Return-Path: Received: from GLINDA.OZ.CS.CMU.EDU by A.GP.CS.CMU.EDU id aa25671; 29 Mar 94 11:38:15 EST Received: from by GLINDA.OZ.CS.CMU.EDU id aa18805; 29 Mar 94 11:37:53 EST Received: from Seuss.Vantage.GTE.COM by (4.1/SMI-4.1) id AA01357; Tue, 29 Mar 94 11:35:54 EST Received: by Seuss.Vantage.GTE.COM (4.1/SMI-4.1) id AA05508; Tue, 29 Mar 94 11:38:12 EST Date: Tue, 29 Mar 94 11:38:12 EST From: "Sigurd P. Crossland" Message-Id: <9403291638.AA05508@Seuss.Vantage.GTE.COM> To: Mark.Kantrowitz@GLINDA.OZ.CS.CMU.EDU From: Sig@Seuss.Vantage.GTE.COM Subject: Proposed index definition for standardized dictionaries Newsgroups:,,comp.compression,comp.compression.research,sci.crypt Organization: GTE As an aid to those involved in natural language parsing, dictionary compression, foreign language translation, or textual encryption, I have been collecting and compiling a lengthy list of words. It is expected that a comprehensive standardized dictionary will eventually result. This dictionary should contain most common American words, abbreviations, acronyms, hyphenations, and even incorrect spellings. This draft will document the proposed index structure used to access the standardized dictionary. Comments and criticisms are welcome. 'Words' are to be sorted by length, stored in ascending ASCII collating sequence and normalized to lower case where possible to save space. Words containing unusual capitalization - other than all lower, all upper, or first letter raised - will be represented as a separate unique entry in the dictionary. It is anticipated that a comprehensive dictionary can be compiled from words addressed within a space of 1 MB (2^^20 or 1,048,576). The index will be comprised of 32 bits arranged in the following format: _________________________________________________________________ |0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|1|1|1|1|1|1|1|1|1|1|2|2|2|2|2|2|2|2|2|2|3|3| |0|1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|0|1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|0|1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|0|1| | dictionary index | form | language | The lower 20 bits (0-19) are used as pointers to entries in the dictionary. The following 4 bits (20-23) will be used to indicate a variance on the form of the word, and the last 8 bits (24-31) will be used for future expansion to specify one of 256 dictionaries corresponding to various languages or personalized dictionaries. The data collection process has produced statistics indicating that the average word length is centered around 8 characters resulting in a 1 M word dictionary approximately 8 MB in length. Encoding common capitalization and endings will allow the storage requirements to remain manageable and within the capacity and capability of even low end computer systems in terms of resource utilization and performance. Accordingly, the form bits are interpreted as follows: bits 20 and 21 determine case 00 default case (as stored in dictionary) 01 all lower case 02 all upper case 03 first letter capitalized, rest lower case bits 22 and 23 determine the ending 00 default ending 01 ends with a period 02 ends with a question mark 03 ends with a line termination character or characters By way of further defining the dictionary index field, bits 16-19 will be used as a flag to indicate simple ASCII encoding or ASCII with run length encoding. When bits 16-19 equal zero, ASCII and extended ASCII or binary data will be represented by the lowest eight bits with the run length represented by bits 8 - 15 as follows: _________________________________________________________________ |0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|1|1|1|1|1|1|1|1|1|1|2|2|2|2|2|2|2|2|2|2|3|3| |0|1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|0|1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|0|1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|0|1| | ASCII | run length |0|0|0|0| | For a single ASCII character, the run length field would equal 1. When the run length field is also set to equal 0, the lowest eight bits represent the index version number which will be used to correlate with the appropriate dictionary. Since this technique essentially 'wastes' the first 65,536 entries in the dictionary, this space will be redefined and utilized to specify the initial index for each length of entry. A further implication is that the first dictionary entry corresponds to index position 65,537. Index entries 0 and 1 have no meaning within this context, entries 2 through 31 will point to values in a table which correspond to the location and length of the 31 word list files. As an implementation dependent alternative, all dictionary entries would be stored in a single file with the index pointing to the beginning of records with like lengths. The physical architecture of the dictionary will depend on the hardware/software platform and may be implemented as a table in ROM, a single file, or multiple files which may or may not contain line termination characters. Please mail your comments, suggestions, etc. to the addresses below. Take care. - Sig Sigurd P. Crossland Advanced Technology Lab | Telephone: (703) 818-8504 GTE | Facsimile: (703) 802-3110 15000 Conference Center Drive | Internet: Chantilly, VA 22021 | Home: (703) 818-8942