Environment Graphics

Keyword: {background}

model=[Model Type]
(None | Plane | Box | Dome)
The background of the Mirage environment is black by default, but can be changed using these parameters.

A color can be specified using a hexidecimal #RRGGBB string. However, if an OGRE material file is specified using the material attribute, the material is rendered instead, overriding the color setting.

The type of model used to render the skybox may be set here. We found the Dome model to work best, though you can choose between None, Plane, Box, and Dome.

Tiling can be enabled or disabled depending on the material you choose for the sky.

Keyword: shadows

These attributes control how shadows are rendered in the Mirage environment.

Shadows can be enabled or disabled. The default shadow color can be set here as a hexadecimal #RRGGBB value.
The modulative and stencil parameters control the method used to render shadows; they may be toggled on or off.

Simulation Parameters

Keyword: physics

These attributes control the physics engine used to simulate the motion of objects in Mirage.

Gravity can be set relative to a default of -9.8 m/s^2 for gravity. The default mass scale may be adjusted as well.

The erp parameter adjusts the granularity used to solve physics constraint problems. Larger values can reduce the workload for these problems, but may cause jitter or instability.

The solveriterations parameter controls the maximum number of iterations the constraint solver may take. Increasing this may allow more problems to be solved, such as in joint strain situations.

The spacescale parameter defines the distance scale used when solving constraint problems.

The stepsperframe parameter allows each graphics update (new frame) to be subdivided into further physics solving steps.

Keyword: observer

These parameters specify where the observer (the camera) is initially located in Mirage space, represented with Cartesian coordinates x, y, and z.

The observer can be reoriented in space by specifying components of a quaternion for the orientation parameter.

Other Parameters

ambient [Color]
inertia [Float]
mass [Float]
render [Float]
timescale [Float]
These parameters are global values of the Mirage environment, so they occur on their own line as keywords by themselves.

The ambient color may be adjusted as a hexidecimal #RRGGBB string.

The default mass and inertia of objects in the environment may be set using these keywords.

Other internal parameters relating to the rendering and timescale of the simulation may be set here.