From Mon Oct 3 16:01:44 EDT 1994 Article: 308 of comp.constraints Path:!!!MathWorks.Com!!!agate!!!not-for-mail From: (Michael Jampel) Newsgroups: comp.constraints Subject: Glossary of constraints Date: 3 Oct 1994 14:22:22 +0100 Organization: School of Informatics, City University Lines: 70 Message-ID: <36p0ie$> NNTP-Posting-Host: We were asked for a glossary of the field. Here is a first attempt. Thanks to Patrick Prosser and Thomas Schiex for help. I would like to put references to key papers in here (if you think it is a good idea) but am worried: if, out of ignorance, I put in references for some but not others, people might be offended. Comments to me by e-mail please, then I will post a new version if you think it is a good idea. Michael Jampel AC Arc-Consistency: a method for reducing the amount of back-tracking in CSPs AC-n Different algorithms for enforcing arc consistency: AC-3, AC-4 (Mackworth), AC-5 (van Hentenryck), AC-6+, AC6++ (Bessiere and Regin), AC-7 (Freuder). Also Hierarchical AC: HAC (Mackworth) and HAC-6 (Kokeny) AKL Agent Kernel Language: object-oriented concurrent constraints AND- AND-PARALLEL means doing all the atomic goals in one clause (or query) of a logic program in parallel (all the nodes of one branch of the search tree). OR-PARALLEL means doing all the clauses in parallel (all the branches of the search tree). ATMS Assumption-Based Truth-Maintenance System BJ Backjumping (*) BM Backmarking (*) BMJ Backmarking with backjumping (*) CBJ Conflict-Directed Back-Jumping (*) DB Dynamic Backtracking (*) CC(FD) Concurrent Constraint Programming over Finite Domains CCP Concurrent Constraint Programming CLP Constraint Logic Programming CLP(FD) Constraint Logic Programming over finite domains CLP(R) Constraint Logic Programming over the domain of Real numbers CLP(X) Constraint Logic Programming over some domain X CSP Constraint Satisfaction Problem DBT Dynamic backtracking DCSP Dynamic CSP DnAC Dynamic arc-consistency DVO Dynamic Variable Ordering heuristic (*) FC Forward-checking (*) FF First Fail principle: choose the variable with the smallest domain as the next instantiation (*) FLA Full Look Ahead FSL Full Shallow learning (*) GBJ Graph based Backjumping (*) GSAT Selman's GSAT HAC Hierarchical Arc Consistency. See AC-n. HCLP Hierarchical CLP IB Intelligent Backtracking (*) LC Local changes LP Logic Programming or Linear Programming MAC Maintaining Arc-Consistency NC Node consistency (see AC). Not much used NLP Non-Linear Programming. (Natural Language Processing elsewhere) NR Nogood recording (*) OR Operations Research. see newsgroup sci.op-research OR- See AND- PC Path-Consistency. Not much used PCSP Partial CSP PLA Partial Look Ahead RFLA Real Full Look Ahead SAT The problem of deciding if a given logical formula is SATisfiable. TMS Truth-Maintenance System (*) All these are different techniques/heuristics for improving the efficiency of constraint satisfaction