--------------------------------------------------------------------- Copyright (C) 1993 Christian-Albrechts-Universitaet zu Kiel, Germany --------------------------------------------------------------------- Projekt : APPLY - A Practicable And Portable Lisp Implementation ------------------------------------------------------ Funktion : README for CLiCC on DOS ------------------------------------------------------------------ Please read README first. This file contains information on the DOS-386 Version only. The DOS-386 package has three parts. CLiCC itself and two supporting software components: CLISP by Bruno Haible and DJGPP, the GNU-C port by D.J.Delorie. To use this package a 386 system is required! 8 MB of RAM is recomended. Installation ~~~~~~~~~~~~ To install the DOS-386 Version follow these steps: 1) Unpack the archives on the diskettes using UNZIP on disk 1. (If you use PKUNZIP don't forget to supply the -d option.) unzip a:clicc062.zip mkdir \clisp unzip a:clispeng unzip a:djgpp110.zip 2) Change your AUTOEXEC.BAT file to reflect the settings in file clicc062\setenv.bat: set CLICCROOT=C:/CLICC062 set DJGPP=C:/DJGPP set CLISP=C:/CLISP PATH C:\CLISP;C:\CLICC062\BIN;C:\DJGPP\BIN;%PATH% set COMPILER_PATH=%DJGPP%/bin set C_INCLUDE_PATH=%DJGPP%/include set LIBRARY_PATH=%DJGPP%/lib set TMPDIR=c:/tmp set GO32TMP=c:/tmp set GO32=ansi emu %DJGPP%/emu387/emu387 SET TEMP=C:\ You may need to increase your environment space for this. Usage ~~~~~ There are BATCH files to compile application programs in /clicc062/bin. They are similar to the shell scripts we use under UNIX. Here is how to compile the test in /clicc062/src/test: cd \clicc062\src\test clicc testmain ; from Lisp to C cl testmain ; from C to machine code go32 testmain ; run test suite (2 failed test are ok, see README) Further Information ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Read the other documentation files for further information.