Algorithms Core

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Below is a tentative schedule for 15-750 (Spring 2001). Topics subject to change.

Lectures      Topic                                      Reading                              
 1.  01/16    Karatsuba, Strassen, Probability, Qsort    chapter 1 and handout
 2.  01/18    Treaps                                     Handout & chapter 13
 3.  01/23    Amortized analysis and start splay trees   chapter 12
 4.  01/25    Splay trees contd
 5.  01/30    graphs, MST, topological sorting           chapters 2, 4
 6.  02/01    Union/find                                 chapter 10
 7.  02/06    Fibonacci heaps                            chapters 8, 9
 8.  02/08    Linear time MST algorithm                  (handout?)
 9.  02/13    global min cuts                            (handout?)
10.  02/15    Voronoi diagrams                           (handout?)
11.  02/20    Planar point location I  (persistence)     (handout?)
12.  02/22    Planar point location II (Clarkson)        (handout?)
13.  02/27    Planar separator theorem                   chapters 14 & 15
14.  03/01    Network flows and matchings                chapter 16-20
15.  03/06    Network flows and matchings                chapter 16-20
16.  03/08      --midsemester break--
17.  03/13    Network flows and matchings                chapter 16-20
18.  03/15    Linear programming
19.  03/20    Approximation algorithms (LP rounding)
20.  03/22    Entropy and Huffman codes
     03/27      --spring break--
     03/29      --spring break--
21.  04/03    Approx algs II
22.  04/05    Semidefinite programming
23.  04/10    Random walks, cover times, Markov chains
24.  04/12    Random walks II
25.  04/17    Random walks III
26.  04/19    Random walks IV
27.  04/24    FFT					 chapter 35
28.  04/26    FFT applications
29.  05/01    Finite fields and polynomials              chapter 40
30.  05/03    TBD

Final exam:  Thu. May 10 8:30am-11:30am SH 125

Danny Sleator
Last modified: Tue May 1 15:07:00 EDT 2001