ONN SHEHORY: Refereed Papers
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- O. Shehory and S. Kraus
Coalition formation among autonomous agents: Strategies and complexity,
Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence no. 957, From Reaction to Cognition,
C. Castelfranchi and J. P. Muller (Eds.), pages 57-72, 1995.
- O. Shehory and S. Kraus
Task Allocation via Coalition Formation Among Autonomous Agents,
Proc. of IJCAI-95, pages 655-661, Montreal, August 1995.
- O. Shehory and S. Kraus
A Kernel-oriented model for autonomous-agent coalition-formation in general environments,
Lecture Notes in Artificial
Intelligence, Distributed Artificial Intelligence - Architecture and
Modeling, pages 31-45.
- M. Klusch and O. Shehory
Coalition formation among rational information agents,
Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence no. 1038, Agents Breaking Away, W.
Van de Velde and J. W. Perram (Eds.), pages 204-217, 1996.
- O. Shehory and S. Kraus
Cooperative goal-satisfaction without communication in large-scale
In proceedings of ECAI-96, pages 544-548, Budapest, Hungary, August 1996.
- O. Shehory and S. Kraus
A Kernel-oriented model for autonomous-agent coalition-formation in
general environments: implementation and results, In proceedings of
AAAI-96, pages 134-140, Portland, Oregon, August 1996.
- O. Shehory and S. Kraus
Formation of overlapping coalitions for precedence-ordered task-execution
among autonomous agents, In proceedings of
ICMAS-96, pages 330-337, Kyoto, Japan, December 1996.
- M. Klusch and O. Shehory
A polynomial kernel-oriented coalition formation algorithm for rational
information agents, In proceedings of
ICMAS-96, pages 157-164, Kyoto, Japan, December 1996.
- J. Contreras, F. Wu, M. Klusch and O. Shehory
Coalition formation in a power transmission planning environment,
In proceedings of PAAM-97, London, UK, April 1997.
- O. Shehory, S. K. Sycara and S. Jha
Multi-agent Coordination through Coalition Formation,
Lecture Notes in Artificial
Intelligence no. 1365, Intelligent Agents IV, A. Rao, M. Singh and M. Wooldridge (Eds.), pages 143-154. Springer, 1997.
- O. Shehory, K. Sycara P. Chalasani and S. Jha
Agent cloning: an approach to agent mobility and resource allocation,
IEEE Communications, pages 58-67, vol. 36 no. 7, July 1998.
- O. Shehory and S. Kraus
Methods for task allocation via agent coalition formation,
Artificial Intelligence Journal, Vol. 101 (1-2), May 1998, pages 165-200.
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copying this paper for commercial use without the permission
of Elsevier Science.
- P. Chalasani, S. Jha, O. Shehory and K. Sycara
Strategies for Querying Information Agents,
Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence no. 1435, M. Klusch and G. Weiss
(Eds.), pages 94-107.
Best paper award winner:
- O. Shehory, S. Kraus and O. Yadgar
Goal-satisfaction in large-scale agent-systems: a transportation example,
Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence no. 1555, Intelligent Agents V,
A. Rao, M. Singh and J. Muller (Eds.), pages 277-292.
- O. Shehory, S. Jha, P. Chalasani and K. Sycara
Increasing resource utilization and task performance by agent Cloning,
Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence no. 1555, Intelligent Agents V ,
A. Rao, M. Singh and J. Muller (Eds.), pages 413-426.
- P. Chalasani, S. Jha, O. Shehory and K. Sycara
Query restart strategies for web agents, In proceedings of Autonomous Agents 98, pages 124-131, Minneapolis, May 1998.
- T. Sandholm, K. Larson, M. Andersson, O. Shehory and F. Tohme
Worst-Case-Optimal Anytime Coalition Structure Generation, In proceeding of
AAAI-98, pages 46-53, Madison, Wisconsin, July 1998.
- O. Shehory, K. Sycara, G. Sukthankar and V. Mukherjee Agent Aided Aircraft Maintenance , In proceedings of Autonomous Agents 99, Seattle WA, MAY 1999.
- O. Shehory and S. Kraus Feasible Formation of Coalitions Among Autonomous Agents in Non-Super-Additive Environments , Computational Intelligence, Vol. 15(3), August 1999, pages 218-251.
- O. Shehory, S. Kraus and O. Yadgar Emergent Cooperative Goal-Satisfaction in Large Scale Automated-Agent Systems, Artificial Intelligence Journal, Vol. 110(1), May 1999.
- O. Shehory
Spawning Information Agents on the Web,
Intelligent Information Agents,
M. Klusch (Ed.), Springer 1999.
- O. Shehory
A Scalable Agent Location Mechanism,
Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, Intelligent Agents VI,
M. Wooldridge and Y. Lesperance (Eds.), forthcoming.
- M. Paolucci, D. Kalp, A. Pannu, O. Shehory, K. Sycara
A Planning Component for RETSINA Agents,
Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, Intelligent Agents VI,
M. Wooldridge and Y. Lesperance (Eds.), forthcoming.
- T. Sandholm, K. Larson, M. Andersson, O. Shehory and F. Tohme
Coalition Structure Generation with Worst Case Guarantees, Artificial Intelligence Journal, forthcoming.