Min Park: Winterfell Map


This final project is a map of Winterfell. It is comprised of 3 layers.

Originally, it was meant to be one layer, but have different levels of engravings

for each layers, but after attempting it, the difference between the levels of engravings

were not very noticable so instead I laser cut each layer out of 1/8in thick plywood.

I also considered 3D-printing, but considering how much time and difficulty the 3D-printer had with printing molecules and duck assignments, which were a lot smaller, I decided to use

laser cut.

The bottom layer has the base of buildings, roads, and the walls.

The middle layer has buildings and walls. The top layer has the outer walls as well as the buildings. The idea is that the bottom layer has all the components, the middle layer doesn't have the roads since they are not going to be as tall as the walls or the medium height buildings. Then the top layer is only the tall buildings and the outer walls around Winterfell. Two screws were used to hold the layers.