Assignment 1
Your Own WWW Home Page

Due Date

This assignment is due on Tuesday, January 27. Of course, you can still continue to work on your web page after that date. Please maintain your home page throughout the semester, until grades are completed.

The Assignment

Create your own home page. Make it an interesting page. At the very least, it should include:

Be sure to check the class bboard and web page for updates to the assignment.


If you are not familiar with HTML, there is no shortage of information on the Web. For example, you may want to read

The first URL above is the HTML 4.0 reference specification. You should use only tags defined in this document in your page. Deprecated tags are acceptable, but browser-specific tags are not. You do not have to use style sheets. The other URLs give useful introductory information, but be aware that they could be out of date with the current HTML standards.

You should be familiar with Java and Java applets, but if not try:

How to submit your assignment

It is suggested that you use CVS to manage the files associated with this assignment, firstly to assist in revision management, and secondly to demonstrate how CVS might be useful in your group project. Refer to the notes on using CVS for this assignment and your project for more information.

To submit the assignment, your home page must be visible to us at:

where uid is your user id. To have your directory created and permissions set appropriately, send e-mail to <> and ask for an assignment directory for uid for the 15612 class. If your account is an ANDREW or ECE account, you will need to ensure that you have a cross-realm id before sending this email. Be sure the place the Java source code in the hand-in directory together with the HTML file. If you are using CVS, this will mean updating your directory from the repository using cvs update

Of course, you can store the file somewhere of your own choosing and create a symbolic link (not an HTTP link) to it with the file name mentioned above. In that case, please make sure that all the permissions are set so that we can read the page.

If you would like to make your home page accessible from outside CMU, refer to

Collaboration Policy

For this assignment, you are allowed to discuss your work with other students, but you must produce a unique page to hand in. It would be considered very bad form, for example, cut-and-paste from someone else's web page, or simply to type in what you saw another student writing. Individuality and creativity will be rewarded.

Andrew Berry <>