WAMCC version 2.2 ----------------- I- Introduction --------------- wamcc is a Prolog Compiler which translates Prolog to C via the WAM. wamcc has a syntax conform to the proposed ISO standard. wamcc offers the most usual built-in predicates (but not all), a top-level, a Prolog debugger and a WAM debugger, dynamic and compiled code, modules, global variables...). wamcc is designed to be easily extended (e.g. clp(FD) is a constraint logic language over Finite Domains designed on wamcc). From an efficiency point of view, wamcc is between SICStus "emulated" and SICStus "native code" on Sparc machines (1.5 times faster than SICStus emulated, 1.5 times slower than SICStus "native code"). II- Requirements ---------------- wamcc reguires the GNU C compiler (gcc) version 2.4.5 or higher and is available for: - Sun Sparc under SunOS (4.3.1) - dec ultrix, - sony mips (R3000) - PC i386/i486 under linux (many thanks to Bill Hogan). III- Installation ----------------- Create a directory % mkdir wamcc (or anything else) select it as the current directory % cd wamcc get the file wamcc2.2.tar.Z (ftp) uncompress it % zcat wamcc2.2.tar.Z | tar xvf - The installation procedure first installs wamcc locally in the path give by ROOTPATH in Makefile (default: $(HOME)/wamcc), after it copies the appropriate files in 3 directories given by INCPATH: includes for compilations (default: $(ROOTPATH)/include) LIBPATH: libraries for compilations (default: $(ROOTPATH)/lib) BINPATH: executables (compiler...) (default: $(ROOTPATH)/bin) Only these 3 directories are necessary after the installation. So modifiy these vairiables if necessary in the Makefile according to which can of installation you want (if you only want a local installation for do not modify anything). ex: ROOTPATH=/usr/local/lib/wamcc or ex: ROOTPATH=$(HOME)/prolog INCPATH=/usr/local/lib/include LIBPATH=/usr/local/lib INCPATH=/usr/local/bin then install the compiler % make add to your PATH environment variable (usually in ~/.login) the directory corresponding to BINPATH if necessary (see Makefile) ex: setenv PATH "$PATH":/usr/local/lib/wamcc/bin Note: the file src/Makefile nherites INCPATH and LIBPATH from the "root" Makefile. So if you run directly this Makefile do not forget to pass with the command line the appropriate paths (e.g. make INCPATH=... LIBPATH=...). You can also modify in src/Makefile the default definitions of INCPATH and LIBPATH to be the same as in Makefile (the root Makefile). Problems: If the installation fails (e.g. with old versions of gcc) you can try to clean the current installation (make clean) and to reinstall it after modifying CFLAGS in the src/Makefile as follows: CFLAGS = -O2 -DNO_REGS If you have a problem with a library when compiling a Prolog file (message like "libwamcc.a: warning: table of contents for archive is out of date; rerun ranlib(1)") use % ranlib LIBPATH/libwamcc.a and % ranlib LIBPATH/libwamcc_pp.a (where LIBPATH is defined in the Makefile) IV- Documentation ----------------- The directory doc contains a user's manual (LaTeX file). wamc tries tries to be conform to the (future) ISO standard Prolog. The draft ISO standard for Prolog is available by anonymous ftp from ai.uga.edu:/pub/prolog.standard/ []. An unofficial summary of the draft ISO Prolog standard is available from the same location as isoprolog.tex or isoprolog.ps.Z. V- Examples: ------------ If you have get the file prg.tar.Z you can expand it as follows: % cd wamcc % zcat prg.tar.Z | tar xvf - This creates a directory Examples which containts some examples of wamcc programs. To execute the programme xxx.pl use: % cd Examples % make -f xxx.mk % xxx you can also interpret it under the top level (but it is longer): % wamcc ... | ?- [xxx]. ... If you have a stack overflow message, consult the documentation. VI- Bugs -------- Please report (detailled) bugs to diaz@margaux.inria.fr VII- Ports ---------- wamcc can be easily ported on other machines. If you want to do this do not hesitate to contact me (diaz@margaux.inria.fr).