The TABLE signature

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functor MkTreapTable

A table is a set of key-value pairs where the keys are unique. For this reason, we often think of it as a mapping that associates each key with a value. Since tables are sets, standard set operations apply on them.

If $T$ is a table with $n$ elements, we may denote $T$ with the notation $\{(k_1\mapsto v_1),(k_2\mapsto v_2),\ldots,(k_n\mapsto v_n)\}$ where $k_1,\ldots,k_n$ are $n$ distinct keys, each $k_i$ maps to $v_i$ for $i\in[n]$, and the size of $T$ is written $|T|=n$. We say that a key $k$ is present in a table $T$, written as $k\in_m T$, if there exists a value $v$ such that $(k\mapsto v)\in T$.


structure Key : EQKEY
structure Seq : SEQUENCE
structure Set : SET where Key = Key and Seq = Seq

type 'a table
type 'a seq = 'a Seq.seq
type key = Key.t
type set = Set.t

val size : 'a table -> int
val domain : 'a table -> set
val range : 'a table -> 'a seq
val toString : ('a -> string) -> 'a table -> string
val toSeq : 'a table -> (key * 'a) seq

val find : 'a table -> key -> 'a option
val insert : ('a * 'a -> 'a) -> (key * 'a) -> 'a table -> 'a table
val delete : key -> 'a table -> 'a table

val empty : unit -> 'a table
val singleton : key * 'a -> 'a table
val tabulate : (key -> 'a) -> set -> 'a table
val collect : (key * 'a) seq -> 'a seq table
val fromSeq : (key * 'a) seq -> 'a table

val map : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a table -> 'b table
val mapk : (key * 'a -> 'b) -> 'a table -> 'b table
val filter : ('a -> bool) -> 'a table -> 'a table
val filterk : (key * 'a -> bool) -> 'a table -> 'a table

val iter : ('b * (key * 'a) -> 'b) -> 'b -> 'a table -> 'b
val iterh : ('b * (key * 'a) -> 'b) -> 'b -> 'a table -> ('b table * 'b)
val reduce : ('a * 'a -> 'a) -> 'a -> 'a table -> 'a

val merge : ('a * 'a -> 'a) -> ('a table * 'a table) -> 'a table
val extract : 'a table * set -> 'a table
val erase : 'a table * set -> 'a table

val $ : (key * 'a) -> 'a table


structure Key : EQKEY
The Key substructure defines the key type of a table, providing equality and toString functions on such keys.
structure Seq : SEQUENCE
The Seq substructure defines the underlying SEQUENCE type to and from which tables can be converted.
structure Set : SET where Key = Key and Seq = Seq
The Set substructure contains operations on sets with values of type key, reinforcing the notion of tables as sets of key-value mappings.


type 'a table
This is the abstract type that represents a table as described in the overview.
type 'a seq = 'a Seq.seq
This type is a shorthand for the abstract 'a Seq.seq type.
type key = Key.t
This indicates that the keys in a table must be of type Key.t.
type set = Set.t
This type is a shorthand for the abstract Set.t type.


val size : 'a table -> int
(size T) evaluates to $|T|$, the number of keys contained in the table $T$.
val domain : 'a table -> set
(domain T) evaluates to the set of keys contained in the table $T$.
val range : 'a table -> 'a seq
(range T) evaluates to a sequence containing all values in the table $T$.
val toString : ('a -> string) -> 'a table -> string
(toString valToStr T) evaluates to a string representation of $T$. This representation begins with “{” and ends with “}”. Each key-value pair is represented as “($k$->$v$)”, where $k$ is the string representation of the key and $v$ is the result of applying valToStr to the value.
val toSeq : 'a table -> (key * 'a) seq
If $T = \{(k_1\mapsto v_1),(k_2\mapsto v_2),\ldots,(k_n\mapsto v_n)\}$, (toSeq T) evaluates to a sequence of all key-value pairs $\langle (k_1,v_1),(k_2,v_2),\ldots,(k_n,v_n) \rangle$. The ordering of the sequence is implementation-defined.
val find : 'a table -> key -> 'a option
If $t$ contains the mapping $(k\mapsto v)$, (find T k) evaluates to (SOME v). Otherwise, it evaluates to NONE.
val insert : ('a * 'a -> 'a) -> (key * 'a) -> 'a table -> 'a table
(insert f (k,v) T) evaluates to $T\cup \{(k\mapsto v)\}$ provided $k\not\in_m T$. Otherwise, if $(k\mapsto v')\in T$, the value associated with $k$ is replaced with the result of applying $f$ on the old value $v'$ and the new value $v$.
val delete : key -> 'a table -> 'a table
(delete k T) evaluates to $\{(k'\mapsto v')\in T : k' \neq k\}$, removing $k$ from the table $t$.
val empty : unit -> 'a table
(empty ()) evaluates to the empty table, $\emptyset$.
val singleton : key * 'a -> 'a table
(singleton (k,v)) evalutes to the singleton table $\{(k\mapsto v)\}$.
val tabulate : (key -> 'a) -> set -> 'a table
If $S$ is the set $\{k_1,k_2,\ldots,k_n\}$, (tabulate f S) evaluates to $\{(k_1\mapsto f(k_1)),(k_2\mapsto f(k_2)),\ldots,(k_n\mapsto f(k_n))\}$.
val collect : (key * 'a) seq -> 'a seq table
If $S$ is a sequence of key-value pairs, (collect S) evaluates to a table where each $(k\mapsto V)$ maps $k$ to a sequence $V$ which results from grouping values of the same key $k$ together while respecting the original sequence ordering.
val fromSeq : (key * 'a) seq -> 'a table
If $S$ is a sequence of key-value pairs $\langle (k_1,v_1),(k_2,v_2),\ldots,(k_n,v_n) \rangle$, (fromSeq S) evaluates to the table $\{(k_1\mapsto v_1),(k_2\mapsto v_2),\ldots,(k_n\mapsto v_n)\}$.
val map : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a table -> 'b table
If $T = \{(k_1\mapsto v_1),(k_2\mapsto v_2),\ldots,(k_n\mapsto v_n)\}$, (map f T) evaluates to $\{(k_1\mapsto f(v_1)),(k_2\mapsto f(v_2)),\ldots, (k_n\mapsto f(v_n))\}$.
val mapk : (key * 'a -> 'b) -> 'a table -> 'b table
If $T = \{(k_1\mapsto v_1),(k_2\mapsto v_2),\ldots,(k_n\mapsto v_n)\}$, (mapk f T) evaluates to $\{(k_1\mapsto f(k_1,v_1)),(k_2\mapsto f(k_2,v_2)),\ldots, (k_n\mapsto f(k_n,v_n))\}$.
val filter : ('a -> bool) -> 'a table -> 'a table
(filter p T) evaluates to the table $T'$ such that $(k\mapsto v)\in T'$ if and only if $(k\mapsto v)\in T$ and $p(v)$ evaluates to true.
val filterk : (key * 'a -> bool) -> 'a table -> 'a table
(filterk p T) evaluates to the table $T'$ such that $(k\mapsto v)\in T'$ if and only if $(k\mapsto v)\in T$ and $p(k,v)$ evaluates to true.
val iter : ('b * (key * 'a) -> 'b) -> 'b -> 'a table ->'b
(iter f b T) iterates $f$ with left-association on the key-value pairs in $T$ with $b$ as the base case. The order of application is implementation-defined.
val iterh : ('b * (key * 'a) -> 'b) -> 'b -> 'a table -> ('b table * 'b)
(iterh f b T) evaluates to $(T',v)$, where $v$ is the result of evaluating (iter f b T) and $T'$ is a table containing partial evaluation results. Specifically, $T' = \{(k_i\mapsto r_i): (k_i\mapsto v_i)\in T\}$ where $r_i$ is the result of partial evaluation up to the $i^{th}$ key-value pair $(k_i\mapsto v_i)$ as defined by the implementation.
val reduce : ('a * 'a -> 'a) -> 'a -> 'a table -> 'a
(reduce f b T) is logically equivalent to (Seq.reduce f b (range T)).
val merge : ('a * 'a -> 'a) -> ('a table * 'a table) -> 'a table
merge is a generalization of set union. Specifically, (merge f (S, T)) evaluates to a table with the following properties: (1) it contains all the keys from $S$ and $T$ and (2) for each key $k$, its associated value is inherited from either $S$ or $T$ is $k$ if present in exactly one of them. But if $(k\mapsto v)\in S$ and $(k\mapsto w)\in T$, then the associated value is $f(v,w)$.
val extract : 'a table * set -> 'a table
extract is a generalization of set intersection. Specifically, (extract (T,S)) evaluates to $\{(k\mapsto v)\in T : k\in_m S\}$.
val erase : 'a table * set -> 'a table
erase is a generalization of set difference. Specifically, (erase (T,S)) evaluates to $\{(k\mapsto v)\in T : k\not\in_m S\}$.