Extensions: .64s: x86-64 assembly code .64d: x86-64 disassembly .64ns: x86-64 assembly code with stack protection disabled .64nd: x86-64 disassembly with stack protection disabled FILES bufdemo.c bufdemo.64s bufdemo.64ns bufdemo.64d bufdemo.64nd Buffer overflow demonstration code bufdemo-sp bufdemo-nsp Compiled versions of bufdemo.c with/without stack protection locate.c Code to print addresses of interesting memory locations locate64 runaway.c runaway Demonstration that recursive functions can run out of stack space locate-all.xlsx Spreadsheet showing results of 5 executions of locate64 hexify.c hexify Program to convert hex sequence on standard input into a string Useful for generating exploits smash-hex.txt Hex representation of stack smashing exploit cat smash-hex.txt | ./hexify | ./bufdemo-nsp demos.txt demos.pdf Description of the demos that can be run with the provided programs