Package edu.cmu.cs.coral.icf

Interface Summary
ActionStream Represents a stream of Action's usually generated by some Controller.
Agent Represents an agent that can be used in a Simulator and controlled by a Controller.
Controller This interface specifies the API for a generic agent controller.
Domain Represents a problem independent model of the relevant features of the world.
DomainReader An interface that is capable of reading domain files in some format into a domain that the Controller in use can use.
Feedback Represents Feedback to a Controller from a Simulator or the real world.
FeedbackGenerator Generates Feedback from the information in the simulator of an appropriate form for the simulator in use.
FeedbackGeneratorFactory Factory for creating FeedbackGenerator's that work with the Controller being used.
Goal Represents a goal to be achieved in the world.
ModelFactory A factory which creates objects that are specific to the model used by the controller
Problem Represents a problem dependent model of the relevant features of the world.
ProblemReader An interface that is capable of reading problem files in some format into a problem that the Controller in use can use.
Simulator Represents a simulator that understands actions generated by a Controller for a number of agents.
State Represents a state of the world.

Class Summary
Action Represents an action that can be executed by an agent.
ActionParams Represents values for the parameters of an ActionSchema
ActionSchema Represents a generic action of a particular kind.

Exception Summary
UnsupportedSimulatorException An exception used when a Controller is asked to work with a Simulator it doesn't understand.