The Used Equipment Market

Depending on who you buy from, you will get vastly different prices and guarantees:

I've bought most of my instruments on eBay. If you don't want to spend a lot of money, and are willing to take the risk of getting something that doesn't work, eBay is best (see my eBay hints.) Most dealers now use eBay for selling items with weak demand or that are more popular with hams and audio buffs than engineers. Because of this an astonishing thing happened: I bought a Tektronix 7A13 from Tucker, the premier over-price dealer.

If it's important to get something that works because you don't have the repair skills, then by all means, buy something that is sold as working. This is a good approach when starting a home shop because you can't repair anything without some working instruments. And once you do start servicing instruments, you'll find you need more instruments...

Last update 14 July 2002

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