A Short Bibliography on Recent Articles on the Scheme dialect of LISP contains all entries from the INSPEC and "Computer Database" databases for 1987 and 1986. Additional entries in refer format have been contributed by Ozan Yigit. PC Scheme: a lexical LISP. (Software Review) (evaluation) Wong, William G. Byte VOL.: v12 ISSUE: n3 PAGINATION: p223(4) PUBLICATION DATE: March, 1987 PC Scheme. (LISP compiler) (Software Review) (evaluation) Beale, Dan PC Tech Journal VOL.: v4 ISSUE: n8 PAGINATION: p29(1) PUBLICATION DATE: Aug, 1986 The Trend toward Low Cost Languages: New Products Provide Productivity on a Budget. Cardiff, John Computing Canada Micro Report, Supplement to Computing Canada, Vol.12, No.3, Feb. 6, 1986, P. MR13. 1 Page. Logic continuations (programming) Haynes, C.T. Dept. of Comput. Sci., Indiana Univ., Bloomington, IN, USA J. Logic Program. (USA) vol.4, no.2 157-76 June 1987 CODEN: JLPRE2 ISSN: 0743-1066 Computationally extended logic programming Rubenstein, M.C.; Salter, R.M. Dept. of Math., Oberlin Coll, OH, USA Comput. Lang. (GB) vol.12, no.1 1-7 1987 CODEN: COLADA ISSN: 0096-0551 U. S. Copyright Clearance Center Code: 0096-0551/87/$3.00+0.00 A critique of Abelson and Sussman or why calculating is better than scheming Wadler, P. Programming Res. Group, Oxford Univ., England SIGPLAN Not. (USA) vol.22, no.3 83-94 March 1987 PC Scheme: a great way to LISP on the PC Witkowski, S. Micro Cornucopia (USA) no.34 46-7 Feb.-March 1987 CODEN: MICOE8 ISSN: 0747-587X The PC Scheme, a fast LISP from Texas Instruments Kruppe, U. Mikrocomput. Z. (Germany) no.1 110-12 Jan. 1987 CODEN: MDMZDL ISSN: 0720-4442 Persistent memory: a storage architecture for object-oriented database systems Thatte, S.M. Texas Instrum. Inc., Dallas, TX, USA Dittrich, K..; Dayal, U. (Editors) Sponsor: IEEE; ACM Proceedings of the 1986 International Workshop on Object-Oriented Database Systems (Cat. No.86TH0161-0) 148-59 1986 23-26 Sept. 1986 Pacific Grove, CA, USA Publ: IEE Comput. Soc. Press, Washington, DC, USA vii+237 pp. ISBN 0 8186 0734 3 U. S. Copyright Clearance Center Code: TH0161-0/86/0000-0148$01.00 DEFT-a design-for-testability expert system Samad, M.A.; Fortest, J.A.B. Sch. of Electr. Eng., Purdue Univ., West Lafayette, IN, USA Stone, H.S. (Editors) Sponsor: IEEE; ACM 1986 Proceedings of the Fall Joint Computer Conference (Cat. No.86CH2345-7) 899-908 1986 2-6 Nov. 1986 Dallas, TX, USA Publ: IEEE Comput. Soc. Press, Washington, DC, USA xxvi+1248 pp. ISBN 0 8186 0743 2 U. S. Copyright Clearance Center Code: CH2345-7/86/0000-0899$01.00 Representing s-expressions for the efficient evaluation of LISP on parallel processors Harrison, W.L., III; Padua, D.A. Center for Supercomput. Res. & Dev., Illinois Univ., Urbana, IL, USA Hwang, K.; Jacobs, S.M.; Swartzlander, E.E. (Editors) Sponsor: IEEE; Pennsylvania State Univ.; ACM Proceedings of the 1986 International Conference on Parallel Processing (Cat.No.86CH2355-6) 703-10 1986 19-22 Aug. 1986 St. Charles, IL, USA Publ: IEEE Comput. Soc. Press, Washington, DC, USA xviii+1051 pp. ISBN 0 8186 0724 6 U. S. Copyright Clearance Center Code: 0190-3918/86/0000-0703$01.00 New implementation of the AKO function in a frame based system El-Dessouki, A.I.; El-Wahab, A.H.A. Nat. Res. Center, Giza, Egypt Sponsor: IEEE; Soc. Instrum. & Control Eng. Japan Proceedings IECON '86. 1986 International Conference on Industrial Electronics, Control and Instrumentation. Industrial Applications of Mini, Micro and Personal Computers (Cat. No.86CH2334-1) 671-4 vol.2 1986 29 Sept.-3 Oct. 1986 Milwaukee, WI, USA Publ: IEEE, New York, USA 2 vol. 882 pp. U. S. Copyright Clearance Center Code: CH2334-1/86/0000-0671$01.00 Revised report on the algorithmic language Scheme Rees, J.; Clinger, W.; Abelson, H.; Adams, N.I., IV; Bartley, D.H.; Brooks, G.; Dybvig, R.K.; Friedman, D.P.; Halstead, R.; Hanson, C.; Haynes, C.T.; Kohlbecker, E.; Oxley, D.; Pitman, K.M.; Rozas, G.J.; Sussman, G.J.; Wand, M. SIGPLAN Not. (USA) vol.21, no.12 37-79 Dec. 1986 CODEN: SINODQ ISSN: 0362-1340 Oaklisp: an object-oriented scheme with first class types Lang, K.J.; Pearlmutter, B.A. Dept. of Comput. Sci., Carnegie-Mellon Univ., Pittsburgh, PA, USA Sponsor: ACM SIGPLAN Not. (USA) vol.21, no.11 30-7 Nov. 1986 CODEN: SINODQ ISSN: 0362-1340 OOPSLA '86. Object-Orientated Programming Systems, Languages and Applications. Conference Proceedings 29 Sept.-2 Oct. 1986 Portland, OR, USA U. S. Copyright Clearance Center Code: 0 89791 204 TLOG - yet another logic system in lisp? Read, W.; Dyer, M.G. Issued by: Univ. California, Comput. Sci. Dept., Los Angeles, CA, USA; April 1986 14 pp. Report No.: CSD-860070 World's shortest PROLOG compiler? Dolan, C.; Dyer, M. Issued by: Univ. California, Comput. Sci. Dept., Los Angeles, CA, USA; April 1986 27 pp. Report No.: CSD-860068 A LISP computer unit consisting of multi-microprocessor based on a data driven scheme Wang Lun; Wu Zhibo; Cheng Tweian Harbin Inst. of Technol., China J. Harbin Inst. Technol. (China) no.2 17-22 1986 CODEN: HPKYAY Principles of the SYCO compiler Jerraya, A.; Varinot, P.; Jamier, R.; Courtois, B. IMAG/TIM3, Grenoble, France Sponsor: IEEE; ACM 23rd ACM/IEEE Design Automation Conference. Proceedings 1986 (Cat. No.86CH2288-9) 715-21 1986 29 June-2 July 1986 Las Vegas, NV, USA Publ: IEEE Comput. Soc. Press, Washington, DC, USA xviii+835 pp. ISBN 0 8186 0702 5 U. S. Copyright Clearance Center Code: 0738-100X/86/0000-0715$01.00 Sehwa: a program for synthesis of pipelines Park, N.; Parker, A. Dept. of Electr. Eng.-Syst., Univ. of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA, USA Sponsor: IEEE; ACM 23rd ACM/IEEE Design Automation Conference. Proceedings 1986 (Cat. No.86CH2288-9) 454-60 1986 29 June-2 July 1986 Las Vegas, NV, USA Publ: IEEE Comput. Soc. Press, Washington, DC, USA xviii+835 pp. ISBN 0 8186 0702 5 U. S. Copyright Clearance Center Code: 0738-100X/86/0000-0454$01.00 Parallel symbolic computing Halstead, R.H., Jr. MIT, Cambridge, MA, USA Computer (USA) vol.19, no.8 35-43 Aug. 1986 CODEN: CPTRB4 ISSN: 0018-9162 U. S. Copyright Clearance Center Code: 0018-9162/86/0800-0035$01.00 ORBIT: an optimizing compiler for Scheme Kranz, D.; Kelsey, R.; Rees, J.; Hudak, P.; Philbin, J.; Adams, N. Dept. of Comput. Sci., Yale Univ., New Haven, CT, USA; Sponsor: ACM SIGPLAN Not. (USA) vol.21, no.7 219-33 July 1986 CODEN: SINODQ ISSN: 0362-1340 Proceedings of the SIGPLAN '86 Symposium on Compiler Construction 25-27 June 1986 Palo Alto, CA, USA U. S. Copyright Clearance Center Code: 0-89791-197-0/86/0600-0219$00.75 A design and implementation of the efficient LISP interpreter and shallow binding Young Hoon Seo; Young Taek Kim J. Korea Inf. Sci. Soc. vol.13, no.2 79-87 May 1986 CODEN: HJKHDC ISSN: 0258-9125 GOLDEN COMMON LISP Shannon, T.C. DEC Prof. (USA) vol.5, no.1 102-18 Jan. 1986 CODEN: DECPDJ ISSN: 0744-9216 Modeling neural networks in Scheme Eilbert, J.L.; Salter, R.M. Dept. of Math. & Comput. Sci., Drexel Univ., Philadelphia, PA, USA Simulation (USA) vol.46, no.5 193-9 May 1986 CODEN: SIMUA2 ISSN: 0037-5497 U. S. Copyright Clearance Center Code: 0037-5497/86$2.00+.10 RISC computer architecture: innovation or revolution? Lebeau, D. Electron. Ind. (France) no.101 48-52 1 Feb. 1986 CODEN: EIDUDA ISSN: 0244-903X A new list compaction method Li, K.; Hudak, P. Dept. of Comput. Sci., Yale Univ., New Haven, CT, USA Software-Pract. & Exper. (GB) vol.16, no.2 145-63 Feb. 1986 CODEN: SPEXBL ISSN: 0038-0644 U. S. Copyright Clearance Center Code: 0038-0644/86/020145-19$05.90 ------------------------------------- ?cost 24aug87 20:43:38 EST Session Total: 0.124 Hours $3.01 User 042676 ----- tags.doc ----- BIB (UofArizona) Field Tags %A - Author's name %B - Title of the book containing item %C - City of publication %D - Date %E - Editor(s) of book containing item %F - Caption %G - Government (NTIS) ordering number %I - Issuer (publisher) %J - Journal name %K - Keys for searching %N - Issue number %O - Other information %P - Page(s) of article %R - Technical report number %S - Series title %T - Title %V - Volume number ----- scheme.bib ----- %A John Reynolds %T Definitional Interpreters for Higher Order Programming Languages %J ACM Conference Proceedings %P 717-740 %I ACM %D 1972 %A Gerald Jay Sussman %A Guy Lewis Steele, Jr. %T Scheme: an Interpreter for Extended Lambda Calculus %R MIT Artificial Intelligence Memo 349 %C Cambridge, Mass. %D December 1975 %A Guy Lewis Steele, Jr. %A Gerald Jay Sussman %T Lambda, the Ultimate Imperative %R MIT Artificial Intelligence Memo 353 %C Cambridge, Mass. %D March 1976 %K imperative %A Guy Lewis Steele, Jr. %T Lambda, the Ultimate Declarative %R MIT Artificial Intelligence Memo 379 %C Cambridge, Mass. %D November 1976 %K declarative %A Guy Lewis Steele, Jr. %T Debunking the ``Expensive Procedure Call'' Myth, or Procedure Call Implementations Considered Harmful, or LAMBDA, the Ultimate GOTO %J ACM Conference Proceedings %P 153-162 %I ACM %D 1977 %A Guy Lewis Steele, Jr. %T Macaroni is Better than Spaghetti %J Proceedings of the Symposium on Artificial Intelligence and Programming Languages %P 60-66 %O Special joint issue of SIGPLAN Notices 12(8) and SIGART Newsletter 64 %D August 1977 %A Mitchell Wand %T Continuation-Based Program Transformation Strategies %J Journal of the ACM %V 27 %N 1 %P 174-180 %D 1978 %A Guy Lewis Steele, Jr. %A Gerald Jay Sussman %T The Revised Report on Scheme, a Dialect of Lisp %R MIT Artificial Intelligence Memo 452 %C Cambridge, Mass. %D January 1978 %A Guy Lewis Steele, Jr. %T Rabbit: a Compiler for Scheme %R MIT Artificial Intelligence Laboratory Technical Report 474 %C Cambridge, Mass. %D May 1978 %A Guy Lewis Steele, Jr. %A Gerald Jay Sussman %T The Art of the Interpreter, or the Modularity Complex (parts zero, one, and two) %R MIT Artificial Intelligence Memo 453 %C Cambridge, Mass. %D May 1978 %K modularity %A Drew McDermott %T An Efficient Environment Allocation Scheme in an Interpreter for a Lexically-Scoped Lisp %J Conference Record of the 1980 Lisp Conference %P 154-162 %I The Lisp Conference, P.O. Box 487, Redwood Estates CA. %D 1980 %O Proceedings reprinted by ACM %A Steven S. Muchnick %A Uwe F. Pleban %T A Semantic Comparison of Lisp and Scheme %J Conference Record of the 1980 Lisp Conference %P 56-65 %I The Lisp Conference, P.O. Box 487, Redwood Estates CA. %D 1980 %A Guy Lewis Steele, Jr. %T Compiler Optimization Based on Viewing LAMBDA as RENAME + GOTO %B AI: An MIT Perspective %E Patrick Henry Winston %E Richard Henry Brown %I MIT Press %C Cambridge, Mass. %D 1980 %A Guy Lewis Steele, Jr. %A Gerald Jay Sussman %T The Dream of a Lifetime: a Lazy Variable Extent Mechanism %J Conference Record of the 1980 Lisp Conference %P 163-172 %I The Lisp Conference %D 1980 %A Mitchell Wand %T Continuation-Based Multiprocessing %J Conference Record of the 1980 Lisp Conference %P 19-28 %I The Lisp Conference %D 1980 %A Guy Lewis Steele, Jr. %A Gerald Jay Sussman %T Design of a Lisp-based Processor %J CACM %V 23 %N 11 %P 628-645 %D November 1980 %A Gerald Jay Sussman %A Jack Holloway %A Guy Lewis Steele, Jr. %A Alan Bell %T Scheme-79 - Lisp on a Chip %J IEEE Computer %V 14 %N 7 %P 10-21 %D July 1981 %I IEEE %A John Batali %A Edmund Goodhue %A Chris Hanson %A Howie Shrobe %A Richard M. Stallman %A Gerald Jay Sussman %T The Scheme-81 Architecture - System and Chip %J Proceedings, Conference on Advanced Research in VLSI %P 69-77 %E Paul Penfield, Jr. %C Artech House, Dedham MA. %D 1982 %K scheme81 %A Peter Henderson %T Functional Geometry %J Conference Record of the 1982 ACM Symposium on Lisp and Functional Programming %P 179-187 %D 1982 %A Jonathan A. Rees %A Norman I. Adams %T T: A Dialect of Lisp or, LAMBDA: The Ultimate Software Tool %J Conference Record of the 1982 ACM Symposium on Lisp and Functional Programming %P 114-122 %D 1982 %A Gerald Jay Sussman %T LISP, Programming and Implementation %B Functional Programming and its Applications %E Darlington, Henderson, Turner %I Cambridge University Press %C London %D 1982 %A Pee Hong Chen %A W.Y. Chi %A E.M. Ost %A L.D. Sabbagh %A G. Springer %T Scheme Graphics Reference Manual %R Computer Science Technical Report No. 145 %I Indiana University %C Bloomington, Indiana %D August 1983 %A Pee Hong Chen %A Daniel P. Friedman %T Prototyping data flow by translation into Scheme %R Computer Science Technical Report #147 %I Indiana University %C Bloomington, Indiana %D August 1983 %A Carol Fessenden %A William Clinger %A Daniel P. Friedman %A Christopher T. Haynes %T Scheme 311 version 4 Reference Manual %R Computer Science Technical Report 137 %I Indiana University %C Bloomington, Indiana %D February 1983 %O Superceded by Computer Science Technical Report 153, 1985 %A William Clinger %T The Scheme 311 compiler: An Exercise in Denotational Semantics %J Conference Record of the 1984 ACM Symposium on Lisp and Functional Programming %P 356-364 %D 1984 %K comp311 %A Daniel P. Friedman %A Christopher T. Haynes %A Eugene E. Kohlbecker %T Programming with Continuations %B Program Transformation and Programming Environments %P 263-274 %E P. Pepper %I Springer-Verlag %D 1984 %A Christopher T. Haynes %A Daniel P. Friedman %T Engines Build Process Abstractions %J Conference Record of the 1984 ACM Symposium on Lisp and Functional Programming %C Austin, TX. %P 18-24 %D 1984 %A Christopher T. Haynes %A Daniel P. Friedman %A Mitchell Wand %T Continuations and Coroutines %J Conference Record of the 1984 ACM Symposium on Lisp and Functional Programming %C Austin, TX. %P 293-298 %D 1984 %A Daniel P. Friedman %A Mitchell Wand %T Reification: reflection without metaphysics %J Conference Record of the 1984 ACM Symposium on LISP and Functional Programming %C Austin, TX. %P 348-355 %D August 1984 %A Jonathan A. Rees %A Norman I. Adams %A James R. Meehan %T The T manual, fourth edition %I Yale University Computer Science Department %D January 1984 %A Guillermo J. Rozas %T Liar, an Algol-like Compiler for Scheme %I S. B. Thesis, MIT Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science %D January 1984 %T MIT Scheme Manual, Seventh Edition %I Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, MIT %C Cambridge, Mass. %D September 1984 %T MacScheme Reference Manual %I Semantic Microsystems %C Sausalito, Calif. %D 1985 %A Harold Abelson %A Gerald Jay Sussman %A Julie Sussman %T Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs %I MIT Press %C Cambridge, Mass. %D 1985 %K sicp %A William Clinger %A Daniel P. Friedman %A Mitchell Wand %T A Scheme for a Higher-Level Semantic Algebra %B Algebraic Methods in Semantics %E J. Reynolds, M. Nivat %P 237-250 %I Cambridge University Press %C London %D 1985 %A Amitabh Srivastava %A Don Oxley %A Aditya Srivastava %T An (other) Integration of Logic and Functional Programming %J Proceedings of the Symposium on Logic Programming %P 254-260 %I IEEE %D 1985 %E William Clinger %T The Revised Revised Report on Scheme, or An Uncommon Lisp %R MIT Artificial Intelligence Memo 848 %C Cambridge, Mass. %O Also published as Computer Science Department Technical Report 174, Indiana University, June 1985 %D August 1985 %K rrrs %A Daniel P. Friedman %A Christopher T. Haynes %T Constraining Control %J Proceedings of the Twelfth Annual Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages %C New Orleans, LA. %P 245-254 %I ACM %D January 1985 %A Daniel P. Friedman %A Christopher T. Haynes %A Eugene E. Kohlbecker %A Mitchell Wand %T Scheme 84 Interim Reference Manual %R Computer Science Technical Report 153 %I Indiana University %C Bloomington, Indiana %D January 1985 %K scheme84 %A Peehong Chen %A L. David Sabbagh %T Scheme as an Interactive Graphics Programming Environment %R Computer Science Technical Report No. 166 %I Indiana University %C Bloomington, Indiana %D March 1985 %T TI Scheme Language Reference Manual %I Texas Instruments, Inc. %O Preliminary version 1.0 %D November 1985 %A Michael A. Eisenberg %T Bochser: An Integrated Scheme Programming System %R MIT Computer Science Technical Report 349 %C Cambridge, Mass. %D October 1985 %K bochser %T Transliterating Prolog into Scheme %A Matthias Felleisen %R Computer Science Technical Report #182 %I Indiana University %C Bloomington, Indiana %D October 1985 %A David H. Bartley %A John C. Jensen %T The Implementation of PC Scheme %J Proceedings of the 1986 ACM Conference on Lisp and Functional Programming %P 86-93 %D 1986 %K pcscheme %A R. Kent Dybvig %A Daniel P. Friedman %A Christopher T. Haynes %T Expansion-Passing style: Beyond Conventional Macros %J Proceedings of the 1986 ACM Conference on Lisp and Functional Programming %P 143-150 %D 1986 %A Marc Feeley %A Guy LaPalme %T Closure Generation based on viewing LAMBDA as EPSILON plus COMPILE %O Submitted for Publication %D 1986 %A Matthias Felleisen %A Daniel P. Friedman %T A Closer Look At Export and Import Statements %J Journal of Computer Languages %V 11 %N 1 %P 29-37 %I Pergamon Press %D 1986 %A Daniel P. Friedman %A Matthias Felleisen %T The Little LISPer: Second Edition %I Science Research Associates, Inc. %C Palo Alto, California %D 1986 %A Christopher T. Haynes %A Daniel P. Friedman %A Mitchell Wand %T Obtaining Coroutines With Continuations %J Journal of Computer Languages %V 11 %N 3/4 %P 143-153 %I Pergamon Press %D 1986 %A Mitchell Wand %T Finding the Source of Type Errors %J Conference Record of the Thirteenth Annual Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages %P 38-43 %I ACM %C St. Peterburg, Fla. %D 1986 %A Mitchell Wand %T From Interpreter to Compiler: A Representational Derivation %B Programs as Data Objects %I Springer-Verlag Lecture Notes %D 1986 %A Matthias Felleisen %A Daniel P. Friedman %T Control operators, the SECD-machine, and the lambda-calculus %J 3rd Working Conference on the Formal Description of Programming Concepts %C Ebberup, Denmark %P 193-219 %D August 1986 %A Eugene E. Kohlbecker %T Syntactic Extensions in the Programming Language Lisp %R Computer Science Technical Report #199 (PhD Dissertation) %I Indiana University %C Bloomington, Indiana %D August 1986 %A Eugene E. Kohlbecker %A Daniel P. Friedman %A Matthias Felleisen %A Bruce Duba %T Hygienic macro expansion %J Symposium on LISP and Functional Programming %P 151-161 %D August 1986 %O To appear in Lisp and Symbolic Computation %A Mitchell Wand %T The mystery of the tower revealed: a non-reflective description of the reflective tower %J Proceedings of the 1986 ACM Symposium on LISP and Functional Programming %P 298-307 %D August 1986 %E Jonathan A. Rees %E William Clinger %T Revised^3 Report on the Algorithmic Language Scheme %J ACM Sigplan Notices %V 21 %N 12 %D December 1986 %A Christopher T. Haynes %T Logic Continuations %J Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Logic Programming %P 671-685 %I Springer-Verlag %D Jul 1986 %A Matthias Felleisen %A Daniel P. Friedman %A Eugene E. Kohlbecker %A Bruce Duba %T Reasoning with Continuations %J Proceedings of the Symposium on Logic in Computer Science %P 131-141 %I IEEE Computer Society Press %C Washigton DC %D June 1986 %A David Kranz %A Richard Kelsey %A Jonathan A. Rees %A Paul Hudak %A James Philbin %A Norman I. Adams %T Orbit: An Optimizing Compiler for Scheme %J Proceedings of the SIGPLAN '86 Symposium on Compiler Construction %P 219-233 %I ACM %O Published as SIGPLAN Notices 21(7), July 1986 %D June 1986 %K orbit %A Marc Feeley %T Deux Approches a' L'implantation du Language Scheme %I M.Sc. Thesis, De'partement d'Informatique et de Recherche Ope'rationelle, University of Montreal %D May 1986 %A R. Kent Dybvig %T The Scheme Programming Language %I Prentice-Hall, Inc. %C Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey %D 1987 %K splang %A Marc Feeley %A Guy LaPalme %T Using Cloures for Code Generation %J Journal of Computer Languages %V 12 %N 1 %P 47-66 %I Pergamon Press %D 1987 %A Matthias Felleisen %T Reflections on Landin's J-Operator: A Partly Historical Note %J Journal of Computer Languages %V 12 %N 3/4 %P 197-207 %I Pergamon Press %D 1987 %A Matthias Felleisen %A Daniel P. Friedman %T A Reduction Semantics for Imperative Higher-Order Languages %J Parallel Architectures and Languages Europe %E De Bakker, Nijman and Treleaven %B Lecture Notes in Computer Science %V 259 %I Springer-Verlag %C Berlin %P 206-223 %D 1987 %T A syntactic theory of sequential control %A Matthias Felleisen %A Daniel P. Friedman %A Eugene E. Kohlbecker %A Bruce Duba %J Theoretical Computer Science %V 52 %P 205-237 %D 1987 %A Daniel P. Friedman %A Matthias Felleisen %T The Little LISPer %I MIT Press %D 1987 %O Trade Edition %K littlelisper %A Christopher T. Haynes %A Daniel P. Friedman %T Abstracting Timed Preemption with Engines %J Journal of Computer Languages %V 12 %N 2 %P 109-121 %I Pergamon Press %D 1987 %A Matthias Felleisen %T The Calculi of lambda-v-cs conversion: a syntactic theory of control and state in imperative higher-order programming languages %R Computer Science Technical Report #226. (PhD Dissertation) %I Indiana University %C Bloomington, Indiana %D August 1987 %A Matthias Felleisen %A Daniel P. Friedman %A Bruce Duba %A John Merrill %T Beyond Continuations %R Computer Science Dept. Technical Report #216 %I Indiana University %C Bloomington, Indiana %D February, 1987 %A Matthias Felleisen %A Daniel P. Friedman %T A calculus for assignments in higher-order languages %J Conference Record of the 14th Annual ACM Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages %C Munich, West Germany %P 314-345 %D January 1987 %A Matthias Felleisen %A Daniel P. Friedman %T A Syntactic Theory of Sequential State %R Computer Science Dept. Technical Report #230 %I Indiana University %C Bloomington, Indiana %D October 1987 %T Embedding continuations in procedural objects %A Christopher T. Haynes %A Daniel P. Friedman %J ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems %V 9 %N 4 %P 582-598 %D October 1987 %A Michael Eisenberg %T Programming In Scheme %E Harold Abelson %I Scientific Press %C Redwood City, CA %D 1988 %A Mitchell Wand %A Daniel P. Friedman %T The Mystery of the Tower Revealed: A Non-Reflective Description of the Reflective Tower %B Meta-Level Architectures and Reflection %E P. Maes and D. Nardi %I Elsevier Sci. Publishers B.V. (North Holland) %P 111-134 %D 1988 %O Also to appear in Lisp and Symbolic Computation %A Daniel P. Friedman %A Mitchell Wand %A Christopher T. Haynes %A Eugene E. Kohlbecker %T Programming Languages: Their Abstractions, Representations, and Implementations %I M.I.T. Press and McGraw Hill %D 1988-1989 %O in progress %A George Springer %A Daniel P. Friedman %T An Introduction to the Art of Programming in Scheme %D 1988-1989 %O in progress %A Harold Abelson %A Gerald Jay Sussman %T Lisp: A Langauge for Stratified Design %J BYTE %D February 1988 %P 207-218 %A William Clinger %T Semantics of Scheme %J BYTE %D February 1988 %P 221-227 %A Alan Bawden %A Jonathan Rees %T Syntactic Closures %J Proceedings of the 1988 ACM Symposium on LISP and Functional Programming %C Salt Lake City, Utah. %D July 1988 %A Matthias Felleisen %A Mitchell Wand %A Daniel P. Friedman %A Bruce Duba %T Abstract Continuations: A Mathematical Semantics for Handling Functional Jumps %J Proceedings of the 1988 ACM Symposium on LISP and Functional Programming %C Salt Lake City, Utah. %D July 1988 %A John Franco %A Daniel P. Friedman %T Creating Efficient Programs by Exchanging Data for Procedures %R Computer Science Technical Report #245 %I Indiana University %C Bloomington, Indiana %D March 1988 %A Mitchell Wand %A Daniel P. Friedman %T Compiling lambda expressions using continuations and factorizations %J Computer Languages 3 %D 241-263 %D 1978