Computational Symmetry

(last updated August 2005)


This research is currently supported in part by an NSF award IIS-0099597, and in part by ONR N00014-00-10915.

A Summary Paper

Liu, Y. ``Computational Symmetry'', in ``Symmetry 2000'' Wenner-Gren International Series, vol 80 Part I, pp. 231-245. Portland Press, London (ISBN I 85578 149 2). January 2002.
(pdf file for research communication only).

For work in each specific field, see

o A Computational Model for Repeated Pattern Perception Based on Crystallographic Groups

o Texture Synthesis on Near-regular patterns

o Texture Replacement in Real Images

o A Statistical Quantification of Human Brain Asymmetry

o Facial Asymmetry Quantification for Expression Invariant Human Identification

o Symmetry Groups in Robotic Assembly Planning

I am also affiliated with the International Society for Group Theory in Cognitive Science