CS 15-441 Fall '01
Project 2

Handout ( [ps], [pdf], [single html], [split html] )

Simulator handout ( [ps], [pdf], [single html], [split html] )

Project 2 has been graded. We have some grading information.

Out: Tuesday, Oct. 2
Due: Tuesday, Oct. 30, 5PM

Late Policy:



To hand in your solution, you should proceed as follows. Note that the first two steps need to be executed at least 24 hours before the due date/time.
  1. Send an email listing the two group members to uhengart+441@cs.cmu.edu. The format of the body of this email is described in the project handout.
  2. Each group member should execute "cklog cs.cmu.edu" from an Andrew machine.
  3. Wait till you get an email saying that your handin directory has been set up for you. If you do not get an email within 24 hours after executing step 2, send email to uhengart+@cs.cmu.edu.
  4. Copy your source files, your Makefile, and your project report to your handin directory. The two group members have full access to their handin directory, so you can modify the files you handed in if required. You might have to execute "cklog cs.cmu.edu" again before being able to access the directory.
Make sure that your handin is correct, we will deduct points for incorrect handins:

Questions and Answers:

We have a FAQ for project 2.

Revisions and Updates:

Project Handout

Simulator Handout

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