---------------------------------------------------------- ANNOUNCEMENT OC1 is now available via Anonymous FTP. ---------------------------------------------------------- OC1 (Oblique Classifier 1) is a multivariate decision tree induction system designed for applications where the instances have numeric feature values. OC1 builds decision trees that contain linear combinations of one or more attributes at each internal node; these trees then partition the space of examples with both oblique and axis-parallel hyperplanes. OC1 has been used for classification of data from several real world domains, such as astronomy and cancer diagnosis. A technical decription of the algorithm can be found in the AAAI-93 paper by Sreerama K. Murthy, Simon Kasif, Steven Salzberg and Richard Beigel. A postscript version of this paper is provided with the package. OC1 is a written entirely in ANSI C. It incorporates a number of features intended to support flexible experimentation on real and artificial data sets. We have provided support for cross-validation experiments, generation of artificial data, and graphical display of data sets and decision trees. The OC1 software allows the user to create both standard, axis-parallel decision trees and oblique (multivariate) trees. TO OBTAIN OC1 BY ANONYMOUS FTP -------------------------------- The latest version of OC1 is available free of charge, and may be obtained via anonymous FTP from the Department of Computer Science at Johns Hopkins University. To obtain a copy of OC1, type the following commands: UNIX_prompt> ftp ftp.cs.jhu.edu [Note: the Internet address of ftp.cs.jhu.edu is currently] Name: anonymous Password: [enter your email address] ftp> bin ftp> cd pub/oc1 ftp> get oc1.tar.Z [This announcement is also contained in pub/oc1.] ftp> bye [Place the file oc1.tar.Z in a convenient subdirectory.] UNIX_prompt> uncompress oc1.tar.Z UNIX_prompt> tar -xf oc1.tar [Read the file "README", to get cues to other documentation files, and to run the programs.] If you have any comments, questions or suggestions, please contact Sreerama K. Murthy or Steven Salzberg or Simon Kasif Department of Computer Science The Johns Hopkins University Baltimore, MD 21218 Email: murthy@cs.jhu.edu (primary contact) salzberg@cs.jhu.edu kasif@cs.jhu.edu OC1 IS INTENDED FOR NON-COMMERCIAL PURPOSES ONLY. OC1 may be used, copied, and modified freely for this purpose. Any commercial use of OC1 is strictly prohibited without the express written consent of Sreerama K. Murthy, Simon Kasif, and Steven Salzberg, at the Department of Computer Science, Johns Hopkins University. -----------------------------------------------------------------------