15-213: Introduction to Computer Systems
CMU School of Computer Science
Fall 2003

Syllabus (pdf) | Schedule | Lectures | Labs | Exams | Textbook | Fish machines | Recitations
New Announcements

Old Announcements

Prof. David R. O'Hallaron , droh@cs.cmu.edu, WeH 8125, x8-8199.
Prof. Andreas G. Nowatzyk , agn@cs.cmu.edu, NSH 4117, x8-4846.

Quarup Barreirinhas, qsb@andrew.cmu.edu, Wean Cluster
Stavros Harizopoulos, stavros@cs.cmu.edu, WeH 5130, x8-3052
Matt Rosencrantz, mrosen@cs.cmu.edu, WeH 8112, x8-3066
Nitin Sharma, nsharma@ece.cmu.edu, Hamerschlag Hall 2132, x8-1112
Joe Trdinich, josepht@andrew.cmu.edu, Wean Cluster
Tim Wong, timothyw@andrew.cmu.edu, Wean Cluster

Course assistant
Barbara Grandillo, bag@cs.cmu.edu, WeH 8018, x8-7550.

Randal E. Bryant and David R. O'Hallaron,
Computer Systems: A Programmer's Perspective, Prentice Hall, 2003.
(Professors Bryant and O'Hallaron are donating the royalties
from CMU book sales to CMU, to be used for the CMU undergrads.

Brian W. Kernighan and Dennis M. Ritchie,
The C Programming Language, Second Edition, Prentice Hall, 1988

Course newsgroup
Be sure to subscribe and read regularly.

Course home directory
All course materials will be available in this directory subtree.

Last modified: Mon Dec 1 18:02:12 EST 2003