Dong Jia

5000 Forbes Ave.

2212 Hamburg Hall, ICES

Carnegie Mellon University

Pittsburgh, PA 15213

Phone: 412-268-2257

Fax: 412-268-5229


Ph.D. Candidate

Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering

Carnegie Mellon University







[Team Theory and Game Theory]    [Distributed Computing]    [Power System]    [Control Theory

Team Theory and Game Theory[Top]

  • Suijs, J., Cooperative Decision-Making Under Risk, Kluwer, 2000

  • Bilbao, J. M., Cooperative Games on Combinatorial Structures, Kluwer, 2000

  • Basar, T. and Olsder, G. J., Dynamic Noncooperative Game Theory, SIAM, 1998

  • Vaisbord, E. M. and Zhukovskii, V. I., Introduction to Multi-Player Differential Games and Their Applications, Gordon and Breach Science Publishers, 1987

  • Kim, K. H. and Roush, F. W., Team Theory, Ellis Horwood, 1987

Distributed Computing[Top]

  • Lurie, K. A., Applied Optimal Control Theory of Distributed Systems, Plenum, 1993

  • Kaszkurewicz, E. and Bhaya, A., Matrix Diagonal Stability in Systems and Computation, Birkhäuser, 1999

  • Kontoghiorghes, E. J., Parallel Algorithms for Linear Models, Numerical Methods and Estimation Problems, Kluwer Academic, 2000

  • Bertsekas, D. P. and Tsitsiklis, J. N., Parallel and Distributed Computation, Prentice Hall, 1989

  • Burrage, K., Parallel and Sequential Methods for Ordinary Differential Equations, 1995

  • Censor, Y. and Zenios, S. A., Parallel Optimization, Theory, Algorithms and Applications, Oxford University, 1997

Power System[Top]

  • Wood, A.J. and Wollenberg, B. F., Power Generation, Operation and Control, John Wiley & Sons, 1984

  • Kundur, P., Power System Stability and Control, McGraw-Hill, 1994

  • Ilic, M. and Zaborszky, J., Dynamics and Control of Large Electric Power Systems, John Wiley & Sons, 2000

Control Theory[Top]
  • Aubin, J. P. and Ekeland, I., Applied Nonlinear Analysis, John Wiley & Sons, 1984

  • Bryson, A. E. and Ho, Y., Applied Optimal Control, Optimization, Estimation and Control, Taylor & Francis, 1989

  • Šiljak, D. D., Decentralized Control of Complex Systems, Academic, 1990

  • Phillips, C. L. and Nagle, H. T., Digital Control System Analysis and Design, Prentice Hall, 1990

  • Kurzhanski, A. and Valyi, I. Ellipsoidal Calculus for Estimation and Control, Birkhäuser, 1996

  • Basar, T. and Bernhard, P., H-Infinity Optimal Control and Related Minimax Design Problems -- A Dynamic Game Approach, Birkhäuser, 1995

  • Cassandras, C. G. and Lafortune, S., Introduction to Discrete Event Systems, Kluwer, 1999

  • Frank, P. M., Introduction to System Sensitivity Theory, Academic Press, 1978

  • Tamura, T. and Yoshikawa, T., Large-Scale Systems control and Decision Making, Marcel Dekker, 1990

  • Boid, S., Ghaoui, L., Feron, E. and Balakrishnan, V., Linear Matrix Inequalities in System and Control Theory, SIAM, 1994

  • Hooker, J., Logic-Based Methods for Optimization: Combining Optimization and Constraint Satisfaction, John Wiley & Sons, 2000

  • Puterman, M. L., Markov Decision Processes: Distrete Stochastic Dynamic Programming, John Wiley & Sons, 1994

  • Dorf, R. C. and Bishop, R. H., Modern Control Systems, Addison-Wesley, 1998

  • Vincent, T. L. and Grantham, W. J., Nonlinear and Optimal Control Systems, John Wiley & Sons, 1997

  • Lewis, F. L. and Syrmos, V. L., Optimal Control, John Wiley & Sons, 1995

  • Dontchev, A. L., Perturbations, Approximations and Sensitivity Analysis of Optimal Control Systems, Springer-Verlag, 1983

  • Qu, Z., Robust Control of Nonlinear Uncertain Systems, Wiley Series in Nonlinear Science, John Wiley & Sons, 1998

  • Aubin, J. and Frankowska, H. Set-Valued Analysis, Birkhäuser, 1990

  • Utkin, V. I., Sliding Modes in Control Optimization, Springer-Verlag, 1992

  • Aubin, J. Viability Theory, Birkhäuser, 1991