From Mon Mar 14 17:30:10 EST 1994 Article: 12277 of comp.lang.lisp Xref: comp.lang.lisp:12277 Path:!!!!eff!!!charnel!olivea!!grapevine!mernst From: (Michael Ernst) Newsgroups: comp.lang.lisp Subject: Re: help: loading macros from a file (mit-scheme) Date: 14 Mar 94 11:53:45 Organization: MIT Lab for Computer Science Lines: 74 Distribution: world Message-ID: References: <2lqlc0$dq2@darkstar.UCSC.EDU> NNTP-Posting-Host: In-reply-to:'s message of 11 Mar 1994 20:46:56 GMT In article <2lqlc0$dq2@darkstar.UCSC.EDU> (ian barland) writes: > Hi, I am using MIT-scheme (v7.3b). > I use "define-macro" and all goes smoothly, except that > when the macro is defined in a (.scm) file and I try to "load" the > file, the macro is in effect only for that file, > and isn't available back at the level where I did the "load" from > (which is what I want). Here is some code, written by Roger Crew, that deals with the problem of define-macro having effect only for the current file. Use define-global-macro where you were using define-macro, and the macro definition will be in effect even after the file containing it is loaded. -Michael Ernst ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;; Macros ;;; ;;; Annoying observation about define-macro: ;;; it appears that (load ...) pushes a syntax table that gets ;;; popped upon EOF. Thus we seem to need a means of exporting ;;; macro definitions to other files... ;; ;; define-system-global-macro ;; defines a macro that, for whatever reason, must live alongside 'if ;; and 'lambda. ;; ;; define-global-macro ;; defines a macro that is global to the zaphod world (i.e., wherever you ;; were using define-user-macro before). This currently is identical to ;; define-user-macro, but will eventually change. ;; ;; define-user-macro ;; defines a macro that is strictly for the user's playground, e.g., ;; abbreviations for test suites. Most of the time it will suffice to ;; type (define-macro...) to the prompt, but it may be convenient to ;; have a collection of useful user macros in a file, in which case ;; you'll need define-user-macro. ;; (syntax-table-define system-global-syntax-table 'define-system-global-macro (macro (template . body) `(syntax-table-define system-global-syntax-table ',(car template) (macro ,(cdr template) ,@body)))) (syntax-table-define system-global-syntax-table 'define-global-macro (macro (template . body) `(syntax-table-define user-initial-syntax-table ',(car template) (macro ,(cdr template) ,@body)))) ;; For now, make define-user-macro identical to define-global-macro (define-system-global-macro (define-user-macro . def) `(define-global-macro ,@def)) (set! sf/default-syntax-table user-initial-syntax-table) ;; This is necessary so that the compiler knows about global macros ;; I don't like this, but it'll do for now. ;; For a stomach-churning alternative, see syntax.scm --RFC 6/8/93