Ralf Brown


Ralf Brown is a Principal Systems Scientist (research faculty) at Carnegie Mellon University's [picture, campus panorama] Language Technologies Institute in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, [sunset picture, panorama] working on text mining and language identification (and formerly on language technologies-driven data recovery and the Pangloss, DIPLOMAT/TONGUES, Generalized Example-Based Machine Translation, RADD/LingWear, AVENUE, Topic Detection&Tracking, MUCHMORE, GALE, and MTLAB projects).

He is well-known in cyberspace for maintaining the Interrupt List and various other programs, is a major contributor to darktable, and has co-authored a number of books.


Office Hours: GHC 5713. Usually Thursdays 1-2pm, or by appointment.

Fall 2024: teaching 11-601 Coding and Algorithms Bootcamp (syllabus, Lecture 1 slides, Lecture 2 slides); leading 11-696 MIIS Capstone Project.

Spring 2024: led 11-927 MIIS Capstone Planning Seminar.

Fall 2023: taught 11-601 Coding and Algorithms Bootcamp (syllabus); led 11-696 MIIS Capstone Project.

Spring 2023: led 11-927 MIIS Capstone Planning Seminar.

Fall 2022: taught 11-601 Coding and Algorithms Bootcamp; led 11-927 MIIS Capstone Project.

Spring 2022: led 11-927 MIIS Capstone Project.


Ralf's Informational Pages

The local Web:

Dancing in Pittsburgh


My Erdos Number is 4:
Paul Erdos -> Henryk Minc -> Marvin Marcus -> John Chollet -> Ralf Brown.

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(Last updated 24-Aug-2024)