FEEL 0.75 for MSDOS =================== Overview: FEEL (Free and Eventually EuLisp) was originally developed for Unix machines at the University of Bath, UK. Thanks to DJ Delorie's excellent port of Gnu C/C++ it has been possible to provide a full version of FEEL for the PC. Requirements: A 80386/486-based IBM compatible PC or PS/2 running DOS, a hard drive with at least 1MB free, and at least 512K RAM. Eulisp archive location: host: ftp.bath.ac.uk login: ftp password: send your e-mail address directory: pub/eulisp/feel-75.zip The Unix distribution and documentation is also available from this site Installing: To install, you must do the following: * Create a directory to install in, for example C:\LANGS\FEEL. * Un-zip feel-75.zip in that directory using the -d option to create subdirectories. C:\LANGS\FEEL>pkunzip -d feel-75.zip The following subdirectories will be created: bin The executable and batch files modules Standard modules and sample applications man Manual page and this readme file emu387 80387 emulator for non-80387 systems tmp Empty, used for virtual memory page swaps during execution * Edit all path names in the batch files FEEL.BAT and FEELB.BAT in the bin directory to reflect your configuration. If your PC has a Maths 80387 chip or equivalent then remove the lines SET GO32=emu .... from the batch files * Add your binary directory to your PATH in C:\AUTOEXEC.BAT eg SET PATH=...;C:\LANGS\FEEL\BIN That's it! FEEL is now installed in your system. Usage: It is recommended that you do not use the emm386.exe device driver when using FEEL, as this slows the system down. To invoke interpreted FEEL, type FEEL. The interpreter will then load. Type (!> standard) and the standard module should load. If it fails to you have probably got the path in the FEEL_LOAD_PATH variable wrong or have not allocated enough environment space to store the environment variable, in which case you will have to modify your CONFIG.SYS file. Type Ctrl-Z followed by return to leave FEEL. To invoke FEEL with bytecoded standard modules type FEELB. The standard module in this version is called standard0. Bugs: Please send feel bug reports by email to eubug@maths.bath.ac.uk Any MS-DOS specific queries to N.Berrington@ecs.soton.ac.uk Have fun Neil.