********************************************************* Status of 15213 student accounts on flounder.ics.cs.cmu.edu Last updated by cmcheck.pl on Wed Oct 8 13:19:56 2008 ********************************************************* I. The following 11 students have an account, but you cannot login yet because you do not seem to have a ~/.15213 subdirectory in your Andrew home dir. There are two likely reasons for this: (1) You have not run the 'checkin' script yet, or (2) Your home directory is unreadable. In either case, please see the course Web page for instructions on how to fix it. agrinshp bjohnsto canand cddesai chiachiy kaizheh koushiks makki msheth wka zsparks II. The following 0 students have an account and a ~/.15213 subdirectory, but you cannot login yet because ~/.15213 does not contain readable .klogin and .login files. There are two likely reasons for this: (1) You created ~/.15213 manually, instead of letting the 'checkin' script do it, or (2) Your ~/.15213 directory is not readable. In either case, see the class Web page for directions on how to fix it. III. The remaining 249 students have valid accounts and should be able to login to the fish machines: aalin aballard abaveja abunn afandria afirth agartrel agpierce ahernand ahugh ajlau akeeton amahendr amintz anoh anparikh apooveku areuter arjunpat arkali arosenbe asetto awesie ayerram aypatel bbajaj bgemperl bgoldfai bkamiche bkiu bkoopman bocongl bpak bpoole bsee celdred cfd cgjohnso chengchy chiayehl cindyt ckwon cnj com conghuye conyukse cooi crl csalvara csolidum cwyu dawarren ddebaun desaic dfreeman djn djoffe dkohlbre dryaboy dschoi dsterlin dtu eareid ecollazo ekemp emillerm emin emullini erippey eseo etobac etrottie fchuang fhe fperry frc gangz gchin gld gpi gstroz gtpark hcen hdoshi hmary hpitelka hshim ibrin igershgo iklee iklionsk ilyu imallios imatiach jaehoony jaejoon1 jasonl1 jasonm1 jboney jceirant jclevela jdcooke jdeng jhferris jihangs jihoonk jingyin jinkook jiohy jirving jjshah jlengyel jmcaputo jmeng jmirra jmohin jnbeaver joonseos jpoznans jscheine junghow jungminy jvdomino jwu2 kaichong kaiweng kanghons karank kdevos kevinli kfinch kksheth ksuravar kthiyaga kuoc lagarwal lewei lsundare maditya marodrig mbh mcha mcharkin mdpatel mgs mhahnenb minwooj mkadia mkrahman mmccortn msanyal mthambir mvartak mzheng naithara naparekh nburoojy ngales nishanty nljuboja npsnyder nsail nseemaku nsidawy ochoe okatkova otj pdesider pdille pengfeil peterrus pgala pgl phsieh plakhera pmmehta pmuruges pradeepk pranayj ramg rasher raziz rbhupath rchheda rdrummon reginac rharchan rkarandi rkh rraghava rrv rscruggs rshroff ruojiany ruship rvshah rwaaser sahuja sakaufma samirsin scoleman scsanghv sdhu sdshah seunghwl seungo seungwon sgogoi sharanya shivamp sjeyaram skandam skyadav smead smiles smoorman sn1 sscialli sstangl stacyl stallapr svenkate svshah svu sxia tbolds tconerly tdmartin tgt tjwilson tlewkowi ttzou varunc vinayr vkonda voommen vreznits woolimc ww2 xiaol xiaoyuan yluan ytoh yuchic yyeo zexic zhengz zizhuang zyichao ********************************************************* Status of 15411 student accounts on flounder.ics.cs.cmu.edu Last updated by cmcheck.pl on Wed Oct 8 13:19:56 2008 ********************************************************* I. The following 2 students have an account, but you cannot login yet because you do not seem to have a ~/.15411 subdirectory in your Andrew home dir. There are two likely reasons for this: (1) You have not run the 'checkin' script yet, or (2) Your home directory is unreadable. In either case, please see the course Web page for instructions on how to fix it. fshaikh ody II. The following 0 students have an account and a ~/.15411 subdirectory, but you cannot login yet because ~/.15411 does not contain readable .klogin and .login files. There are two likely reasons for this: (1) You created ~/.15411 manually, instead of letting the 'checkin' script do it, or (2) Your ~/.15411 directory is not readable. In either case, see the class Web page for directions on how to fix it. III. The remaining 19 students have valid accounts and should be able to login to the fish machines: asilvers bsimmers cabauer cruhland czl erhart harthur jdpotter jllong johlstei jwise lbermude matthewj pwg rlane robinste taiyangc tamirs zmm