographies, 232, 233, 234, 235, 236, 237, 238, 239, 240 Genetic Algorithms: C++ Classes, 292 Genetic Algorithms: Documents, 231, 244, 245 Genetic Algorithms: Introductions, 241, 242, 243 Genetic Algorithms: Parallel, 281, 283 Genetic Algorithms: Software, 245 Genetic Art, 302 Genetic Programming, 229, 298, 300, 301, 303, 304, 305, 306, 307, 308, 309, 310, 311, 312, 313, 314, 315, 316 Genetic Programming: Bibliography, 299 Genetic Search: Bibliographies, 413 Genetic-2, 277, 278 Genetic-2N, 277, 279 Genetics, 319 Genie, 270 Genitor, 271 Gensym, 1065, 1090, 1260 Geometry, 626 Georgia Tech, 53 Geppetto, 306, 309 German Dictionary, 511, 514 Gesture Recognition, 919 Gibberish, 585 Glossed Sentences, 525 Go, 319 Goal-Oriented, 678 Godel's Set Theory Axions, 626 Goedel, 1134 Goldberg, 284, 285, 287, 290 Golowasch-Buchholz Model, 17 Government and Binding Theory, 543, 544, 591 Government-Binding Parser, 585 Gradient Descent, 447, 452, 461 Gram-Schmidt Matrix Decomposition, 830 Grammar, 539, 544, 583, 586, 589, 592 Grammar Checker, 588, 594 Grammar Kit, 1162 Grammar Writing, 550 Graph Processing Utilities, 1065, 1090 Graph Theory, 1068 Graph Traversal, 1343 Graph Unification, 55 Graph-Based Unification Grammar, 592 Graphers, 863, 898, 921 Graphical Models, 665 Graphics, 836, 884, 885, 886, 887, 888, 889, 890, 891, 892, 893, 894, 895, 896, 897, 898, 899, 900, 901, 902, 903, 904, 906, 907, 908, 909, 910, 911, 912, 913, 914, 915, 916, 917, 918, 919, 920, 921, 922, 923, 924, 925, 926, 927, 928, 929, 1030, 1064, 1109, 1110, 1111, 1112, 1113, 1114, 1252, 1345, 1346, 1347, 1388 Graphing, 905 Grid World, 737 Grips, 1079, 1081 Grocery Bagger, 56 Grossberg, 426, 427, 428, 429 Group Theory, 626 Gustavus Adolphus College, 688, 1341 Gwydion, 1003 HCI, 884, 885, 886, 887, 888, 889, 890, 891, 892, 893, 894, 895, 896, 897, 898, 899, 900, 901, 902, 903, 904, 905, 906, 907, 908, 909, 910, 911, 912, 913, 914, 915, 916, 917, 918, 919, 921, 922, 923, 924, 925, 926, 927, 928, 929, 1109, 1110, 1111, 1112, 1113, 1114, 1345, 1346, 1347, 1388 HIC, 673 HIPER, 634 HMM, 598, 712 HOBBIT, 1377, 1379 HP, 837, 859, 926, 973 HPSG, 576, 592, 1072 HUGIN Demo, 163 HUM, 545 HWOOPS, 1347 Hard Competitive Learning, 492 Hash Tables, 1227, 1343 Haskell, 845 Hdrug, 586 Heap Sort, 1343 Heaps, 1065, 1090 Hebbian Learning, 467, 473 Help, 1354 Henkin Models, 626 Heuristic Search, 400 Hexapod Robots, 690 HiLog, 1171, 1179 Hidden Markov Models, 712 Hierarchical Interval Constraints, 673 Hierarchical Planning, 608 High-Pass Filters, 830 Higher Order E-Unification, 1135 Higher Order Logic, 635 Hill Climbing Search, 55, 56, 840, 1029 Histograms, 822 Hodge, 66 Hodgkin-Huxley Model, 17 Homophones, 696 Honey, 77 Hopfield Networks, 55, 115, 448, 449 Horn Clauses, 332, 350, 364, 365, 366, 367, 368, 369, 864 Human Evolution, 23 Huntington Technical Brief, 186 Hyperbolic, 821 Hyperbot, 688 Hypergeometric Function, 1272 Hyperplane Animator, 423 Hyperresolution, 643 Hypothetical Worlds, 165 IANDC, 1096, 1098 IB, 914 IBM, 410 IBox, 341 IC-Prolog ][, 1159 ICBR, 652 ICLP, 1098 ICOT, 319, 320, 321, 322, 323, 324, 325, 326, 327, 328, 517, 596, 1098, 1118, 1119, 1120, 1121, 1122, 1123 ICOT Free Software, 318 ICP, 1159 ICS, 449 ICST, 1045 ICU, 580 ID3, 115, 356, 372, 380, 390, 391, 395, 1028 IDEAL, 667 IDM, 607 IDT, 372, 380 IEEE P1178, 1310 IEEE P1178 Compatible, 1262, 1350, 1351, 1353, 1377, 1380, 1381, 1386, 1390 IFR Fuzzy, 209 IFS, 318 II, 1069 IIS, 176 ILISP, 985 ILP, 385 ILPS, 1098 ILS, 928 ILU, 784 INDEX, 371 INFER, 210 INRIA, 1024, 1167, 1169, 1350 IO, 790, 791, 792, 793, 794, 795, 797, 798, 799, 1045, 1061, 1062, 1063, 1064, 1251, 1252, 1253, 1254, 1255, 1256, 1257, 1258 IPA, 537 IRISA, 1167, 1169 IS-A Hierarchy, 339 ISO Lisp, 877, 881 ISO Prolog, 1106 ISO-9660, 1419 ISQRT, 823 ITP, 546 Imogenes, 313 Imperial College, 1084, 1159, 1160 Implies, 382 Incomplete Knowledge, 671 Incremental Concept Formation, 377 Incremental Conceptual Clustering, 391 Incremental Learning, 391 Indexing, 988 Indexing Software, 542, 545 Indiana University, 690, 1375, 1376 Induction, 380, 668 Induction Algorithms, 356 Inductive Classification, 390, 391, 394, 395 Inductive Data Engineering, 371 Inductive Inference, 656 Inductive Learning, 373, 392, 1143 Inference, 327, 635, 637, 677 Inference Engines, 352, 386, 630 Infix Notation for Lisp, 846 Inflection, 553 Influence Diagrams, 665, 667 Info-ZIP Archives, 1436 InfraLogic, 177 Inheritance, 56, 339, 341, 658 Inheritance Reasoner, 5 Initializations, 348, 771 Input, 790, 791, 792, 793, 794, 795, 797, 798, 799, 1251, 1252, 1254, 1255, 1256, 1257, 1258 Insertion Sort, 1029 Integer Factorization, 821 Integration, 401 Intensional, 332, 353 Inter-Linearize Text, 551 InterBASE, 578 Interactive Shell, 1029 Interchange Sort, 1029 Interface Builders, 927 Interface Tools, 833 Interlinear Text, 546 Interlisp, 852 Interoperability, 837 Interpreters: AGENT0, 4 Interpreters: Dylan, 1004, 1006, 1007, 1008 Interpreters: Lambda Prolog, 1156, 1163, 1167 Interpreters: Lisp, 933, 936, 937, 941, 942, 943, 944, 945, 946, 948, 949, 950, 951, 954, 955, 956 Interpreters: Prolog, 115, 943, 944, 945, 1127, 1129, 1132, 1140, 1141, 1143, 1147, 1148, 1149, 1150, 1151, 1152, 1154, 1155, 1157, 1161, 1162, 1165, 1166, 1168, 1169, 1171, 1174, 1175, 1176, 1179 Interpreters: Scheme, 943, 944, 945, 1350, 1351, 1352, 1353, 1354, 1357, 1361, 1363, 1367, 1368, 1369, 1370, 1373, 1381, 1388, 1391, 1392 Interpreters: Smalltalk, 943, 944, 945, 1415 Interpreters: WAM, 1182 Interval Algebra, 674 Interval Arithmetic, 1069, 1173, 1307 Intuitionistic Predicate Logic, 633 Inverse Kinematics, 739 Inverse Resolution, 372, 381 Inverted Pendulum, 200, 202, 213 Ion Channels, 17 Isabelle, 635 Island Parsers, 587 Iswym, 1355 Italian Dictionary, 511, 514 Iterate, 802 Iteration, 800 Iteration: FOR Macro, 801 Iteration: Iterate, 802 Iteration: LOOP Macro, 803, 804, 805, 807 Iteration: SLOOP Macro, 806 Iteration: Scheme, 1260 Iteration: Series, 809 Iteration: YLOOP Macro, 808 Iterative Deepening Interpreter, 1049 Iterative Deepening Search, 55, 400 Iterative Equations, 493 JACAL, 1270, 1377 JADE, 919 JAR, 626, 1098 JB Prolog, 1161 JICLP, 1098 JLP, 1098 JPSG, 1118, 1119, 1120, 1121, 1122, 1123 JSC, 1098 JTMS, 115, 677 Japan, 318, 319, 320, 321, 322, 323, 324, 325, 326, 327, 328 Japan Women's University, 823 Japanese, 1120 Japanese Dictionary, 511 Japanese Morphological Dictionary, 517 Japanese/English Dictionary, 509, 510 Johns Hopkins, 774 June92 RnRS Meeting, 1312 Justification-Based TMS, 677 K Nearest Neighbor, 395, 481 KCL, 941, 946 KEE, 970 KEIM, 636 KGEN, 562 KIMMO, 560, 561, 562, 563, 564, 565 KL-ONE, 340, 341, 342, 343, 344 KL1, 323, 328 KNOWBEL, 345 KPlot, 714 KR, 107, 338, 919 KRIS, 344 KTEXT, 563 Kalah, 1029, 1196 Kalypso, 1022 Kamin, 944 Karl Sims, 302 Karlsruhe University, 936 Klatt, 713 Klatt Parameters, 714 Knapsack Problems, 296 Knight's Tour, 107, 1150, 1151, 1152 Knowledge Acquisition, 115, 386 Knowledge Bases, 320, 1031 Knowledge Compilation, 332 Knowledge Representation, 320, 329, 331, 332, 333, 334, 335, 336, 337, 338, 339, 340, 341, 342, 343, 344, 345, 346, 347, 348, 349, 350, 351, 352, 353, 354, 674 Knowledge Representation: Documentation, 330 Knuth-Bendix Completion, 643 Knuth-Morris-Pratt String Searching, 1343 Kohonen, 479, 486, 487, 488 Kohonen Self-Organizing Maps, 477, 482 Kohonnen Net, 492 L-Systems, 41, 43 LAIR Toolset, 680 LALR, 837 LALR Parser Generator, 583, 833, 1025, 1282 LAPIDIARY, 919 LAPUTA, 326 LCF, 635, 637 LD-CELP, 715 LDB, 547 LDC, 701 LES, 164 LEX, 518, 837 LF Logical Framework, 631 LHIP, 587 LIBNSPEECH, 719 LICE, 275 LICS, 1097, 1098 LILY, 947 LINGER, 588 LINT for Lisp, 861 LINT for Prolog, 1031, 1034, 1035, 1036, 1065 LINT for Scheme, 1205, 1206, 1207, 1208 LISP2WISH, 924 LISSOM, 489 LITLFLET, 315 LL Parsers, 1285 LM-Prolog, 1162 LMI Lambda, 1162 LMS Learning Procedure, 475 LO, 1160 LOLA, 1022 LOOP Macro, 751, 800, 803, 804, 805, 807, 808, 1260 LOTEC, 716 LP, 1076, 1098, 1163 LPA, 1164 LPC, 707, 717 LQ-Text, 548 LR(0) Parser Generator, 600 LSI Routing, 319 LSYS, 41 LTRAN, 852 LUG, 326 LVQ, 476, 477 LYRI, 719 LaTeX, 525, 1192, 1410, 1411 LaTeX: Neural Networks, 495 Labels, 1044 Lambda, 1213 Lambda Calculus, 346 Lambda Prolog, 1156, 1163, 1167 Language Constructs, 809 Lattices, 1228 Lazy Evaluation, 635, 637 Lazy Scheme, 1354 LeanTaP, 638 Learning Attributional Descr., 376 Learning from Examples, 391 Least General Generalization, 382 Least Squares Method, 830 Leave One Out, 481 Lecture Notes, 1317, 1318, 1319, 1320, 1321, 1322, 1323, 1324, 1325, 1326, 1327, 1328, 1329, 1330, 1331, 1332, 1333, 1334, 1335, 1336, 1337, 1338, 1339, 1340, 1341, 1342 Lecture Notes: Neural Networks, 415, 416 Left-Associative Parser, 594 Legal Reasoning, 319 Legendre Polynomials, 827 Leiden University, 974 Lenat, 110 Length, 1052 Leter to Sound Rules, 708 Lexer, 834 Lexical Analysis, 1079 Lexical Analyzer Generator, 584, 1025, 1350 Lexically-Scoped Macros, 1299 Lexicons, 539, 549, 551 LiSP2TeX, 1408 Liar, 1357, 1358, 1360, 1361, 1362, 1363 LibGA, 274 Life3d, 34 Life: Implementations, 14, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 783, 1056 Life: Patterns, 28, 32, 39, 40 Limit Theorems, 626 Linda, 1013 Line Editor, 1029 Linear Algebra, 425 Linear Associative Networks, 475 Linear Constraints, 277, 278, 280 Linear Equations, 56, 1117 Linear Logic, 1132 Linear Prediction, 706 Linear Predictive Coding, 719 Linear Regression, 821 Linguistic Data Consortium, 701 Link Parser, 589 Lisp, 747, 875, 878, 881, 882, 957 Lisp Listener, 404 Lisp Machines, 1162 Lisp Newsgroup Archives, 957 Lisp Parser in C, 834 Lisp Speed, 756 Lisp to C, 935, 938, 941, 946 Lisp-Like Data Structures: ADA, 932 Lisp: Amiga, 955, 956 Lisp: Atari, 955 Lisp: Benchmarks, 754, 755, 756, 757 Lisp: Bibliographies, 873 Lisp: Code, 4, 52, 74, 77, 107, 111, 115, 162, 166, 167, 257, 263, 264, 265, 314, 315, 332, 335, 336, 337, 338, 339, 345, 346, 348, 350, 353, 354, 364, 389, 390, 391, 392, 393, 395, 403, 404, 405, 425, 438, 470, 471, 480, 503, 558, 576, 580, 581, 583, 590, 598, 599, 603, 604, 605, 606, 607, 608, 609, 610, 611, 612, 614, 616, 618, 619, 622, 632, 634, 636, 642, 646, 651, 656, 660, 665, 667, 670, 671, 673, 674, 677, 679, 680, 734, 735, 737, 740, 741, 748, 749, 750, 751, 752, 753, 761, 784, 830, 848, 855, 856, 876, 888, 889, 890, 891, 892, 893, 894, 895, 896, 898, 899, 900, 901, 902, 903, 907, 908, 909, 910, 911, 924, 966, 967, 969, 970, 971, 972, 973, 974, 975, 1135, 1136, 1154 Lisp: Code Walking, 758, 759, 760 Lisp: Data Structures, 779, 780 Lisp: Databases, 762, 763 Lisp: Debuggers, 765 Lisp: Documents, 872, 873, 874, 876, 939, 986 Lisp: Emacs Reference Card, 986 Lisp: Extensions, 764, 765, 766, 767, 768, 769, 770, 771, 772, 773, 774, 775, 776, 777, 778, 779, 780, 781, 782, 796 Lisp: Extensions Library, 772 Lisp: FAQ, 883 Lisp: Fun Programs, 783, 1196 Lisp: GNU-Emacs Interface, 982, 984, 985 Lisp: Graphers, 921 Lisp: Graphics, 905, 925 Lisp: History, 874 Lisp: IBM PC, 938, 955, 956, 1019 Lisp: IO, 790, 791, 792, 793, 794, 795, 797, 798, 799 Lisp: Impl. Dependent Code, 785, 786, 787, 788, 789 Lisp: Implementations, 930, 931, 933, 934, 935, 936, 937, 938, 939, 940, 941, 942, 943, 944, 945, 946, 947, 948, 949, 950, 951, 952, 954, 955, 956 Lisp: Introductions, 875 Lisp: Iteration, 800, 801, 802, 803, 804, 805, 806, 807, 808, 809 Lisp: Kalypso, 1022 Lisp: MSDOS, 942, 951 Lisp: Macintosh, 950, 955, 956 Lisp: Matchers, 810, 811, 812, 813, 814, 815, 816 Lisp: Math, 817, 818, 819, 820, 821, 822, 823, 824, 825, 826, 827, 828, 829, 830, 831 Lisp: PC Lisp, 1021 Lisp: Papers, 976, 977, 978, 979 Lisp: Parsing, 832, 833, 834, 835, 836, 837, 1022 Lisp: Reference Card, 986 Lisp: Search, 838, 839, 840 Lisp: Sockets, 607, 790, 797, 914, 916 Lisp: Standards, 877, 878, 879, 880, 881, 882 Lisp: Style Guides, 979 Lisp: Syntax, 841, 842, 843, 844, 845, 846, 847, 848, 849, 850, 851, 852, 853 Lisp: Tech Reports, 976, 977, 978, 979 Lisp: Test Suite, 882 Lisp: Testing, 854, 855, 856 Lisp: Tools, 857, 858, 859, 860, 861, 862, 863, 864, 865, 866, 867, 868, 869, 870, 871, 988 Lisp: Tutorials, 875, 900 Lisp: UNIX, 938, 942, 951, 954, 956 Lisp: Utilities, 980, 981, 982, 983, 984, 985, 986, 987, 989, 990, 1407, 1408, 1409, 1410, 1411 LispView, 922 Lispish C/C++, 947 Lispworks, 923 List Intersection, 1029 Lists, 1045, 1046, 1051, 1052, 1090, 1229, 1232 Literate Programming: FAQ, 398 Literate Programming: Lisp, 1408, 1409, 1410, 1411 Literate Programming: Prolog, 1192 Literate Programming: Scheme, 1408, 1409, 1410, 1411 Load Balancing, 607 Local Propagation, 1204 Localized Unification Grammar, 326 LogScheme, 1214 Logging a Session, 1029 Logic, 630, 634, 1097, 1098, 1175, 1214 Logic Design, 319 Logic Languages, 1133, 1136 Logic Line, 160 Logic Problems, 626 Logic Programming, 332, 354, 631, 751, 1072, 1098, 1099, 1124, 1130, 1140, 1141, 1143, 1155, 1159, 1160, 1167 Logic and Objects, 1160 Logic-Based LTMS, 677 Logic-Based Parser, 502 Logical Circuits, 68 Logical Pathnames, 773 Lolli, 1132 Low-Pass Filters, 830 Luther, 1181 MACTIVATION, 450 MALI, 1167, 1169 MAP, 558 MAPFORMS, 759 MARQUISE, 919 MATLAB, 200, 204, 209, 214, 439, 730 MAWK, 1293 MBP, 425, 452 MCL, 787, 948, 949 MCL to ACL/PC, 853 MCS, 975 MCT, 4 METEOR, 627 METHODS, 1398 MGTP, 327, 627 MICE, 737 MIKE, 165 MILES, 385 MINIOOP, 1399 MIRROR, 876 MIT, 763, 836, 855, 856, 982, 1029, 1223, 1318, 1319, 1320, 1321, 1322, 1323, 1324, 1325, 1326, 1327, 1328, 1329, 1330, 1331, 1332, 1333, 1334, 1335, 1336, 1337, 1338, 1339, 1340, 1357 MIT LOOP Macro, 803, 805 MIT Scheme, 1357, 1358, 1359, 1360, 1361, 1362, 1363 MKRP, 639 ML, 346, 1023, 1024, 1025, 1350 ML: Code, 629, 631, 635, 637, 735 MLP Networks, 464 MOBAL, 386 MOP, 878, 880, 968, 975 MORFOGEN, 559 MOS, 1400 MOTEL, 344 MTRAN, 569 MULT, 1389 MUME, 453 MVL, 640 MacBinary, 1428 MacCUP, 1121 MacEliza, 78 MacGambit, 1353 MacGambit: Code, 1007 MacInTalk, 701 MacLex, 549 MacProlog, 1160, 1164 MacSCM, 1377, 1380 Machine Discovery, 102 Machine Discovery: Documents, 103, 104, 105 Machine Learning, 115, 193, 254, 355, 361, 362, 363, 364, 365, 366, 367, 368, 369, 371, 372, 373, 374, 375, 376, 377, 378, 379, 380, 381, 382, 383, 384, 385, 387, 390, 391, 392, 393, 394, 395, 471, 598, 609, 610, 611, 612, 614, 615, 616, 617, 735 Machine Learning: Benchmarks, 407, 408, 409 Machine Learning: Bibliographies, 356 Machine Learning: Databases, 357, 358 Machine Learning: Inductive Learning, 370, 386 Machine Learning: Macro Generation, 389 Machine Learning: Nearest-Neighbor Learning, 388 Machine Learning: Neural Networks, 410, 412, 413, 414, 415, 416, 417, 418, 419, 420, 423, 424, 425, 426, 427, 428, 429, 430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 436, 437, 438, 439, 440, 441, 442, 443, 444, 445, 446, 447, 448, 449, 450, 451, 452, 453, 454, 455, 456, 457, 459, 461, 462, 463, 465, 466, 467, 468, 469, 470, 471, 472, 473, 474, 475, 476, 477, 478, 479, 480, 481, 482, 483, 484, 485, 486, 487, 488, 489, 490, 491, 492, 493, 494, 495 Machine Learning: Refinement, 389 Machine Shop Scheduling, 611 Machine Translation, 499, 567, 568, 569 Macintosh, 442 Macro Expansion, 1065, 1090 Macros, 750, 751, 1197, 1297, 1298, 1299, 1300, 1301, 1302, 1303, 1304, 1305, 1306 Macsyma, 751, 825 Mail Archives: Dylan, 1009 Mail Archives: Genetic Algorithms, 247 Mail Archives: Machine Learning, 359, 360 Mail Archives: Neural Networks, 418, 419, 420 Mail Archives: Scheme, 1393 Male Names, 519 Manufacturing, 413 Map Coloring, 1029 Mark's CLX Toolkit, 4 Markov Chains, 540 Marlais, 1004 Mastermind, 1029, 1057 Matchers, 56, 336, 810, 811, 812, 813, 814, 815, 816, 1240, 1263, 1264, 1265, 1266, 1267 Math, 401, 493, 817, 818, 819, 820, 821, 822, 823, 824, 825, 826, 827, 828, 829, 830, 831, 1066, 1067, 1068, 1069, 1268, 1269, 1270, 1271, 1272, 1273, 1274, 1275 Mathematica, 826 Matrices, 425, 451, 830 Matrix Algebra, 611 Matrix Backpropagation Package, 425, 452 Matrix Multiplication, 452 Matrix Routines, 821, 824, 1271, 1343 Maxima, 825, 936 McDypar, 581 McGill University, 705 Mean, 827, 830 Mean Field Theory, 492 Measures, 847 Mechanisms, 3 Median, 827, 830 Medical Reasoning, 659, 660 Medley, 788 MegaLog, 1155 Mel Cepstrum Coding, 719 Melbourne University, 1046 Membership Functions, 204 Memoization, 774 Memoize, 774 Merge Sort, 1343 Meroon, 1397 Meroonet, 1397 Messy GA, 276 Meta Class System, 975 Meta Reasoning, 630, 661, 662 Meta-Circular Interpreter: Prolog, 1028, 1029, 1041, 1065, 1150, 1151, 1152 Meta-Programming, 1134, 1137 MetaGame Workbench, 227 Metacircular Evaluation, 1040, 1042, 1218, 1220 Metamorph, 107 Metering, 862 Michalski's AQ, 373 Micro ELI, 1250 Micro SAM, 1250 Micro-Worlds, 733, 734, 735, 736, 737, 738, 739, 740, 741 Mindy, 1005 Miscellaneous AI, 396, 400, 401 Missionaries and Cannibals Problem, 115, 131, 1090, 1196 Mitchell, 372, 379, 384 Mobile Robots, 734, 736 MockMma, 826 Modal Logic, 344, 635 Model-Based Reasoning, 107 Modular Lattices, 626 Modular Programming, 1144 Modules, 1090, 1278 Molecular Structure, 654 Monkey and Bananas, 611, 1196 Montague Parser, 590 Morgan Kaufmann, 751, 1028 Morphological Analyzer, 353, 539 Morphological Rule Compiler, 559 Morphology, 326, 499, 517, 556, 557, 558, 559, 560, 561, 562, 563, 564, 565, 566 Motif, 914, 919, 920, 926, 1351, 1385 Motorola, 187 Mu-law, 719, 720 Mult-Garnet, 98 MultAgent, 383 Multi-Agent Tutoring, 662 Multi-Valued Logics, 215 MultiBinProlog, 1150, 1151, 1152 Multilingual Programming, 1144 Multiple Knapsack Problems, 296 Multiple Threads, 1159 Multiple Worlds, 354 Munich University, 936 Music, 259, 402 Music: Composition, 404 Music: Notation, 405 Music: Synthesis, 403 Mycin, 1090 N-Input Parity, 408 N-Puzzle, 55 N-Queens, 1029, 1090, 1117, 1127, 1145, 1150, 1151, 1152, 1154 NACLP, 1098 NAS, 718 NASA, 454, 607 NASANETS, 454 NATHAN, 658 NBS, 1045 NCL, 1143 NCR, 918 NEC, 591 NEFCON, 211 NEITHER, 393 NESSUS, 476 NETPIC, 495 NETtalk, 408, 476 NETtalk Data, 358 NL Software Registry, 534 NLG, 326, 353, 499, 571, 576, 586, 837 NLG: Bibliographies, 572, 573, 574, 575 NLP, 109, 115, 224, 326, 484, 485, 486, 487, 488, 499, 500, 501, 502, 503, 504, 505, 506, 507, 508, 509, 510, 511, 512, 513, 514, 515, 516, 517, 518, 519, 520, 521, 522, 523, 524, 525, 537, 538, 539, 540, 541, 542, 543, 544, 545, 546, 547, 548, 549, 550, 551, 552, 553, 554, 555, 556, 557, 558, 559, 560, 561, 562, 563, 564, 565, 566, 567, 568, 569, 571, 572, 573, 574, 575, 576, 577, 578, 579, 580, 581, 582, 583, 584, 585, 586, 587, 588, 589, 590, 591, 592, 593, 594, 595, 596, 597, 598, 599, 600, 750, 751, 1143, 1147, 1166 NLP: Bibliographies, 527, 528, 529, 530, 531 NLP: Documentation, 526 NLP: FAQ, 536 NLP: Notes, 532 NLP: Software Registries, 533, 534, 535 NLSR, 534 NLU, 85, 499, 501, 502, 503, 579, 580, 581, 1030, 1250 NMSU, 1127 NN, 463 NNDT, 464 NNETDRAW, 465 NNS, 466 NNUTL, 467 NONLIN, 607, 608 NOP, 719 NQTHM, 641 NRC, 139, 140, 141, 142 NREGEX, 813 NTOAM, 1149 Name Corpus, 519 Name Spaces, 1278 Names, 552 Natural Deduction, 353, 635, 636, 637 Natural Language Interfaces, 499, 577, 578 Natural Selection, 249 NeXT, 1358 Nearest Neighbor Methods, 56 NeoCognitron, 455 NeoMycin, 615 Nerve Membranes, 493 Nerves, 456 NetAudio, 718 NetGlue, 1258 Network Computing Devices Inc., 718 Network Path Finding, 1058 Network-Transparent Audio, 718, 725 NeuDL, 458 Neural Circuitry, 460 Neural Networks, 107, 109, 115, 193, 203, 211, 254, 260, 272, 303, 406, 410, 411, 419, 420, 422, 425, 430, 438, 439, 440, 441, 443, 444, 445, 448, 449, 450, 451, 452, 456, 457, 458, 461, 462, 464, 465, 468, 470, 471, 477, 480, 482, 483, 484, 485, 486, 487, 488, 489, 490, 491, 493, 719, 724, 1150, 1151, 1152 Neural Networks: Benchmarks, 407, 408, 409 Neural Networks: Bibliographies, 240, 413 Neural Networks: Classification, 477, 478, 481 Neural Networks: Description Languages, 476 Neural Networks: Diagrams, 495 Neural Networks: Documentation, 412 Neural Networks: FAQ, 417 Neural Networks: Mail Archives, 418 Neural Networks: Notes, 414 Neural Networks: Simulators, 17, 25, 416, 424, 426, 427, 428, 429, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 436, 437, 442, 446, 447, 453, 454, 455, 459, 463, 466, 467, 469, 472, 473, 474, 475, 476, 479, 492 Neural Networks: Teaching Materials, 415, 416 Neural Networks: Tutorials, 467 Neural Networks: Utilities, 494 Neural Networks: Visualization, 423, 477 Neural Systems, 406, 411, 422, 460 Neural Systems: Benchmarks, 25 Neural Systems: Bibliographies, 413 Neural Systems: Documentation, 412 Neural Systems: Notes, 414 Neural Systems: Simulators, 17, 25 Neuron Digest, 420 NeuronC, 460 NevProp, 461 News Archives, 12, 93, 114, 122, 191, 317, 421, 496, 497, 498, 570, 686, 703, 744, 957, 958, 959, 960, 961, 962, 963, 964, 965, 1010, 1016, 1183, 1184, 1185, 1394, 1417 News Reader, 786 Newton's Method, 462 Nickel-Titanium, 690 Nisp, 734 Nitinol, 690 Node Perturbation, 453 Non-Linear Planning, 608 Nondeterminism, 750, 778 Nonlinear Constraints, 279 Nonlinear Optimization, 50 Nonlinear Planning, 603, 613 Nonmonotonic Logic, 1179 Nonmonotonic Reasoning, 115, 640, 658, 678 Northeastern University, 1287, 1342 Norwegian Dictionary, 511, 514 Nugs, 42 Numeric Facilities, 1045 Numerical Integration, 821, 827, 830 Numerical Optimization, 277, 278, 279, 280 Nuprl, 642 NyWAM, 332 OBVIUS, 745 OCR, 430 OGI Speech Tools, 719 OL(P), 1187 ONS, 848 ONTIC, 346 OODL, 992, 993, 994, 995, 996, 997, 998, 999, 1000, 1001, 1002, 1003, 1004, 1005, 1006, 1007, 1008, 1009 OOLOG, 1099 OOP, 107, 751, 752, 768, 782, 1099, 1198 OOP: CLIPS, 125, 139, 140, 141, 142, 145, 146, 147, 148, 149, 150, 151, 152, 153, 154, 155, 156 OOP: Common Lisp, 1014 OOP: Dylan, 992, 993, 994, 995, 996, 997, 998, 1000, 1001, 1002, 1003, 1004, 1005, 1006, 1007, 1008, 1009 OOP: EuLisp, 1013, 1014 OOP: FAQ, 399 OOP: Frames, 335, 337 OOP: Lisp, 955, 966, 967, 969, 970, 971, 972, 973, 974, 975, 1013 OOP: Logic Programming, 1187 OOP: Prolog, 1030, 1132, 1140, 1141, 1159, 1160, 1186, 1187, 1188 OOP: Scheme, 1013, 1014, 1347, 1350, 1359, 1364, 1392, 1395, 1396, 1397, 1398, 1399, 1400, 1401, 1402, 1403, 1404 OP, 1165 OPAL, 919 OPS5, 52 OPS5: Benchmarks, 119 OPS5: Lisp, 166, 167 OPS5: Pascal, 167 OPTEST, 1084 OTA, 516, 520 OTTER, 626, 627, 632, 643 Oaklisp, 1364 Objects, 768 Occam, 387 One Name Space, 848 Open Prolog, 1165 OpenLook, 1385 Operator Tests, 1084 Optimizing Compilers, 1211 Optional Arguments, 1226 Organic Chemistry, 654 Othello, 358, 751 Output, 790, 791, 792, 793, 794, 795, 797, 798, 799, 1251, 1252, 1254, 1255, 1256, 1257, 1258 Oxford, 1031, 1044, 1050, 1064, 1074, 1079, 1083 Oxford Text Archive, 516 PAIL, 115 PAM, 1139 PAPPI, 591 PARAGENESIS, 281 PARCIL, 849 PARSE-TIME, 835 PATMAT, 1266 PATR-II, 1072 PATTERN-CASE, 1267 PC Lisp, 1021 PC Scheme, 1365, 1366, 1367, 1368 PC-Kimmo, 564 PC-NQTHM, 641 PCA, 413 PCALL, 1245 PCL, 971, 973 PCL: CLISP, 936 PCLIFE, 32 PCM, 720 PCN, 1144 PCROBOTS, 689 PCS/Geneva, 1365, 1367 PEBLS, 388 PEPM, 1098 PERT Scheduling, 1129 PEVAL, 1216 PFG, 43 PFL, 107 PGA, 283 PI, 1110 PIM, 328 PIMOS, 324 PL2SQL, 1062 PLILP, 1098 PLISP, 844 PLP, 723 PLP Analysis, 719 PLSIP, 794 PLScheme, 1217 PM, 1167 PNLA, 593 PNODE, 836 PNP, 1141 POEM, 1188 PP, 1257 PPID, 1030 PPLAMBDA, 637 PPSS, 327 PPiCL, 1168 PROLIB, 1058 PROM, 1091 PROSIT, 1136 PROTEST, 168 PROTOS, 651 PSD, 1206, 1377 PSGRAPH, 863 PSOUP, 45 PTN, 1092 PTTP, 627 PWS Publishing, 214 Packages, 751 Palatino Phonetic Font, 537 ParaTSP, 282 Parallel Lisp, 952, 953 Parallel Logic Programming, 319, 1134 Parallel Parsing, 326 Parallel Processing, 1144 Parallel Prolog, 1159 Parallelism, 1013 Parameter Identification, 193 Parameter Optimization, 275, 286 Parlog, 1159 Parmenides, 339 Parry, 83 Parse Tree Notation, 1092 Parse Trees, 836, 1073 Parser Generator, 587, 837, 1286, 1287 Parsers, 539 Parsing, 326, 353, 499, 502, 503, 582, 583, 584, 585, 586, 587, 588, 589, 590, 591, 592, 593, 594, 595, 596, 597, 598, 599, 600, 832, 833, 834, 837, 1033, 1065, 1071, 1072, 1073, 1074, 1075, 1076, 1079, 1118, 1119, 1120, 1121, 1122, 1123, 1143, 1147, 1150, 1151, 1152, 1166, 1279, 1280, 1281, 1282, 1283, 1284, 1285, 1286 Part of Speech Taggers, 597, 598, 599 Partial Continuations, 1245 Partial Evaluation, 864, 1040, 1042, 1209, 1212, 1216, 1218, 1220, 1386 Partial Evaluation: Goedel, 1134 Partial Order Planning, 603, 619 Partitions, 819, 876 Pascal Interpreter in Prolog, 1079 Pascal: Code, 33, 79, 167, 266, 270, 291, 432, 443, 448, 457, 459, 482, 518, 664, 689, 945, 1035 Pass2, 1215 Patents, 414, 701 Path Consistency, 96 Path Planning, 611 Pathnames, 1255 Pattern Matching, 844, 1200, 1264 Pattern Matching Compiler, 1265, 1350 Pattern-Directed Inference, 677 Pearl, 664, 949, 1015, 1017, 1018, 1020 Pelletier's Problem Set, 626 Perceptrons, 56, 391, 395, 416, 444, 463, 468 Perceptual Linear Prediction, 723 Periodogram, 830 Permutations, 876, 1137 Persistent Object Store, 782 Persistent Objects, 777, 1161 PhD Thesis, 3, 5 Phoneme Concatenation, 731 Phonetic Fonts, 537 Phonology, 557, 566 Phrase Structure Grammer, 1120 Picasso, 925 Pictures, 915 Pitch Tracker, 722 Pixie Scheme, 1369 PlaNet, 469 Plagiarism, 116 Plan Recognition, 351 Planning, 115, 347, 348, 349, 350, 351, 352, 601, 602, 603, 604, 605, 606, 607, 608, 609, 610, 611, 612, 613, 614, 615, 616, 617, 618, 619, 658, 677, 733, 734, 735, 736, 737, 738, 739, 740, 741, 778, 1030, 1090 Plants, 41, 43 Pleuk, 592 Plotting, 905 Point Algebra, 674 Pointizable Interval, 674 Poll of Prolog Use, 1104 Pollack, 425 PolyClip, 1256 PolyType, 1248 Polygon Clipping Algorithm, 1256 Polynomial Division, 827 Polynomial Interpolation, 827 Polynomials, 830 Polyworld, 44 Pools, 1233 Pop-11: Code, 735 PopBeast, 735 Population Dynamics, 47 Portability Testing, 1084 Portable AI Lab, 115 Portable Prolog, 1168 Porting Lisp, 850, 851, 852, 853 PostScript, 919 PostScript Fonts, 537 PostScript Graphs, 863 PostScript in Lisp, 794 Power Spectrum, 827 PowerLisp, 950 Pragmatics, 326 Pratt Parser, 1283 Predators, 20 Predicate Logic, 353 Pretty Printing, 799, 1065, 1090, 1257 Prime Numbers, 821, 1273 Primordial Soup, 45 Princeton, 1391 Principal Component Analysis Neural Networks, 413 Principles and Parameters, 591 Printing Data Structures, 799 Priority Queues, 780 ProTcl, 586, 1111 Probabilistic Models, 493 Probabilistic Planning, 606 Probabilistic Reasoning, 663, 664, 665, 666, 667, 668 Probability, 821 Problem Sets, 449, 1317, 1318, 1319, 1320, 1321, 1322, 1323, 1324, 1325, 1326, 1327, 1328, 1329, 1330, 1331, 1332, 1333, 1334, 1335, 1336, 1337, 1338, 1339, 1340, 1341, 1342 Problem Sets: Neural Networks, 415, 416 Problem Solvers, 327 Prodigy, 609, 610, 611, 612 Profiler, 862, 1031, 1090 Program Analysis, 1134 Program Evolution, 47 Program Transformation, 1134 Program Verification, 626 Programming Consultant, 1087 Programming Languages, 746 Programming Languages: *Lisp, 952, 953 Programming Languages: CLP, 1116, 1117, 1118, 1119, 1120, 1121, 1122, 1123 Programming Languages: Constraints, 1204 Programming Languages: Dylan, 992, 993, 994, 995, 996, 997, 998, 999, 1000, 1001, 1002, 1003, 1004, 1005, 1006, 1007, 1008, 1009 Programming Languages: Emacs Lisp, 939, 940 Programming Languages: EuLisp, 1011, 1012, 1013, 1014 Programming Languages: Franz Lisp, 1015, 1017, 1018, 1019, 1020, 1021 Programming Languages: Functional Programming, 1124, 1125, 1126, 1127, 1128, 1129 Programming Languages: Lisp, 747, 930, 931, 932, 933, 934, 935, 936, 937, 938, 941, 942, 943, 944, 945, 946, 947, 948, 949, 950, 951, 954, 955, 956, 957, 1022 Programming Languages: Logic, 1133, 1134, 1135, 1136, 1137 Programming Languages: Logic Programming, 1124, 1125, 1126, 1127, 1128, 1129, 1130, 1131, 1132 Programming Languages: Logical Scheme, 1214 Programming Languages: OOP, 1129 Programming Languages: Others, 991 Programming Languages: Parallel Prolog, 1138, 1139, 1140, 1141, 1142, 1143, 1144, 1145 Programming Languages: Prolog, 354, 943, 944, 945, 1026, 1041, 1115, 1146, 1147, 1148, 1149, 1150, 1151, 1152, 1154, 1155, 1156, 1157, 1158, 1159, 1160, 1161, 1162, 1163, 1164, 1165, 1166, 1167, 1168, 1169, 1170, 1171, 1172, 1173, 1174, 1175, 1176, 1177, 1178, 1179, 1181, 1182, 1183 Programming Languages: Scheme, 934, 943, 944, 945, 1194, 1260, 1261, 1262, 1277, 1348, 1349, 1350, 1351, 1352, 1353, 1354, 1355, 1356, 1357, 1358, 1359, 1360, 1361, 1362, 1363, 1364, 1365, 1366, 1367, 1368, 1369, 1370, 1371, 1372, 1373, 1374, 1375, 1376, 1377, 1378, 1379, 1380, 1381, 1382, 1383, 1384, 1385, 1386, 1387, 1388, 1389, 1390, 1391, 1392 Programming Languages: Smalltalk, 943, 944, 945, 1412, 1414, 1415, 1416 Programming Languages: Standard ML, 1023, 1024, 1025 Programming Languages: WAM, 1180 Prolog, 124, 657, 1026, 1106, 1183 Prolog 1000 Database, 1105 Prolog Newsgroup Archives, 1183 Prolog Resource Guide, 1108 Prolog in Common Lisp, 354, 750, 1156, 1158, 1168 Prolog in Scheme, 1172, 1173 Prolog/Mali, 1167 Prolog68, 1170 Prolog: Amiga, 1171, 1177 Prolog: Atari, 1170, 1175 Prolog: Benchmarks, 1033, 1065, 1086, 1190 Prolog: Bibliographies, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 1095, 1096, 1097, 1098, 1099, 1100, 1101 Prolog: Code, 5, 81, 107, 159, 168, 227, 312, 341, 342, 344, 370, 371, 372, 373, 374, 375, 376, 377, 378, 379, 380, 381, 382, 383, 384, 385, 395, 465, 504, 525, 541, 585, 586, 587, 588, 591, 592, 593, 596, 638, 644, 662, 678, 735, 1027, 1028, 1029, 1030, 1031, 1032, 1033, 1034, 1035, 1036, 1037, 1038, 1039, 1040, 1041, 1042, 1043, 1044, 1045, 1046, 1047, 1048, 1049, 1050, 1051, 1052, 1053, 1054, 1055, 1056, 1057, 1058, 1059, 1060, 1061, 1062, 1063, 1064, 1065, 1066, 1067, 1068, 1069, 1070, 1071, 1072, 1073, 1074, 1075, 1076, 1077, 1078, 1079, 1080, 1081, 1082, 1083, 1084, 1085, 1086, 1087, 1088, 1089, 1090, 1091, 1092, 1093, 1105, 1186, 1187, 1188 Prolog: Debuggers, 1034, 1035, 1036, 1134 Prolog: Demo Packages, 1037, 1038, 1039 Prolog: Documents, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 1094, 1095, 1096, 1097, 1098, 1099, 1100, 1101, 1102, 1103, 1104, 1105, 1106, 1107, 1190 Prolog: Extensions, 1043, 1044, 1045, 1046, 1047, 1048, 1049, 1050, 1051, 1052, 1053, 1054 Prolog: FAQ, 1108 Prolog: Fun Programs, 1055, 1056, 1057, 1058, 1059, 1060 Prolog: IBM PC, 1122, 1150, 1151, 1152, 1166, 1175, 1179 Prolog: IO, 1061, 1062, 1063, 1064 Prolog: Implementations, 354, 750, 751, 943, 944, 945, 1041, 1115, 1116, 1117, 1118, 1119, 1120, 1121, 1122, 1123, 1124, 1125, 1126, 1127, 1128, 1129, 1131, 1132, 1134, 1135, 1137, 1138, 1139, 1140, 1141, 1142, 1143, 1144, 1145, 1146, 1147, 1148, 1149, 1150, 1151, 1152, 1154, 1155, 1156, 1157, 1158, 1159, 1161, 1162, 1163, 1164, 1165, 1166, 1167, 1168, 1169, 1170, 1171, 1172, 1173, 1174, 1175, 1176, 1177, 1178, 1179, 1180, 1181, 1182, 1214 Prolog: Introductions, 1103 Prolog: MS-DOS, 1171 Prolog: Macintosh, 1121, 1161, 1164, 1165, 1176 Prolog: Math, 1066, 1067, 1068, 1069 Prolog: Parsing, 1065, 1071, 1072, 1073, 1074, 1075, 1076, 1150, 1151, 1152 Prolog: Portability, 1047 Prolog: Standards, 1065, 1106 Prolog: Survey Papers, 1107 Prolog: Syntax, 1077, 1078, 1079, 1080, 1081 Prolog: Tech Reports, 1189 Prolog: Testing, 1082, 1083, 1084 Prolog: Tools, 1085, 1086, 1087, 1088, 1089, 1090, 1091, 1092, 1093 Prolog: Tutorials, 1065 Prolog: UNIX, 1119, 1123, 1148, 1150, 1151, 1152, 1155, 1169, 1171, 1175, 1176, 1179 Prolog: Unification, 1070 Prolog: Utilities, 1191, 1192, 1193 PrologIIR, 1169 Pronominal Anaphora Resolution, 528 Pronunciation Database, 695 Pronunciation Dictionaries, 521 Proof, 594 Proof Assistants, 864 Proof Checker, 649 Proof Systems, 346 Propagator, 446 Property Lists, 1054, 1230, 1231 Proposals, 1313 Propositional Attitudes, 5 Propositions, 353 Propria, 1155 Protein Structure, 319, 408 Prototypes, 974 Proxy: Implementations, 1277 Pseudo-Random Number Generator, 829 PseudoScheme, 1370 Pseudotext Generator, 543 Public Domain, 17, 24, 32, 42, 67, 438, 444, 455, 457, 467, 470, 471, 473, 514, 518, 569, 614, 616, 617, 708, 710, 791, 792, 793, 794, 804, 822, 840, 843, 862, 919, 937, 1015, 1017, 1018, 1020, 1067, 1073, 1076, 1090, 1128, 1144, 1147, 1157, 1166, 1176, 1203, 1244, 1264, 1375, 1380 Publications, 394 Puzzles, 626 Q-Learning, 416 QPE, 670 QSIM, 671 QWERTZ, 400 Qu-Prolog, 645 Qualitative Process Theory, 677 Qualitative Reasoning, 319, 669, 670, 671 Query, 795 Queues, 840, 1065, 1090, 1343 Quickprop, 254, 461, 470, 475, 476 Quicksort, 1029, 1033, 1137, 1145, 1154, 1260, 1343 Quine Tree Algorithm, 828 Quixote, 319, 320 R1, 611 R3RS, 1314 R3RS Compatible, 1366, 1369, 1386, 1392 R4RS, 1315 R4RS Compatible, 1262, 1351, 1352, 1353, 1356, 1370, 1373, 1374, 1377, 1380, 1381, 1386, 1388, 1390, 1391 R4RS Macro Proposal, 1300, 1303 R5RS, 1312, 1313 RA, 680 RAAM, 425 RACTER, 84 RBF, 476 RCC, 471 RCS, 472 RCSTAT, 668 RDG, 326 READ-LINE, 1260 READ-NUMBER, 1241 READ-STRING, 1238 RECNET, 724 RELFUN, 332 RETE, 107, 162, 165, 166, 167 RHET, 347, 348, 349, 350, 351, 352 RICE, 215 RNS, 473 ROLOG, 1145 ROOK, 550 RPL, 734 RPLAY, 725 RPRS, 351 RProp, 476 RRL, 646 RSIM, 738 RSYNTH, 726 RT, 856 RTA, 1098 RTA-Star Search, 55 RTN, 502 RWM, 389 Rabbit Scheme, 1371 Radial Basis Functions, 476, 478 Rallpacks, 25 Ramsey Problem, 1117 Random Number Generators, 196, 427, 821, 829, 1031, 1065, 1090, 1274, 1343 Rapid Prototyping, 886, 1277 Rasta, 723 Rasta PLP Analysis, 719 Rational Arithmetic, 1090 Rational Trees Unification, 1169 Reactive Planning, 734 Real-Time Expert Systems, 107 Reasoning, 620, 680 Reasoning Under Uncertainty, 656 Reasoning: Analogical Reasoning, 621, 622 Reasoning: Approximate Reasoning, 656 Reasoning: Automated Reasoning, 623, 624, 625, 626, 627, 628, 629, 630, 631, 632, 633, 635, 636, 637, 638, 639, 640, 641, 642, 643, 644, 645, 646, 647, 648, 649, 864 Reasoning: Case-Based Reasoning, 319, 650, 651, 652 Reasoning: Chemical Reasoning, 115, 653, 654 Reasoning: Default Reasoning, 344, 640 Reasoning: Defeasible Reasoning, 655, 656, 657, 658, 668, 1030 Reasoning: Legal Reasoning, 319 Reasoning: Medical Reasoning, 659, 660 Reasoning: Meta Reasoning, 630, 661, 662 Reasoning: Model-Based Reasoning, 107 Reasoning: Nonmonotonic Reasoning, 115, 640, 658, 678 Reasoning: Probabilistic Reasoning, 663, 664, 665, 666, 667, 668 Reasoning: Qualitative Reasoning, 319, 669, 670, 671 Reasoning: Statistical Reasoning, 668 Reasoning: Temporal Reasoning, 672, 673, 674, 675 Reasoning: Truth Maintenance, 676, 677, 678, 679 Recognizing Polynomials, 1029 Records, 1242, 1243, 1244 Recurrent ART-1, 476 Recurrent Backpropagation, 492 Recurrent Cascade Correlation, 471, 476 Recurrent Neural Networks, 445, 447, 453, 464, 467, 473, 724 Recursive-Descent Planning, 605 Red-Black Trees, 780 RefLisp, 951 Reference Class, 668 Reflective Programming, 328 Reflective Towers, 1210 Refutation, 639 RegEx, 595 RegExp, 814 Register-Swapping Problem, 607 Regression Testing, 856 Regular Expressions, 348, 595, 813, 814, 1350 Relational Database, 320 Relevance Diagrams, 665 Relevance Logic, 626 Rescorla-Wagner Learning Procedure, 475 Resolution, 381, 643 Resolution Theorem Proving, 56, 345, 630, 632, 636 Resources, 348, 776, 1233 Restarts, 876 Retract, 778 Retrieval, 160 Rice University, 1249, 1376 Ring Theory, 626 RnRS, 1311, 1312, 1313, 1314, 1315 Robot Arm Simulator, 738 Robot Control, 688 Robotics, 320, 681, 682, 687, 688, 689, 690, 733, 734, 735, 736, 737, 738, 739, 740, 741 Robotics: Bibliographies, 683 Robotics: Documentation, 684 Robotics: FAQ, 685 Robust Parsing, 530 Rochester Connectionist Simulator, 472 Roget's Thesaurus, 522 Root Finding, 821, 830 Roots of a Polynomial, 401 Rounds-Kasper Attribute Value Logic, 1072 Route Planner, 1038 Rubik's Cube, 1059 Rule-Based Inference, 115 Rule-Based Systems, 752 Rules, 337 S88, 1372 SAC94, 296 SAGE, 1134 SAM, 580 SAN Kit, 223 SAP, 1198 SAPA, 830 SAVE-OBJECT, 777 SAX, 596 SB-HiLog, 1171 SB-Prolog, 1171, 1179 SBL, 387 SC, 867 SC-22, 881 SCIAM, 474 SCIX, 1347 SCLINT, 1207 SCM, 1377, 1378, 1379, 1380, 1381, 1382, 1383, 1384, 1385 SCM CONFIG, 1378 SCOOPS, 1401 SCOOPS: MIT Scheme, 1359 SCREAMER, 778 SCS, 284, 285 SCS-C, 285 SDE, 617 SEL2, 1137 SEQUEL, 864 SERIES, 751, 800, 809 SES, 286 SETHEO, 627, 647 SGA, 287 SGA-C, 288 SGA-CUBE, 289 SGA-F, 290 SGA-P, 291 SGI, 738 SGML, 987 SGPC, 316 SHOEBOX, 551 SHORTEN, 727 SHRDLU, 85 SICP, 1199, 1318, 1319, 1320, 1321, 1322, 1323, 1324, 1325, 1326, 1327, 1328, 1329, 1330, 1331, 1332, 1333, 1334, 1335, 1336, 1337, 1338, 1339, 1340 SICP Compatibility Package, 1360 SICS, 633, 1139, 1174 SIL, 546 SIM, 116 SIMMEL, 739 SIOD, 1387, 1388 SKI, 1260 SLANG, 62 SLATEX, 1410 SLE, 592 SLG, 678 SLIB, 1262, 1377 SLOOP Macro, 803, 806 SLP, 1098 SLUG, 459 SME, 327, 622 SMG, 1382 SMG-SCM, 1377, 1382 SML, 864, 1025 SNACTor, 353 SNIP, 353 SNLP, 603, 606, 613, 778 SNNS, 476 SNOBOL, 544 SNeBR, 353 SNePS, 353 SNePSLOG, 353 SNeRE, 353 SOAR, 56 SOM, 477 SOS, 1402 SOUNDEX, 107 SOX, 728 SPA, 618 SPASM, 729 SPC Toolbox, 730 SPEAK, 731 SPRFN, 627 SPS, 1287 SQL, 936, 1062, 1131, 1387 SQL Interface for Prolog, 1062 SQL Interface for Scheme, 1387 SSICS, 1200 STATIC, 610 STIX, 1415 STRIPS, 606, 607, 1028 STRIPS World, 611 STk, 1388 SUN RPC, 796 SUNY at Stony Brook, 678 SUNY/Buffalo, 1127, 1137 SUNY/Stony Brook, 1171, 1179 SURGE, 576 SUZY, 478 SWI, 1175 SWI-Prolog, 1175 SWIM Model, 17 SWM, 353 SWOB, 1404 SYNANA, 326 SYNONAME, 552 Satisfiability, 828, 1275 Satisfiability Problems, 343 Scanners, 1285 Scheduling, 91 Schelog, 1172 Schematik, 1358 Scheme, 1194, 1296, 1308, 1309, 1310, 1311, 1316 Scheme 8088, 1372 Scheme Front-End, 1358 Scheme Mode, 1407 Scheme Prolog, 1172, 1173 Scheme Schools, 1307 Scheme Work Demo, 1250 Scheme as a C Library, 1356 Scheme as a C extension language, 1351 Scheme in C, 1373, 1374, 1377, 1381, 1387, 1390, 1391, 1392 Scheme in Common Lisp, 1370, 1376 Scheme in Franz Lisp, 1375 Scheme in InterLisp, 1371 Scheme to ANSI C, 1350 Scheme to C++, 1307 Scheme2C, 1373 Scheme2C: GUI, 1346 Scheme48, 1374 Scheme84, 1375 Scheme88, 1376 Scheme: Algorithms, 1343 Scheme: Amiga, 1377, 1381, 1387, 1390, 1392 Scheme: Atari-ST, 1377, 1381, 1392 Scheme: Benchmarks, 1202, 1203 Scheme: Bibliographies, 1295 Scheme: Code, 470, 581, 688, 1172, 1173, 1195, 1196, 1197, 1198, 1199, 1200, 1201, 1202, 1203, 1204, 1205, 1206, 1207, 1208, 1209, 1210, 1211, 1212, 1213, 1214, 1215, 1216, 1217, 1218, 1219, 1220, 1221, 1222, 1223, 1224, 1225, 1226, 1227, 1228, 1229, 1230, 1231, 1232, 1233, 1234, 1235, 1236, 1237, 1238, 1239, 1240, 1241, 1242, 1243, 1244, 1245, 1246, 1247, 1248, 1249, 1250, 1251, 1252, 1253, 1254, 1255, 1256, 1257, 1258, 1262, 1263, 1264, 1265, 1266, 1267, 1268, 1269, 1270, 1271, 1272, 1273, 1274, 1275, 1276, 1277, 1278, 1279, 1280, 1281, 1282, 1283, 1284, 1285, 1286, 1287, 1288, 1289, 1290, 1291, 1292, 1293, 1297, 1298, 1299, 1300, 1301, 1302, 1303, 1304, 1305, 1306, 1343, 1395, 1396, 1397, 1398, 1399, 1400, 1401, 1402, 1403, 1404 Scheme: Code Libraries, 1259, 1260, 1261, 1262 Scheme: Common Lisp Compatibility, 1261, 1366 Scheme: Debuggers, 1205, 1206, 1207, 1208 Scheme: Documents, 1294, 1295, 1296, 1297, 1298, 1299, 1300, 1301, 1302, 1303, 1304, 1305, 1306, 1307, 1308, 1309, 1310, 1311, 1312, 1313, 1314, 1315, 1316, 1317, 1318, 1319, 1320, 1321, 1322, 1323, 1324, 1325, 1326, 1327, 1328, 1329, 1330, 1331, 1332, 1333, 1334, 1335, 1336, 1337, 1338, 1339, 1340, 1341, 1342, 1343, 1405 Scheme: Extensions, 1221, 1222, 1223, 1224, 1225, 1226, 1227, 1228, 1229, 1230, 1231, 1232, 1233, 1234, 1235, 1236, 1237, 1238, 1239, 1240, 1241, 1242, 1243, 1244, 1245, 1246, 1247, 1248, 1249 Scheme: FAQ, 1344 Scheme: Fun Programs, 1250 Scheme: IBM PC, 1356, 1357, 1361, 1362, 1363, 1365, 1367, 1368, 1372, 1373, 1377, 1381, 1392 Scheme: IO, 1251, 1252, 1253, 1254, 1255, 1256, 1257, 1258 Scheme: Implementations, 751, 934, 943, 944, 945, 1348, 1349, 1350, 1351, 1352, 1353, 1354, 1355, 1356, 1357, 1358, 1361, 1362, 1363, 1364, 1365, 1366, 1367, 1368, 1369, 1370, 1371, 1372, 1373, 1374, 1375, 1376, 1377, 1378, 1379, 1380, 1381, 1382, 1383, 1384, 1385, 1386, 1387, 1388, 1389, 1390, 1391, 1392 Scheme: Introductions, 1296 Scheme: Linux, 1388 Scheme: Logic, 1214 Scheme: Macintosh, 1353, 1354, 1369, 1377, 1380, 1381, 1387, 1392 Scheme: Macros, 1297, 1298, 1299, 1300, 1304, 1305, 1306, 1366 Scheme: Mailing List, 1393 Scheme: Matchers, 1263, 1264, 1265, 1266, 1267 Scheme: Math, 1268, 1269, 1270, 1271, 1272, 1273, 1274, 1275 Scheme: Papers, 1405 Scheme: Parsing, 1279, 1280, 1281, 1282, 1283, 1284, 1286 Scheme: Quick Reference Guide, 1296, 1307 Scheme: Semantics, 1219 Scheme: Sockets, 1258 Scheme: Standards, 1301, 1302, 1303, 1308, 1309, 1310, 1312, 1313, 1314, 1315, 1316 Scheme: Syntax, 1288, 1289, 1290 Scheme: Tech Reports, 1405 Scheme: Test Suite, 1316 Scheme: Tools, 1291, 1292, 1293 Scheme: Trees, 1246 Scheme: Tutorials, 1296 Scheme: UNIX, 1350, 1351, 1352, 1353, 1356, 1357, 1361, 1362, 1363, 1373, 1377, 1381, 1387, 1388, 1389, 1390, 1391 Scheme: Utilities, 1406, 1407, 1408, 1409, 1410, 1411 SchemeTeX, 1409 SchemeWEB, 1411 SciGraph, 820, 905 Screen Management, 1382 Search, 55, 56, 223, 228, 400, 631, 691, 692, 838, 839, 840, 1196 Search Control, 630 Search Engine, 677 Second Order Models, 665 Select Match, 812 Selection Sort, 1343 Self-Extracting Archives, 1428 Self-Organizing, 477 Self-Organizing Molecules, 15 Semant, 1219 Semantic Networks, 353 Semantic Prototyping System, 1287 Sensors, 688 Sepia, 1155 Sequences, 751, 809 Sequent, 346 Set Manipulation, 1065, 1090 Set Partitions, 876 Set Pattern Matching, 1137 Set Theory, 626 Sets, 1045, 1137 Sets as Intervals, 1050 Sets of Integers, 1234 Shared Library Lisp, 954 Shareware, 84, 208, 304, 401, 437, 491 Shogi, 227 Shortest Paths, 1343 Sicstus, 1039 Sieve of Eratosthenes, 1154 Signal Generation, 730 Signal Processing and Analysis, 730 Sigurd, 512 SimTime, 617 Simderella, 739 Similix, 1386 Simple Interval Algebra, 674 Simplex Algorithm, 831 Simplification, 1067 Simplifiers, 635, 637 Simulated Annealing, 49, 50, 282, 453 Simulation: Animal Behavior, 3 Simulators, 733, 734, 735, 736, 737, 738, 739, 740, 741 Singing Synthesizer, 729 Skew Heaps, 1343 Skilaki, 1159 SkyBlue, 99, 100 Smalltalk, 1412 Smalltalk: Code, 308, 311 Smalltalk: FAQ, 1413 Smalltalk: Implementations, 943, 944, 945, 1414, 1415, 1416 Soar, 614, 615, 616, 617 Sockets, 607, 739, 790, 797, 914, 916, 1258 Soft Competitive Learning, 492 Soft Scheme, 1249 Software Maintenance, 856 Software Modification, 856 Software Packages, 1, 2, 6, 49, 51, 57, 69, 84, 86, 92, 94, 101, 102, 106, 113, 117, 170, 219, 229, 230, 298, 318, 329, 355, 396, 402, 406, 499, 601, 620, 681, 691, 693, 733, 742 Software Similarity Tester, 116 Solid Geometric Modeling, 605 Solovay-Strassen Primality Testing, 821 Sonar Signals, 408 Sorted Logic, 345 Sorting, 1029, 1030, 1058, 1065, 1232 Sound Exchange, 728 Sound Tools, 728 Soundex, 783 Source Compare, 867 Source Comparison, 865, 866, 867, 868 SourceGroup, 1025 Southern Methodist University, 678 Space Usage Measurement, 862 Spanish Lexicon, 513 Specification, 346 Specificity, 658 Spectral Analysis, 830 Spectral Estimation, 730 Spectrograms, 719 Speech Coding, 706, 710, 711, 715, 717, 727 Speech Compression, 706, 710, 711, 715, 727 Speech Processing, 719, 720 Speech Recognition, 408, 447, 693, 703, 704, 705, 707, 709, 712, 716, 719, 721, 722, 723, 724, 730 Speech Recognition: Bibliography, 700 Speech Recognition: Databases, 694, 695, 696, 697, 698 Speech Recognition: Documentation, 699, 701 Speech Synthesis, 693, 703, 704, 705, 707, 708, 713, 714, 718, 721, 726, 729, 731, 732 Speech Synthesis: Bibliography, 700 Speech Synthesis: Databases, 694, 695, 696, 697, 698 Speech Synthesis: Documentation, 699, 701 Speech: FAQ, 702 Splay Trees, 1065 Split, 1093 Splotch, 82 Spreadsheets, 919, 1200 Square Roots, 823 Stacks, 1343 Standard Deviation, 827 Standard ML, 400, 1023, 1024, 1025 Standard ML of New Jersey, 1025 Standards: ANSI Lisp, 878 Standards: ANSI Scheme, 1310 Standards: CLOS, 879 Standards: IEEE P1178 Scheme, 1310 Standards: ISO Lisp, 881 Standards: Lisp, 877, 882 Standards: MOP, 880, 968 Standards: Prolog, 1065, 1106 Standards: R3RS Scheme, 1314 Standards: R4RS Scheme, 1301, 1302, 1303, 1315 Standards: RnRS Scheme, 1311, 1312, 1313 Standards: Scheme, 1308, 1309, 1316 Stanford, 228, 796, 828 StarLisp, 952, 953 StarSim, 952, 953 Static Analysis, 871, 1088 Static Typing, 1249 Statistical Evaluation, 196 Statistical Reasoning, 668 Statistics, 395, 668, 820, 830, 956 StdWin, 1416 Step, 869 Stereotypes, 344 Stiquito, 690 Stochastic Equations, 493 Stochastic Systems, 50 Stock Price Forecasting, 413 Strategy Management, 328 Streams, 56, 809 String Concatenation, 1237 String Searching, 1343 Strings, 1235, 1236, 1237, 1238, 1239, 1240, 1241, 1260 Structure-Mapping Engine, 327, 622 Structures, 1045, 1054, 1242, 1243, 1244, 1264 Stuffit, 1428 Stuttgart Neural Network Simulator, 476 Subgoaling, 630 Subset Clauses, 1137 Substitution Matching, 372 Substitutions, 636 Substring Matching, 1240 Subsumption, 382 Subsumption Hierarchy, 332 Summarization, 326 Sun Microsystems, 710 SunNet, 469 Sunrise, 783 Sunset, 783 Suspensions, 1245 Sussman's Anomaly, 115 Swedish Dictionary, 511, 514 Sybase, 144, 936 Sybase Interface for Chez Scheme, 1253 Syllabi, 9 SymbMath, 401 Symbolic, 1175 Symbolic AI, 400 Symbolic Computation, 1098 Symbolic Differentiation, 1033, 1038, 1058, 1067 Symbolic Mathematics, 401, 1270 Symbolic Processing, 328 Symbolic/Connectionist Hybrid, 1143 Symbolics, 1162 Symbolics LOOP Macro, 803, 807 Syntactic Abstraction, 1300, 1303 Syntactic Analysis Trees, 547 Syntactic Closures, 1305 Syntax, 326, 841, 1077, 1078, 1079, 1080, 1081 Syntax-Case, 1304 Systematic Plan Adaptor, 618 Systemic Grammar, 531, 576 T, 1389 T-Test, 395 TACS, 1098 TAPSOFT, 1098 TAXON, 332 TBox, 341 TCON, 677 TCP/IP Interface, 1159, 1258 TCS, 479 TDNN, 476 TELOS, 975 TEMPOS, 352 TEST, 1377 TG-II, 674 TGIZMO, 677 THM, 648 THNET, 480 TI, 915 TI Explorer, 786 TIL2MSG, 216 TILEWORLD, 740 TILShell, 177 TILShell+ Demo, 197 TIMELOGIC, 352 TIMIT, 521, 724 TMS, 677 TMYCIN, 660 TOCL, 603 TOPI, 603 TOPMAP, 482 TPTP, 627 TRUCKWORLD, 741 TSP, 282, 448 TSPLIB, 297 TUG, 592 TULIP, 566 TURTLSCM, 1377, 1383 Tableau-Based Theorem Proving, 638 Taggers, 597, 598, 599 Tags, 988, 1193 Tale-Spin, 387, 580 Tampere Univ. of Technology, 1343 Target Tracking, 217 Task Allocation, 607 Taskian Geometry, 626 Taurus, 1284 Taxonomic Knowledge, 332 Tcl, 924 Tcl/Tk, 1153 Tcl/Tk X11 Interface, 1111, 1150, 1151, 1152, 1155 TeX, 989, 1192, 1408, 1410 TeX Info, 1434 Teaching Materials, 9, 55, 56, 113, 115, 390, 391, 392, 393, 395, 449, 465, 1317, 1318, 1319, 1320, 1321, 1322, 1323, 1324, 1325, 1326, 1327, 1328, 1329, 1330, 1331, 1332, 1333, 1334, 1335, 1336, 1337, 1338, 1339, 1340, 1341, 1342, 1343 Teaching Materials: Neural Networks, 415, 416 Technical Univ. of Berlin, 1057 Technical Univ. of Darmstadt, 1091 Telos, 345 Telosis, 1013, 1014 Temporal Constraints, 352 Temporal Flow Model, 447 Temporal Logic, 345 Temporal Reasoning, 345, 672, 673, 674, 675 Temporal Relations, 674 Term Ordering, 643 Term Rewriting, 342, 634, 1260 Term Unification, 55, 558 Term-Based Unification Grammar, 592 Terminological Knowledge Representation, 332 Test Coverage, 855 Test Problems, 625, 626, 627 Testbeds, 733, 734, 735, 736, 737, 738, 739, 740, 741 Testing, 854, 855, 856, 1082, 1083, 1084 Tetris, 783, 789, 1150, 1151, 1152 Texas Instruments, 1365, 1368 Text Editors, 1422 Text Normalization, 732 Text Retrieval, 548 Text Structure, 326 Theorem Proving, 56, 327, 345, 391, 623, 624, 628, 629, 630, 631, 632, 633, 635, 636, 637, 638, 639, 640, 641, 642, 643, 644, 645, 646, 647, 648, 649, 864, 1033 Theorem Proving: Problem Libraries, 625, 626, 627 Theoretical Computer Science, 1096, 1098 Theory Refinement, 393 Thesaurus, 522 ThingLab, 100 Thinking Machines, 834, 843, 861, 952, 953 Thomas, 1006, 1007, 1008 Threads, 1245 Tic-Tac-Toe, 55, 147, 227, 358, 839, 1060, 1090, 1196, 1200 Tierra, 46 Time, 56, 352 Time Delay Neural Networks, 447, 476 Time Expression Parsing, 835 Time Measurement, 862 Time Series Bandwidth, 830 TimeGraph-II, 674 TinyCLOS, 1402, 1403 Tk, 924 Tk Graphics Package, 1388 Togai, 177 Togai InfraLogic, 197, 213, 217 Tokenizer, 1090 Tolkien, 292 Tom, 600 Tomita Parser, 600 ToolDiag, 481 Toolbox graphics, 1353 Tools, 113, 115, 116, 857, 869, 1085, 1092 Top-Level Loop, 798, 1065, 1090 Topology, 626 Topology-Preserving Maps, 482 Total Order Causal Link Planner, 603 Total Order Prior Insertion Planner, 603 Towers of Hanoi, 115, 336, 607, 611, 1029, 1058, 1145, 1147, 1166 Trace, 749, 1029, 1065, 1090 Transducer Generator, 1287 Transformational Grammar, 544 Transition Trees, 752 Transitive Closures, 1137 Translation, 837 Translisp, 851 Transputer Networks, 1140 Traveling Salesman Problem, 282, 448 Traveling Salesman Problem Library, 297 Tree Display, 1281 Tree Unification Grammar, 592 Trees, 780, 1246 Tricia Prolog, 1176 Trinity College, 1165 TrueType Fonts, 537 Truth Maintenance, 115, 125, 145, 146, 147, 148, 149, 150, 151, 152, 153, 154, 155, 156, 165, 353, 400, 640, 676, 677, 678 Truth Maintenance: Tutorial, 679 TurkLex, 565 Turkish Morphology, 565 Turtle Graphics, 1063, 1129, 1162, 1383 Tutor, 1031 Tutoring, 383 Tweak, 603 Twin Spiral Patterns, 408 Type Checking, 631, 864, 1065, 1090, 1247, 1249, 1287 Type Inference, 1248 Type Simplification, 781 Type Theory, 636 Type-Secure Lisp, 864 Typed Feature Structures, 1072 UCG, 592 UCI, 358 UCLA, 1114 UCPOP, 619 UCSD, 262 UIUC, 983, 1145 UMB Scheme, 1390 UNIF, 1098 UNISYS, 801 UNSW Prolog, 1177 UR-Resolution, 643 URANUS, 354 USC, 1148 Uncertainty, 139, 140, 141, 142, 165, 668, 1028 Unification, 107, 115, 326, 558, 576, 583, 592, 634, 636, 751, 815, 816, 1029, 1070, 1092, 1098, 1136 Unification Categorial Grammar, 592 Unit Resolution, 1090 Univ. of Alabama, 276 Univ. of Amsterdam, 1175 Univ. of Bremen, 1126 Univ. of Calgary, 1069, 1173 Univ. of Cambridge, 635, 637 Univ. of Copenhagen, 1210, 1386 Univ. of Dortmund, 285, 342 Univ. of Geneva, 1365, 1367 Univ. of Genova, 452 Univ. of Georgia, 1035 Univ. of Ghent, 1076 Univ. of Hamburg, 847 Univ. of Illinois, 632 Univ. of Keele, 1078 Univ. of Leeds, 864 Univ. of Manchester, 1260 Univ. of Maryland, 608 Univ. of Massachusetts, 820, 1390 Univ. of Melbourne, 1141 Univ. of Michigan, 737 Univ. of Minnesota, 956 Univ. of Montreal, 1054 Univ. of Munich, 635 Univ. of Nice, 1388 Univ. of Pennsylvania, 447 Univ. of Rochester, 771, 776 Univ. of Southampton, 1234 Univ. of Stuttgart, 767, 768 Univ. of Texas, 483, 484, 485, 486, 487, 488, 489, 490, 825 Univ. of Toledo, 254 Univ. of Toronto, 447, 474, 492 Univ. of Tulsa, 274 Univ. of Utah, 212, 1158 Univ. of Waikato, 1173 Univ. of Waterloo, 604 Univ. of Wisconsin, 1131 Univ. of York, 1063 Universal Quantification, 619 Unpack, 1241 Unparsing, 837 Uppsala University, 1176 User Manual Creation, 870 Utilities, 1418, 1419, 1420, 1421, 1422, 1423, 1424, 1425, 1426, 1427, 1428, 1429, 1430, 1431, 1432, 1433, 1434, 1435, 1436, 1437 VAMV, 47 VAX Configuration, 611 VCR, 606 VSCM, 1391 VT100, 1064 VT52, 1064 Variance, 830 Vector Quantization, 477, 706, 719 Vectors, 809 Verbalist, 553 Verification, 346, 645 Version Spaces, 55, 56, 372, 384, 391, 1028 ViewFinder, 5 ViewGen, 5 Virtual Life, 46 Virtual Machine: Scheme, 1217 Vision, 460, 742, 743, 745 Visualization, 115, 319, 328, 423, 477, 492, 709, 749 Viterbi-Based Pitch Tracker, 707 Voronoi, 320 Vowel Formant Frequency Database, 698 Vowels, 408, 697 WAM, 332, 864, 1125, 1170, 1171, 1178, 1180, 1181, 1182 WAM Tracer, 1181 WAMCC, 1178 WB, 1377, 1384 WCL, 954 WINTERP, 926 WITHOUT-ERRORS, 770 WLIST, 554 WOOD, 782 WORDSURV, 555 Wade's Common Lisp, 954 Waltz Labeling, 115, 751 Water Jugs Problem, 1029 Wautom, 67 Web, 1192 Weight Perturbation, 453 Weighting, 643 White Noise, 827 Who's Who in Fuzzy Logic, 188 Who's Who in Robotics, 684 Widgets, 919, 926, 927 Wild_LIFE, 1129 WinGA, 293 WinNN, 491 Windows, 853 Winston's Arch, 372, 374, 375, 1090 WireWorld, 68 Wolf-Goat-Cabbage Problem, 1029 Word Frequency Analysis, 554 WordNet Information, 523 X-Windows, 914, 915, 919, 920, 922, 926, 927, 928, 929, 1110, 1112, 1113, 1114, 1347 X-Windows: Interfaces for Scheme, 1373, 1385 X11 Toolkits, 1153 XCL, 882 XERION, 492 XFUZZY, 218 XGinseng, 353 XIT, 927 XLISP, 926, 955 XLISP-Stat, 956 XODUS, 25 XOR, 408, 437, 467, 479 XP, 799 XPCE, 1112, 1113 XPNet, 649 XPP, 493 XREF, 871 XSB, 1179 XSCM, 1377, 1385 XScheme, 1208, 1392 XWIN, 928 XWIP, 1114 Xerox Code Walker, 760 Xerox Medley, 788 Xerox PARC, 599, 760, 796, 879, 880, 968, 971, 1187 Xlib, 922, 1114, 1351, 1385 Xlife, 35, 40 Xt, 915, 926, 1351 Xvisual, 477 YACC, 837 YASOS, 1404 YLOOP Macro, 803, 808 YY, 929 YYonX, 929 Yale, 845, 1389 Yale Loop Macro, 808 Yes/No, 795 Ytoolkit, 1110 Yule-Walker Method, 830 Z, 1426 ZENO, 675 Zebra Puzzle, 1072 Zebu, 837, 1286 Zermelo-Fraenkel Set Theory, 635 ZetaLisp, 789, 1162 arc, 1420 arj, 1421 ark, 1420 comp.ai, 497 comp.ai.alife, 12 comp.ai.edu, 114 comp.ai.fuzzy, 191 comp.ai.genetic, 317 comp.ai.nat-lang, 570 comp.ai.neural-nets, 421 comp.ai.philosophy, 498 comp.ai.shells, 122 comp.ai.vision, 744 comp.constraints, 93 comp.lang.clos, 959 comp.lang.dylan, 1010 comp.lang.lisp, 960 comp.lang.lisp.franz, 1016 comp.lang.lisp.mcl, 961 comp.lang.lisp.x, 965 comp.lang.prolog, 1185 comp.lang.scheme, 1394 comp.lang.smalltalk, 1417 comp.object.logic, 1184 comp.org.lisp-users, 958 comp.robotics, 686 comp.speech, 703 comp.std.lisp, 962 comp.sys.ti.explorer, 963 comp.sys.xerox, 964 compress, 1428 cpt, 1428 cu-Prolog, 1118, 1119, 1120, 1121, 1122, 1123 dms, 1423 eLP, 1156 eXene, 1025 ex, 1193 fcontrol, 1355 fix, 1430 flip, 1424 fuzzyTECH Demo, 206 gz, 1426 gzip, 1426 hVd Database, 697 jlisp, 942 latex2pl, 1192 lex, 1079 lha, 1427 libscheme, 1356 lzh, 1427 mGA, 276 make for Lisp, 858, 859, 860 make for Prolog, 1091 pak, 1429 patch, 1430 pax, 1431 pgz, 1426 pkzip, 1436 ptags, 1193 run, 1355 sea, 1428 shar, 1432 shr, 1432 sit, 1428 soar-mode, 617 tar, 1425, 1431, 1433 tgrind, 990 tgz, 1425, 1426 txz, 1426 ulaw, 710 unzip, 1436 uu, 1435 vgrind, 990 vi, 1193 wxCLIPS, 142, 157 wxFuzzy, 142 xBase, 578 zip, 1436 zoo, 1437