The ArraySequence structure

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Implements SEQUENCE with

type 'a seq = { ary : 'a array, idx : int, len : int }
where the sequence is implicitly defined as starting at $ary[idx]$ with length $len$.

SEQUENCE Cost Specifications

Work Span
nth $S\:i$
length $S$
\[O(1)\] \[O(1)\]
toList $S$
fromList $S$
\[O(|S|)\] \[O(|S|)\]
tabulate $f\:n$ \[\sum_{i=0}^{n-1} \mathcal{W}(f(i))\] \[\max_{i=0}^{n-1} \mathcal{S}(f(i))\]
rev $S$
enum $S$
\[O(|S|)\] \[O(1)\]
append $(S_1, S_2)$ \[O(|S_1|+|S_2|)\] \[O(1)\]
flatten $S$ \[O(|S|) + \sum_{e\in S} O(|e|)\] \[O(\log|S|)\]
filter $p\:S$
filterIdx $p\:S$
\[\sum_{e\in S} \mathcal{W}(p(e))\] \[O(\log|S|) + \max_{e\in S} \mathcal{S}(p(e))\]
map $f\:S$
mapIdx $f\:S$
\[\sum_{e\in S} \mathcal{W}(f(e))\] \[\max_{e\in S} \mathcal{S}(f(e))\]
map2 $f\:S_1\:S_2$ \[\sum_{i=0}^{\min(|S_1|,|S_2|)-1} \mathcal{W}(f(S_{1i},S_{2i}))\] \[\max_{i=0}^{\min(|S_1|,|S_2|)-1} \mathcal{S}(f(S_{1i},S_{2i}))\]
zip $S_1\:S_2$ \[O(\min(|S_1|,|S_2|))\] \[O(1)\]
inject $I\:S$ \[O(|I|+|S|)\] \[O(1)\]
subseq $S\:(i, len)$ \[O(1)\] \[O(1)\]
take $(S, n)$
drop $(S, n)$
\[O(1)\] \[O(1)\]
showl $S$
showt $S$
\[O(1)\] \[O(1)\]
iter $f\:b_0\:S$
iterh $f\:b_0\:S$
\[\sum_{i=0}^{|S|-1} \mathcal{W}(f(b_i, S_i))\] \[\sum_{i=0}^{|S|-1} \mathcal{S}(f(b_i, S_i))\]

For reduce, $\mathcal{O}_r(f,b,S)$ represents the set of applications of $f$ as defined in the SEQUENCE specification. For scan, $\mathcal{O}_s(f,b,S)$ represents the set of applications of $f$ as defined by the implementation of scan in lecture.

Work Span
reduce $f\:b\:S$ \[O(|S|)+\sum_{f(x,y)\in\mathcal{O}_r(f,b,S)} \mathcal{W}(f(x,y))\] \[O\left(\log|S|\max_{f(x,y)\in\mathcal{O}_r(f,b,S)} \mathcal{S}(f(x,y))\right)\]
scan $f\:b\:S$
scani $f\:b\:S$
\[O(|S|)+\sum_{f(x,y)\in\mathcal{O}_s(f,b,S)} \mathcal{W}(f(x,y))\] \[O\left(\log|S|\max_{f(x,y)\in\mathcal{O}_s(f,b,S)} \mathcal{S}(f(x,y))\right)\]

The following costs assume that the work and span of the application of $cmp$ is constant.

Work Span
sort $cmp\:S$
collect $cmp\:S$
\[O(|S|\log|S|)\] \[O(\log^2|S|)\]
merge $cmp\:S_1\:S_2$ \[O(|S_1|+|S_2|)\] \[O(\log(|S_1|+|S_2|))\]
collate $cmp\:(S_1, S_2)$ \[O(|S_1|+|S_2|)\] \[O(\log(\min(|S_1|, |S_2|)))\]
argmax $cmp\:S$ \[O(|S|)\] \[O(\log|S|)\]