This directory contains a collection of files related to Tcl and Tk, which are available for anonymous FTP. Below is a description of what is in the various files in this directory: tk3.6.tar.Z - This is the latest and most stable release of the Tk toolkit, released in November 1993. It includes the sources for the Tk library and the "wish" windowing shell, plus reference manual entries and a number of demonstration scripts. tk3.6p1.patch - Patch file that fixes bugs in Tk version 3.6. See the beginning of the patch file for information about the bugs it fixes and how to apply it. tcl7.3.tar.Z - This is the latest and most stable release of the Tcl library, released in November 1993. It includes the sources for the Tcl library and the "tclsh" application, plus reference manual entries. tclX7.3a.tar.Z - Extended Tcl (or NeoSoft Tcl), created by Mark Diekhans and Karl Lehenbauer, which adds a number of useful facilities to the base Tcl release. Among the things in Extended Tcl are a Tcl shell, many new commands for things like UNIX kernel call access, keyed lists, and time conversion, and an on-line help facility. This package works with Tcl versions 7.3 or later and Tk versions 3.6 or later. mx.tar.Z - Sources and documentation for a mouse-based text editor (mx) and terminal emulator (tx) based on Tcl. This is a very old release: it uses an old version of Tcl (which is included) and doesn't even use Tk; it uses an ancient toolkit called "Sx". These tools will eventually be replaced with new tools based on Tk and the newest Tcl. mx-2.5.tar.Z - Newer version of mx (see above) that uses the standard X selection mechanism rather than the homegrown mechanism used by previous versions. Version 2.5 is not backwards compatible with previous versions (you can't cut and paste between the two). Still uses sx and an old version of Tcl (both of which are included). mx-2.5.patch.Z - Patch file for converting mx 2.4 sources into 2.5. Invoke patch in the top-level mx directory with the "-p1" switch and an uncompressed version of this file, e.g. "patch -p1 < mx-2.5.patch". Compressed Postscript for a draft of the first part of an upcoming book on Tcl and Tk to be published in 1994 by Addison-Wesley. This part of the book describes the Tcl language and how to write scripts in it. About 130 pages in length. Compressed Postscript for a draft of the second part of an upcoming book on Tcl and Tk to be published in 1994 by Addison-Wesley. This part of the book describes how to write Tcl scripts for Tk. About 125 pages in length. Compressed Postscript for a draft of the third part of an upcoming book on Tcl and Tk to be published in 1994 by Addison-Wesley. This part of the book describes how to write Tcl applications in C, using the Tcl library procedure. 64 pages in length. Compressed Postscript for a draft of the last part of an upcoming book on Tcl and Tk to be published in 1994 by Addison-Wesley. This part of the book describes how to write new widgets and geometry managers in C, using the Tk library procedure. About 70 pages in length. - Postscript for a paper on Tcl that appeared in the Winter 1990 USENIX Conference. - Postscript for a paper on Tk that appeared in the Winter 1991 USENIX Conference. - Postscript for Figure 10 of the Tk paper. tut.tar.Z - A collection of materials from a full-day tutorial on Tcl and Tk. Includes viewgraphs from five one-hour talks plus a sample widget. tclCover.tar.Z - Winning entries in the Tcl/Tk book cover contest (unpacks to about 5 Mbytes). - PostScript formatted copy of Tcl Compiler paper presented at the Tcl'93 Workshop. tc-tcl93.tex.gz - LaTeX source for the Tcl Compiler paper presented at the Tcl'93 Workshop. In addition, there may be older releases of some or all of the above files; look for files with earlier release numbers. Be sure to retrieve files in image mode (type "type image" to FTP) in order to make sure that you don't lose bits. Most of these files are compressed tar files; to get back the original directory hierarchies, type a command like the following for each file you retrieved: zcat tk3.6.tar.Z | tar xf - This will create a directory named tk3.6 with all the source files and documentation for that release. There will be a README file in the tk3.6 subdirectory that tells what to do next. Any file with a .gz extension is a file compressed with gzip, the gnu portable compression standard. To get a copy, ftp to and look in pub/gnu. For example, to uncompress, type gunzip once you've retrieved the file. This will produce a file named "". Each of the releases has a README file in the top-level directory that describes how to compile the release, where to find documentation, etc. Questions or problems with any of these distributions should be directed to John Ousterhout (