Here is our Simulator. The code is not free, we have the copyrigth and since we used a comercial avaible library to do the screen output (menues and that stuff) and that code is mixed with our code, you will not be able to use the code without that lib. Since that program was done with TURBO PASCAL ( (c) Borland ) Ver. 4 or 5 you have no chance to get that lib for use with any newer version of TURBO. Since we know that, we will not distribute the source code, you only get the binary, one version for use with Coprocessor, one without. It's all in the archive. You are allowed to use the program for your personal use, education purpose and things like that. If you want to use it for a comercial use, contact us before you do it! A comercial use is any use where you get more bucks out than fed in! Since we want to keep track of all users - please be so kind to send us a (colorful) postcard of the area where BackProp is used, we keep track of these places on a large world map in our office. If you have any supporting files for BackProp (say training files or networks) and you want that files be made public, upload it in the /pub/incoming area of our server and give root a call to move that file to the proper place. Thanks the makers of BackProp and the guy who made that aFTP server