This is the Rochester Connectionist Simulator (version 4.2); it is COPYRIGHT 1989 University of Rochester. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 1, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License (in the file named "COPYING") along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. =============================================================================== HOW TO INSTALL IT: (0) Read the other README.* files to see if there is any machine-dependent information that applies to you. (1) (1a) Find some free room; the source takes about 10 megabytes before compilation, and about 12 megabytes after compilation. The permanent (binary) installation requires about 2 megabytes. (1b) Make a directory and cd to it. It may be named anything you wish. For example, mkdir rcs_v4.2; cd rcs_v4.2 (1b) Read in your distribution. The command to use for a reel-to-reel tape might be tar xf /dev/rmt8 while for a SUN cartridge tape it might be tar xf /dev/rst8 or, for a compressed tar file compress -d < rcs_v4.2.tar.Z | tar xBf - This will read the distribution into the current directory. (2) Edit the Makefile in this directory for your site. You need to (re)set the following variables. Various suggestions are provided in the Makefile; comment out all but one for each choice. SRCDIR - top level directory during compilation. SIMDIR - top level directory after installation. (SIMDIR and SRCDIR can be the same.) MANDIR - where to put the manual page. BINDIR - where to put the main executable shell script. CC - command to use to compile this distribution. WARNING: See notes below regarding the gcc compiler. LD - linker to use during installation MLD - linker to be used by "makesim" shell script NM - command to use to extract namelists CCLDFLAGS - extra flags to add to final "CC" linking step in makesim. CCLDLIBS - extra libraries to add to final "CC" linking step in makesim. SIMCC - command for simulator to use to compile code at runtime. SIMLD - linker for simulator to use to dynamically link in user code. LDCOMPILE - yes => distribution ld needs compiling. LDCOMFLAGS - for compiler to use when compiling distribution ld. DEFAULT_GRAPHICS - either SUN or X11 or none. WANT_X11 - yes => compile the X11 Graphics. XUSRLIBDIR - where the X libraries are installed, typically /usr/lib. XINCROOT - where the X include directory is installed, typically /usr/include WANT_SUN - yes => compile the SunView Graphics. MAKE,RM,ECHO,CP,INSTALL - commands for the makefiles to use. (3) Make all programs. make clean all This will take about 45 minutes on a SPARCstation; your mileage may vary. The "clean" is recommended in general, because the Makefiles as they stand may leave undesirably-configured object files around between runs -- you may accidentally come up with a mix of floating point and integer routines. The makefiles will probably be improved in a future release. (4) Install the simulator. For this you need write permission in BINDIR, MANDIR and SIMDIR, and SIMDIR/{bin,include,lib}. You might `su' to root to do this. make install To install on a remote machine, using the same installation directory structure, log on to the remote machine, copy the Makefile to the remote machine, and type make remote-install REMOTE=compilemachine where compilemachine is the machine on which the distribution was compiled. (5) Add the MANDIR directory to your MANPATH and the BINDIR directory to your PATH. This enables access to the manpage and to the main shell script "makesim". Now you can go to the SRCDIR/example directory and run through the examples, and/or go to the SRCDIR/test directory and run through the non-comprehensive tests. If you want to compile the simulator source -g to debug it, give makesim the -x flag after making sure that you have write permission in the SRCDIR/src/* directories. If you have executed step (6) you will have to redo step (3) before you can debug the simulator sources. If you have executed step (7), you will have to redo steps (1), (2) and (3). (6) Optional: to restore the distribution directory tree to its initial state: make clean (7) Optional: once you are sure the simulator is installed ok you can remove the SRCDIR directory structure (make sure you have saved the distribution to tape first). =============================================================================== HOW TO GET THE SIMULATOR DISTRIBUTION: The Rochester Connectionist Simulator is available by anonymous FTP from "" ( on the Internet, in the directory "pub/simulator". That directory contains the simulator distribution, along with an archive of official patches. Compressed files generally have a name ending in ".Z". REMEMBER TO USE THE "TYPE TENEX" or "TYPE BINARY" COMMAND IN FTP WHEN RETRIEVING COMPRESSED TAR FILES!!! The simulator is too big to mail electronically, so please don't ask. The same files are available to subscribers of UUNET's UUCP service. They are stored in the directory ~uucp/pub/simulator. If you are unable to obtain anonymous FTP or UUCP access to the simulator distribution, you can still order a copy the old-fashioned way. Send a check for US$150 (payable to the University of Rochester) to: Peg Meeker Computer Science Department University of Rochester Rochester, NY 14627 (USA) You will, in return, receive a distribution tape and a 200-page manual. PLEASE SPECIFY WHETHER YOU WANT: a 1600bpi 1/2" reel OR a QIC-24 (SUN) 1/4" cartridge. If you have a PostScript printer, you should be able to produce your own copy of the manual. If you want a paper copy of the manual anyway, send a check for US$10 per manual (payable to the University of Rochester) to Peg Meeker at the above address. We do not have the facilities for generating invoices, so payment is required with any order. =============================================================================== JOIN THE MAILING LISTS! There is a electronic mailing list. On this list you will find the other users of the Rochester Connectionist Simulator. We strongly recommend that you stay in touch by joining the mailing list. If you have any ADMINISTRATIVE requests, such as mailing list additions or deletions, please send them to Please send BUG REPORTS to We are interested in fixing bugs, but can't make any promises! Please make your bug reports as specific as possible. If you have patches to send in, please use "diff -c OLD NEW" (not NEW OLD) to generate them. It will often be helpful to include the output from "make show" if you have a problem that is at all related to your configuration. ===============================================================================