Midterm Solutions 1. a. True b. False (would be true if all moves were unit cost) c. False d. False e. True (I incorrectly answered this to someone who asked Tuesday in class) f. False g. B Didn't cover |= (entailment) in class, but ... h. True i. True j. True 3. The h=4 on node A is not admissible! But blindly applying A* anyway ... 2. (E, 3), (A, 5), (C, 6) 3. (A, 5), (C, 6), (G, 7) 4. (C, 4), (D, 5), (G, 7) 5. (G, 4), (D, 5) 6. Terminated 4a. No b. No c. Yes d. Empty 6. Game-theoretic value of 8. Path is along the far left. 7. Not discussed in class. 8. a. All of the following interpretations: P Q R ----- T T T T T F T F T T F F F T T F F T F F F b. |= not covered in class, but ... A. F B. T C. F D. T 9. a. B b. The sentence should read: "Kelly owns a dog or Kelly is not an animal lover or both" Then the answer is C. c. B d. D 10. a. C b. B