This software is under development. It is provided for comments and suggestions. No claims are made with respect to its completelness or correctness. Please send comments to: === This directory contains sources for C++ classes used in defining fuzzy variables. Common manipulations of fuzzy variables are performed by the "degree" and "membership" classes. Arbitrary nonlinear membership functions, as well as membership functions based on triangular piewise membership are supported. To define a fuzzy variable, invoke the "fuzzy" template with the desired type: fuzzy height; Triangular membership functions are defined using the "tri_member" template. x values may be any permissible value for the template type. The triangular membership constructor takes 3 x coordinates, followed by the height (typically 1.0) to describe the membership shape. tri_member TALL (48, 72, 96, 1); tri_member SHORT (48, 56, 96, 1); Trapezoidal membership functions (including trapezoids which are missing one of their triangular sides) may be defined using the "trap_member" template. The trapezoidal membership function takes 4 x coordinates and a height to describe the membership shape. The x coordinates are as follows: x2 x3 ****** ******** ********** ************* **************** x1 x4 For example: trap_member HIGH_TEMP (92.0, 103.0, 106.333, 106.33, 1.0); defines the partial trapezoid (with height 1.0): 103 106.66 ****** ******* ******** ********* ********** 93 106.66 Now, simple membership tests may be performed using the "is" operation and boolean functions. e.g., (TALL) ! (TALL) && (HIGH_TEMP) The result of these operations is a "degree" which is a scaled integer whose values range [0,255] and represents real values [0,1] (degrees of membership in the class). Collections of membership functions may be grouped in fuzzy associative memories (FAM's). A fam is an NxN matrix of membership functions. Each dimension represents an input function to be applied to an input variable. The intersection represents the logical (fuzzy) AND of the two resulting output sets. The degree to which the AND succeeds determines the degree to which the output membership function applies to the output variable. To define a FAM, one must first define the related membership functions: trap_member NM (-128, -128, -64, -32, 1, "NM"); tri_member NS (-64, -32, 0, 1, "NS"); tri_member Z (-32, 0, 32, 1, "Z"); tri_member PS ( 0, 32, 64, 1, "PS"); trap_member PM ( 32, 64, 127, 127, 1, "PM"); The fam is defined with, a) its dimension, b) a row representing the input membership functions (containing the addresses of the relevant membership functions), and c) NxN rows of the resulting output functions. fam pendemo(5, &NM, &NS, &Z, &PS, &PM, NULL, NULL, &PM, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, &PS, &NS, NULL, &PM, &PS, &Z, &NS, &NM, NULL, &PS, &NS, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, &NM, NULL, NULL ); To apply a fam to two input variables and produce a third, the "apply" method is used: fuzzy theta (20, "theta"); fuzzy dTheta (-10, "dTheta"); fuzzy result (0, "result"); pendemo.apply (theta, dTheta, result); === Early work on 3D fam surfaces is shown. It compiles but hasn't been tested. Again, this software is in a preliminary form. Please use with care. Douglas Orr Center for Software Science University of Utah