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PrologIIR: Un interpreteur de Prolog.

PrologIIR est un interpreteur prolog compatible avec PrologII de marseille. Il a ete ecrit par l'equipe MALI de l'INRIA Rennes. Note au sujet de l'edition du programme depuis PrologIIR: PrologIIR est une extension de PrologII, notamment, PrologIIR permet d'appeler, depuis son sein, n'importe quel editeur pour modifer le programme courant (grace a l'utilisation, par prologIIR, de la variable d'environnement PrologEdit). [For those of you who don't understand French: PrologIIR is a Prolog interpreter using MALI, an efficient memory system specially designed for Prolog implementations. Compatible with PrologII from GIA Marseille, it offers rational trees unification and control predicates such as dif and freeze. Compared with PrologII, PrologIIR has few new features such as a garbage collector, some advanced OR-control facilities (a generalized cut), some advanced AND-control facilities (a delay mechanism based on groundness of terms), a sound implementation of negation, if-then-else and implication with explicit universal quantifiers, a configuration file and an interactive trace. Finally PrologIIR is faster than PrologII (up to 3 times on PC compatible computers). PrologIIR is available on Sun3, Sun4, Gould NP1, UTX/32, IBM PC (XT, AT), and Macintosh. Only the Sun3 and Sun4 versions are included in this distribution.]
   Vous trouverez ici le fichiers A_LIRE et PrologIIR.tar.Z.

Version: 16-DEC-90 Ports: Ce directory contient les versions executables sun3 et sun4 de PrologIIR. Copying: Cet interpreteur est mis dans le domaine publique par l'INRIA avec l'accord de PrologIA Marseille. CD-ROM: Prime Time Freeware for AI, Issue 1-1 Contact: Yves Bekkers IRISA/INRIA Campus Universitaire de Beaulieu 35042, Rennes CEDEX France Tel: 99-36-20-00 Fax: 99-38-38-32 Telex: UNIRISA 950 473F Keywords: Authors!Bekkers, Control Predicates, Delay Mechanisms, Garbage Collection, Generalized Cut, INRIA, IRISA, Interpreters!Prolog, MALI, Programming Languages!Prolog, Prolog!Implementations, Prolog!UNIX, PrologIIR, Rational Trees Unification References: ?
Last Web update on Mon Feb 13 10:35:07 1995