Schedule for Fall 2003

This schedule is only approximate at this point. We'll adapt it based on the interests of the members of the class.


Processing Motion Capture Data

9/8 The Process of Motion Capture: Dealing with the Data Bodenheimer, Rose, Rosenthal, and Pella. EGCAS 1997.

Understanding Motion Capture for Computer Animation and Video Games. A. Menache. 2000.

9/8 Automatic Joint Parameter Estimation from Magnetic Motion Capture Data O'Brien, Bodenheimer, Brostow, Hodgins

9/8 Local and Global Skeleton Fitting Techniques for Optical Motion Capture. Silaghi, PLankers, Boulic, Fua, and Thalmann.

Modelling and Motion Capture Techniques for Virtual Environments. International Workshop, CAPTECH'98, Geneva, Switzerland, November 26-27, 1998, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science Vol. 1537) Nadia Magnenat-Thalmann, Daniel Thalmann

9/8 Mapping Optical Motion Capture Data to Skeletal Motion using a Physical Model Zordan and van der Horst

Processing Motion Capture Data to Achieve Positional Accuracy Kwang-Jin Choi, Sanghyun Park and Hyeongseok Ko. The Journal of Graphical Models and Image Processing, 260--273, 1999

9/10 Footskate Cleanup for Motion Capture Editing Kovan, Schreiner, and Gleicher. SCA 2002.

9/10 Motion Warping Witkin and Popovic

Synthesizing Animatable Body Models with Parameterized Shape Modification Seo, Cordier, Magnenat-Thalmann

Evaluating Video-based Motion Capture Gleicher and Ferrier


9/15 Motion Editing with Spacetime Constraints Gleicher

9/15 Comparing Constraint-based Motion Editing Methods Gleicher

9/15 A Hierarchical Approach to Interactive Motion Editing for Humanlike Figures Lee and Shin. SIGGRAPH 99.

Force-based Motion Editing for Locomotion Tasks Pollard and Behmaram-Mosavat. ICRA 2000.

10/8 Physically based Motion Transformation Popovic and Witkin. SIGGRAPH 99.


11/24 Retargeting Motion to New Characters Gleicher SIGGRAPH 98

11/24 Online Motion Retargeting Choi and Ko. The Journal of Visualization and Computer Animation. 2000

Blending Motions

Interpolation Synthesis of Articulated Figure Motion Wiley and Hahn. IEEE CG&A 1997.

9/29 Verbs and Adverbs: Multidimensional Motion Interpolation Rose, Cohen, and Bodenheimer. IEEE CG&A 1998.

Flexible Automatic Motion Blending with Registration Curves Kovar and Gleicher

Efficient Generation of Motion Transitions using Space-time Constraints Rose, Guenter, Bodenheimer, and Cohen, SIGGRAPH '96.

Generation of Human Walking Motion with Emotion for Computer Animation Unuma and Takeuchi. Proceedings of Computer Animation '91.

9/29 Fourier Principles for Emotion-based Human Figure Animation Unuma, Anjyo, and Takeuchi. SIGGRAPH 1995.

Motion Signal Processing Bruderlin and Williams. SIGGRAPH 1995.

On-line Locomotion Generation based on Motion Blending Park, Shin, and Shin. SCA 2002.

12/1 Dynamics Filter - Concept and Implementation of On-Line Motion Generator for Human Figures K. Yamane and Y. Nakamura, Proc. of IEEE Intl. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, pp.688-695, April 2000.

Motion Graphs

9/22 Realistic Synthesis of Novel Human Movements from a Database of Motion Capture Examples Tanco and Hilton. Proceeding of the IEEE Workshop on Human Motion. 2000.

Snap-Together Motion: Assembling Run-Time Animations Gleicher, Shin, Kovar, Jepsen

10/29 Rhythmic-Motion Synthesis Based on Motion-Beat Analysis Kim, Park, and Shin

9/22 Motion Graphs Kovar, Gleicher, and Pighin SIGGRAPH 2002.

11/3 Interactive Motion Generation from Examples Arikan and Forsyth SIGGRAPH 2002.

9/22 Interactive Control of Avatars Animated with Human Motion Data Lee, Chai, Reitsman, Hodgins and Pollard. SIGGRAPH 2002.

11/5 Motion synthesis from Annotations Arikan, Forsyth, and O'Brien, SIGRAPH 2003.

Creating Animations

Straight Line Walking Animation Based on Kinematic Generalization that Preserves the Original Characteristics. Ko and Badler. Graphics Interface 1993.

11/10 Automating Gait Generation Sun and Metaxas

10/8 Synthesis of Complex Dynamic Character Motion from Simple Animations Liu and Popovic

10/22 Motion Capture Assisted Animation: Texturing and Synthesis Pullen and Bregler

Strength Guided Motion Lee, Wei, Zhao, and Badler. SIGGRAPH '90.

Animating by Multi-level Sampling Pullen and Bregler. IEEE Computer Animation Conference 2000.

Animating Human Locomotion in Real-time using Inverse Dynamics IEEE CG&A. Ko and Badler. 1996.

VLOCO: Real-time Human Locomotion from Positional Input Streams. Ko and Cremer. Presence 5(4) 1996.

Statistical Models for Generation

11/10 Style Machines Brand and Hertzmann

11/3 and 11/5 Motion Texture: A Two-Level Statistical Model for Character Motion Synthesis Li, Wang, and Shum

Learning Variable-Length Markov Models of Behavior Galata, Johnson, and Hoog. Computer Vision and Image Processing. 2001.

Learning Statistical Models of Human Model Bowden. IEEE Workshop on Human Modeling, Analysis, and Synthesis. CVPR 2000.

Combining Data with Simulation

10/29 Motion capure-driven Simulation that Hit and React Zordan and Hodgins, Symposium on Computer Animation 2002

A Dynamic Motion Control Technique for Human-like Articulated Figures Oshita and Makinouchi. CGF 2001.

Physics-based Simulation of Running using Motion Capture. Playter. Course notes SIGGRAPH 2000.

Tracking and Modifying Upper-body Human Motion Data with Dynamic Simulation. Zordan and Hodgins EGCAS 1999.

Deforming Bodies

9/17 The Space of Human Body Shapes: Reconstruction and Parameterization from Range Scans Allen, Curless, and Popovic. SIGGRAPH 2003.

Articulated Body Deformation from Range Scan Data Allen, Curless, and Popovic. SIGGRAPH 2002

9/17 Continuous Capture of Skin Deformation Sand, McMillan, and Popovic

Turning to the masters: Motion capturing cartoons. Bregler, Loeb, Chuang, and Deshpande. SIGGRAPH 2002.

Physically based anatomic Modeling for Construction of Muscleskeletal Systems. Ng-Thow-Hing. SIGGRAPH 1999. *

Anatomy-based Modeling of the Human Musculature Scheepers, Parent, Carlson, and May. SIGGRAPH 1997.

Interactive Control

11/12 Computer Puppetry: An Importance-based Approach Shin, Lee, and Shin

Presenting Movement in a Computer-Based Dance Tutor Sukel, Catrambone, Essa , Brostow, In International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, 15(3), 2003.

11/12 A Desktop Input Device and Interface for Interactive 3D Character Animation. S.Oore, D. Terzopoulos, G. Hinton, Graphics Interface 2002.

Layered Acting for Character Animation Dontcheva, Yngve, Popovic

A Real-time Anatomical Converter for Human Motion Capture. Molet, Boulic, and Thalmann. EGCAS 1996.

Computer Puppetry. Sturman. IEEE CGA 1998.

The use of Real-time Performance Animation in the Production Process. Benquey and Juppe. ACM SIGGRAPH 1997: Course Notes.

On-line Motion Retargeting. Choi and Ko. J. Visual Computer Animation 11 2000.

Real-time Control of a Virtual Human using Minimal Sensors. Badler, Hollick, and Granieri. 1993. Presence 2. *

Animation from Video

9/17 Incremental tracking of human actions from multiple views Yamamoto, M et al, Proceedings of CVPR 1998, Page(s): 2-7.

Articulated Body Motion Capture by Annealed Particle Filtering. Deutscher, Blake, Reid. CVPR 2000. more movies

12/3 Shape-From_Silhouette of Articulated Objects and its Use for Human Body Kinematics Estimation and Motion Capture, German K.M. Cheung, S. Baker and T. Kanade Proceedings of IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition 2003 (CVPR'03), Madison WI, June 2003.

Real-time Tracking of Highly Articulated Structures in the Presence of Noisy Measurements. Drummond and Cipolla. ICV 2001

Articulated soft Objects for Video-based Body Modeling. Plankers and Fua. ICCV 2001.

12/3 Implicit probabilistic models of human motion for synthesis and tracking,, Sidenbladh, H., Black, M. J., and Sigal, L., ECCV2002.

Facial Animation

12/1 Vision-Based Control of 3D Facial Animation Chai, Xiao, and Hodgins, SCA 2003

Reanimating the Dead: Reconstruction of Expressive Faces from Skull Data Kahler, Haber, Seidel

Eyes Alive Lee, Badler, Badler

Head shop: Generating Animated Head Models with Anatomical Structure. Kahler, Haber, Yamauhi, Seidel SCA 2002.

Shadow Puppetry. Brand. ICCV '99.

A Data-driven Model for Monocular Face Tracking. Gokturk, Bouguet, and Grzeszczuk. IEEE ICCV 2001.

Resynthesizing Facial Animation through 3D Model-based Tracking. Pighin, Szeliski, and Salesin. ICCV 1999.

Performance Driven Facial Animation. Williams. SIGGRAPH 1990.

Geometry-based Muscle Modeling for Facial Animation. Kahler, Haber, and Seidel. Graphics Interfaces 2001.

Where to look? Automating Visual Attending Behavior of Virtual Human Characters. Chopra-Khullar and Badler. 1999.

Making Faces. Guenter, Grimm, Wood, Malvar, and Pighin. SIGGRAPH 1998.

Hand Animation

Construction and Animation of Anatomically Based Human Hands Models Albrecht, Haber, and Seidel

EigenSkin: Real Time Large Deformation Character Skinning in Hardware. Kry, James, and Pai. SCA 2002.

Computer Animation of Knowledge-based Human Grasping. Rijpkema and Girard. SIGGRAPH 1991.

Hand Gesture Animation from Static Postures using an Anatomy-based Model. Ip, Chan, Lam. Proceedings Computer Graphics International 2000.

Crowd Animation and Navigation Planning

An Event-driven Approach to Crowd Simulation with Example Motions. Kim, Kim, Shin. TR CS-TR-2002-186, KAIST.

Planning biped locomotion using motion capture data and probabilistic roadmaps Min Gyu Choi, Jehee Lee, Sung Yong Shin April 2003 ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG), Volume 22 Issue 2


A Dynamic Optimization Solution for One Complete Cycle of Human Gait. Anderson and Pandy. Proc. International Society of Biomechanics XVII Congress. 1999.

Optimum timing of muscle Activation for Simple Models of Throwing. Pandy and Zajac. J. Biomechanics 23, 1990.

An Optimal Control Model of Maximum-height Human Jumping. Pandy and Zajac. J. Biomechanics

A Parameter Optimization Approach for the Optimal Control of Large-scalemusculoskeletal Systems. Pandy, Anderson, and Hull. J of Biomech Eng. 1992.


From 3D Shape Capture to Animated Models. Hilton and Starck. Proceedings of the First International Symposium on 3D Data Processing, Visualization and Transmission (3DPVT 2002).

Using Skeleton-based tracking to Increase the Reliability of Optical Motion Capture. Herda, Fua, Plankers, Boulic, and Thalmann. Human Movement Science Journal 2001.

Human Skin Deformation from Cross-sections. Jianhua, Magenate-Thalmann, Thalmann. Computer Graphics International.

Human Body Model Acquisition and Tracking using Voxel Data. Mikic, Trivedi, Hunter, and Cosman. International Journal of Computer Vision.

The Emote Model for Effort and Shape Chi, Costa, and Zhao. SIGGRAPH 2000.

Separating Style and Content. Tenenbaum and Freeman. NIPS 1997.

9/29 Artist-directed Inverse Kinematics using Radial Basis Function Interpolation. Rose, Sloan, and Cohen. Eurographics 2001.

Example Guided Inverse Kinematics. Seyoon Tak and Hyeongseok Ko. Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Graphics and Imaging (CGIM) 2000.

Knowledge-driven, interactive animation of Human Running. Bruderlin and Calvert. GI 1996. *

Human Motion Capture Driven by Orientation Molet, Boulic, and Thalmann Presence, 187-203, 1999.

Using an intermediate skeleton and inverse Kinematics for Motion Retargeting. Eurographics 2000. Monzani, Baerlocher, Boulic, and Thalmann. *

Processing motion capture data to achieve positional accuracy. GMIP. 1999. *

Automated Learning of Muscle-Actuated Locomotion through Control Abstraction. Grzeszczuk and Terzopoulos. SIGGRAPH 1995. *

Goal-directed, dynamic animation of Human Walking. Bruderlin and Calvert. SIGGRAPH 1989. *

A morphable model for the synthesis of 3D faces. Blanz and Vetter. SIGGRAPH 1999. *

Pose Space Deformations: A Unified Approach to Shape Interpolation and Skeleton-Driven Deformation. Lewis, Cordner, Fong. SIGGRAPH 2000. *

A High-level Control Mechanism for Human Locomotion based on Parametric Frame Space Interpolation. Guo and Roberge. EGCAS 1996.

Data-driven Motion Transitions for Interactive Games. Mizuguchi, Buchanan, and Calvert. Eurographics 2001 Short Presentation.

Motion Synthesis by Example. Lamouret and van de Panne. 1996. EGCAS.

Human Walking Animation based on Foot Reaction Force in the Three-Dimensional Virtual World. Tsutsuguchi, Shimada, Suenaga, Sonehara, and Ohtsuka. J. Visualization and Computer Animation. 2000.

Other Background

Inverse kinematics positioning using nonlinear programming for highly articulated figures, Zhao and Badler ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG) Volume 13, Issue 4 (October 1994) Pages: 313 - 336

General Construction of Time-domain Filters for Orientation Data. Lee and Shin. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics 2002.

Multi-weight Enveloping: Least-Squares Approximation Techniques for Skin Animation. Wang and Phillips SCA 2002.

Practial Optimization. Gill, Murray, and Wright. 1989 Academic Press.

Markov Chain Monte Carlo in Practice. Gilks and Richardson, Spiegelhalter. 1996.

Dynamic Programming and Optimal Control. Athena Scientific. Bertsekas. 2000.

A Tutorial on Hidden Markov Models and Selected Applications in Speech Recognition. Rabiner. Proc. IEEE 1989.

Animating Rotation with Quaterenion Curves. Shoemake. SIGGRAPH 1985.

Parametric Hidden Markov Models for Gesture Recognition. Wilson and Bobick. IEEE PAMI 1999.

System Indentification--Theory for the User. Ljung. Prentice Hall 1999.


Week of Monday Wednesday
September 1
Week 1
Labor Day Discussion of Projects
September 8
Week 2
Processing Motion Capture Data Editing Motion Capture Data
September 15
Week 3
Editing and Retargeting Video Data and Body Shape
September 22
Week 4
Motion Graphs
Project proposals due
No class
September 29
Week 5
Style vs. Content No class
October 6
Week 6
No Class
Optimization for Character Animation
October 13
Week 7
Project Pitches
Project Pitches
October 20
Week 8
Project Pitches
More "using mocap" papers
Two dance papers
October 27
Week 9
No class ----
November 3
Week 10
---- ----
November 10
Week 11
Style Machines and Gait Generation Interfaces
November 17
Week 12
Project Reports Project Reports
November 24
Week 13
Retargeting Thanksgiving, no class
December 1
Week 14
---- ----
December 10 12:00-3:30 NSH 1109 (inside FRC) Final Presentations, lunch will be provided