CMU 15-418 (Spring 2012) Final Project:
Clever Name For A Chess Bot
Jessica Virdó, Michael Alexovich

Project Proposal -- last updated 1 April 2012. Completed.

References -- last updated 4 April 2012. A reference page of useful links and such for our convenience.

Checkpoint Report

Final Report

Working Schedule

Week What We Plan To Do What We Actually Did
Apr 1-7Knock out the nitty gritty: xboard to talk to FICS, bitboards for game representation, design decisions, setting up version control.Worked on xboard.c and bitboard.c, made a bunch of design decisions, set up git for version control, and a little more nitty gritty stuff.
Apr 8-14Implement the basic alpha-beta pruning in a simple, working, sequential chess bot. Focus on correctness, not speed. 
Apr 15-21Parallelize our sequential bot. Implement global data structures. 
Apr 22-28Implement optimizations -- there are a vast number of them available, so try many and see what works best. 
Apr 29-May 5Continue implementing optimizations, and potentially start running on Blacklight and thinking about or improving scalabilty. 
May 6-11Hopefully be done with major coding at this point. Clean up the code (especially making sure everything is fully documented), run the bot on FICS (maybe using Blacklight too?) to obtain final ratings, and complete the final writeup. Prep for the demo. 

Working Log

[Keep a log of work you have done here. You may wish to list optimizations you tried, what failed, etc. Or you can just rant. Keeping a good log will make it easy to put together your final writeup.]

Jump to a particular date: 01 April, 04 April, 06 April

01 April -- Set up the website! Hello world, etc.

04 April -- Gave Mike permissions to write to this file. :) Working on bitboards and xboards. Decided to go with a very simple bitboard representation for now, but should try switching to quad-bitboards (cf. references) for the potential SIMD speedup later on. Set up version control. Set up a makefile despite not speaking make.

06 April -- Added a README and the GPL to our codebase, since our bot is going to be open source at the end of the day. Still unable to think of a more clever name. Set up a link to this page on Jess's personal website:, for URL convenience.