# [vt]grind entry for CLtL # COMMON LISP ENTRY # # VGrind and TGrind are programs for formatting code for many programming # languages. This file contains a [vt]grind entry for Common Lisp posted # by Marco Antoniotti to comp.lang.lisp on December 16, 1993. # It has some bugs; improvements are welcome. Please send them to both # marcoxa@cs.nyu.edu and ai.repository@cs.cmu.edu. # # The kw property follows the actual index of CLtL2. # Keywords are the major types, the special forms and the major # defining macros (like 'defclass'), plus a random choice of functions # (e.g. the magnificent 7). # # Note: the stupid tgrind does not accept very long entries, so I have # to cut down the number of keywords. clisp|CLISP:\ :pb=^\d?\((defun|defmacro|defstruct|defclass|defgeneric|defmethod|\ labels|flet|macrolet|defvar|defconstant|defparameter|deftype)\ \d\p(\d|\d\a\d):\ :bb=\(:\ :be=\):\ :cb=\#\|:\ :ce=\|\#:\ :ab=;:ae=$:\ :id=\-\+\:_\.\#\|\':\ :sb=":\ :se=\e":\ :pl:px=\(\a?\d?\p\d?\a?:\ :tc=cltypes: cltypes:\ :kw=\ t\ number integer ratio rational real float\ complex \#C\ character \#\\\ atom\ symbol function\ sequence\ cons null \(\) list\ array\ vector\ string\ bit\ \#\* bit-vector\ hash-table\ readtable\ package\ pathname\ stream\ random-state\ \#\S\ keyword\ nil\ deftype satisfies typep subtypep type-of:\ :tc=clforms: clforms:\ kw=block catch declare eval-when flet go if labels let let\*\ quote return-from\ return setq tagbody the throw\ locally\ lambda \&optional \&rest \&key \&aux\ defun defvar defconstant defparameter:\ :tc=clconstr: clconstr:\ kw=eq eq equal equalp\ setf psetf\ apply eval funcall\ when unless cond case\ loop do do\* dolist dotimes\ values\ defmacro \&body \&whole \&environment\ :tc=clrest: clrest:\ kw=\ declare\ defpackage provide require\ car cdr first rest\ defstruct\ read format\ defclass defgeneric defmethod\ error cerror: